Sammy Le

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"Hey, welcome to my world. Known as the blank universe. Want to know why? Because in this universe, none of you exist. None of this Remnant crap. None of this Mogul crap. None of this powers crap. I decided to help you because I feel like it. I'm not really into going all out in this war. Am I pussy? Yes. Is that a bad thing? Maybe. But you know what's worse? Facing a threat and losing my life in this ridiculous shit you call fantasy. Because that's all this is to me. Fiction."

Sammy Le is the fourth Remnant of Paladin Decen, representing his ignorance. Sammy possesses the ability of Shadow Manipulation. However, due to being born in the blank universe, which followed physics that was unlike any other universe, Sammy grew up in what appeared to be a normal life. Born to a mother and father, and lived in his perspective, as a real life. Sammy is largely regarded amongst his brethren as the strongest Remnant due to his immense magical power, seemingly indestructible body, and ability to easily traverse universes.

To Sammy, his adventures with Merrow Rivenlight and the other Remnants is but a mere hobby. As when he uses his powers, he is in a dream state. In his perspective, everything appears to be a mere "dream", and when he wakes up, he continues to live his life as normal.

Unbeknowst to the Remnant, initially, Sammy was actually capable of shadow transfer, the technique of transferring his consciousness to other dimensions by means of shadow manipulation and shadow conversion, in which his real body remains asleep in his home world, but his consciousness, shadow converted, can roam any universe it desires.

Due to his "other body" essentially only being a consciousness, Sammy is considered indestructible, and his powers nearly unquantifiable in ability. However, he is limited to his amount of "sleeping time", and thus he is only able to take form in 8-10 hour intervals.

During the final battle against Prime Aspect Mogul, Sammy's "Shadow Persona" was killed, and his memories of being a Remnant were wiped, as he continued living his life in his blank universe with absolutely no recall of his life as the Shadow Walker, or his brethren, essentially destroying his second life as a Remnant to Decen.


Sammy is described to take everything a joke. Making light of things, and rarely taking anything really seriously, as in his standpoint, everything appears to not be "real". To him, he is living a fantasy dream, in which he can do whatever he wants, and fight on his own accord. This has led to repeated conflict with the other Remnants and sometimes to Merrow as well. Due to Sammy's universe being a "blank universe", it is virtually impossible for other beings from other dimensions to warp to his world, meaning Merrow has been unable to prove to Sammy that the life he lives as the Shadow Walker is real.

Sammy has repeatedly told so many jokes, that the other Remnants have taken note as to the things he has said, dubbed "The Great Quotes of Sammy". In which Sammy mocks anime themes, cliches, story themes, over the top synopsis that is obviously overused in stories, as he believes the entire thing to be a joke.


Detach Consciousness: When Sammy is asleep, he has the ability to detach part of his soul and consciousness from his body. In this form, Sammy gains access to his other heightened powers. And gains indestructibility due to essentially being an energy form. In this form, Sammy is capable of immense multiverse travel, and is able to travel to universes that are otherwise near impossible to reach, like the universe of Samuel Mace. The only weakness of this form is if Sammy's real body is forced awake, his "astral form" is forced back into his body, no matter how far away he is, or if he is in another universe. Additionally, Sammy's real body is vulnerable to all physical attacks, meaning to defeat Sammy, it is just a matter of locating his real body.

Immeasurable Magical Power: Sammy's powers stem from the god of darkness, Tsukuyomi. According to Sammy, when he first learned of his powers to manipulate the shadows, he was only able to draw up to 75% of the god's power. While powerful, Sammy was unsatisfied, and sought ways to become even more powerful.

After meeting a sage in a magical land, Sammy had the sage perform a Rule Breaker Ritual on him, allowing Sammy to access even more of Tsukuyomi's power, breaking the limits and going beyond 100%. Sammy states that he has yet to truly showcase the limits of his power, as his enemies are either too weak, or using too much would cause unwarranted destruction to the surroundings.

Sammy is said to be by far the strongest Remnant due to this, as shown when Sammy easily defeated Heracles at 15% power, an Acolyte that Remnant 3, 15, and 6, were unable to defeat.

Umbral Elemental Manipulation: Sammy can control all four umbral elements to a mass destructive scale. According to the Remnant, at 15% power, he can decimate an entire neighbourhood with a single elemental blast. At 45% power, he can destroy an entire city. At 95% power, he can destroy an entire continent. At 120% power, an entire planet. And at 300% power, he estimates that he can destroy entire galaxies. However, Sammy has yet to show the limits of his power beyond 155% due to the devastating collateral damage it can do.