Vruosk empire

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a Vruosk general observing the humans in club caprice

Vruosk empire:

multigalactic interstellar empire supported by a truly massive army


their biggest feat is controlling about 5 galaxies currently while not massive compared to the highest tier civ's still decent for an interstellar empire of only 450 years old


around 5600 years from tribes to space-faring


the great tribes of their home world fought among each other till one of their kind now their greatest general united their kind they were in essence primordial soup only a million years before their venture into space which was met with very dangerous enemies early on their nearest enemy a peaceful species known as the Ora were quickly brought to heel after a brutal war where the ora fought for their very survival a few decades and then a century would pass until the fledgling Vruosk empire encountered the massive domain of the Ilneps who despite their massive tech advantage could not win against the flood of Vruosk soldiers and ships in greater numbers and employing better tactics due to their century of conquering and their long war they waged against the Ora the conflict ended with the great Vruosk general who united the tribes on his world standing tall among the ruins of the Ilneps capital now an empire seemingly without an end to resources now the Vruosk empire set its sights on another galaxy again with their overwhelming numbers the brought ot heel the swift end of their enemies and this continued to their present day


there consists 4 casts of the Vruosk empire and they are: the great builders of Vruosk, the swords of Vruosk, the great minds of Vruosk, and the soul of the mighty Vruosk people order of importance to society- the swords of Vruosk- the soul of the great Vruosk people- the great builders of Vruosk- the great minds of Vruosk

army size:

roughly 20 million ships minimum of 5000 Vruosk warriors on each ship going up to close to 10 million soldiers per each capital ship and more per dreadnought one capital ship has enough vehicles and fighters an armament to either capture or straight up destroy a solar system full of life


no Vruosk is helpless every single one is trained from birth too kill even moderately skilled heroes in groups but match the small time ones easy they have two weaknesses and thats telepathy and brute forced to death they have trained telepathic shamans to counter but after they are dealt with then only their leaders are smart enough to resist