(KigaVerse) Watch Dogs: Day Of The Destroyer

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I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire - The Ink Spots

Somewhere in Detroit, USA

The fevered clacking of keystrokes over an early nineties keyboard were slightly pronounced over a mixture of chaotic, unsettling sounds.

The massive bulkhead doors stood side-by-side, either side facing the center of a dimly lit industrial chamber on 20 degree angles. Each was massive, standing twenty feet tall with a think, nigh-impregnable plate of glass about fifteen feet high. They were about twelve feet wide and had been comprised of rare, durable alloys to prevent entry, or escape.

The first window seemed to be submerged in a dark, murky water and the large mass that seemed to skirt by ominously every few seconds was darker even still.

The second window seemed to be containing a raging blizzard and deep, rapturous, earthen moans and groans emanated from the door with seemingly malicious intent. The sort of sounds that come from large structures being bent and twisted.

The third door, on the far right, showed signs of warping and indentation. The window was illuminated by a neon green hue that would have been almost beautiful if not for the thundering, ferocious bangs of flesh on metal that pounded from the surface of the door every three to five seconds.

To the right of the doors, suspended above a second story catwalk, sat a large computer console with an unorthodox interface module and a wide, towering screen. Upon a glance one could note what appeared to be a depiction of Earth and a fleet of red circles surrounding her orbit.

Beyond the catwalk, opposite the bulkhead doors, a massive collage of screens of varying sizes were mounted against the length of the wall, each feeding live video of different vantage points around Detroit. Some were of unidentifiable locations where rows upon rows of Destroid units could be observed upon close examination.

At the center of it all, Doctor Destroyer stood before a master control console of modest size, but with a control module equally as complex as the other module. He typed away at the interface, a series of characters forming what looked like the body of a formal letter which was displayed on a small monitor along the face of the control panel.

The KigaVerse

KV Watch Dogs1.png
KV DoTD.png



(Work In Progress. . .)