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Player: LeviticusCromwell
Class Focus: Hybrid Melee/Ranged DPS
Power Level: Confidential
Research & Development: Science (Inventions)
Personal Data
Real Name: Allyandra Romano
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Ethnicity: North American
Age: 21
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Eye Color: sclera-black; pupils-red
Hair Color: Black with dyed bangs and highlights
Biographical Data
Nationality: United States
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: Levittown, New York
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Super speed, lightning fast reflexes, metahuman strength, heightened senses
Known Abilities
Master of Gun Kattas
2x Limited Edition John Jardine .45 ACP handguns (1911 based)


January 2010, at age 25, Marc "Champ" Champion was on top of the world. After just four years in the NFL, Champ broke every single season passing and rushing yardage record history. With four MVP seasons, some called him the greatest to ever play the game...

Project Stein

That all changed January 31st. During his second Super Bowl, Champ suffered a career ending neck injury that left him paralyzed from the neck down. His life turned upside down. No money, and no job, and mounting medical bills - Champ had no where to turn.

Because of his incredible athletic ability, VIPER sought to use some of Champ's genetic code to aid in their efforts to create the next supreme fighting machine soldier. In exchange for his cooperation, VIPER promised Champ he would regain his ability to walk and run again.


For two years, Champ underwent experiments supervised by Dr. Draysha and Dr. Blank in VIPER'S Project Stein. Though the experiments worked with great success, Champ found his emotions to be volatile and unstable.

Champ escaped the experimental facility, and is currently working for UNITY to make ends meet, and hopefully, one day, find a cure.

Powers and Abilities

Superhuman Speed: Champ's superior athletic ability, and genetically legs allow him to run at speeds that are well beyond the natural physical limits of even the fittest human athlete. Champ's strength is fuel by rushes of enraged fueled blood that increases during combat.

Superhuman Durability: Known as invulnerable, Champ possesses a high degree of resistance to injury. His skin is impervious to conventional blades, adamantium and vibranium being among the few metals that are capable of piercing his skin. This invulnerability extends to bullets, shrapnel, and explosives. Champ is able to withstand high caliber bullets, energy blasts, falls from extreme heights, and great impacts. Champ's durability, like his strength, is fueled by rushes of enrage and adrenaline while in combat.