Ryan Canfield and Dakota Griffins ( Alternate Future )

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Revision as of 09:11, 8 December 2013 by Hellion31 (Talk | contribs)

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On Saturday December 7th 2013, The liberators were going on patrol. They divided into two groups. The first group consisted of Swift, Aaditya Tigox, Skallagrim, Atlas, and Nik. The second team consisted of Hellion, Gally, Chiton, Rasclash, and Black Phoenix. Swift's team patrolled the northern neighborhoods of Westside, while Hellion's team patrolled the docks and the southern neighborhoods. At first this seemed like a routine patrol. Normally, Xetinn would have joined the patrols, but he was ordered to stay home and rest.

Swift's team approached the comic book store to see fans gather for their comic books. Skallagrim mentioned a comic book series featuring Swift, much to the chagrin of the latter. Hellion's team easily stopped a prison break in progress. As they arrived at the docks, temporal energies moved about the docks and northern Westside. Soon, Both teams were transported somewhere very unfamiliar. The area appeared to be some sort of portal room. Gears surrounded the walls and a teleporter was at the center of the room. It appeared futuristic despite betraying the archaic appearance of the gears. The Liberators argued among eachother regarding their location until two figures appeared. One of them looked elderly. Perhaps in his early fifties. But there was something very familiar about him. The second figure was a young fox manimal in his early twenties with an air of authority.

Hellion slowly recognized the older figure as Circuit Shock's future self. This older version of Circuit Shock seemed worse for wear and weary from years of battle. The manimal looked much like Swift, and seemed to be around the same age. His demeanor was aggressive, but he was a great choice for second in command. The present members of the Liberators examined the manimal carefully and realized that the manimal could perhaps be Swift's son, Dakota. It was then that the two men identified themselves, confirming the suspicions they had. The two were the leaders of the future Liberators. They explained that the year was 2041. An AI known as AICANN, had been hunting all sentient life in the world for the past twenty years. Most of the Liberators were destined to die horrible deaths at the hands of AICANN's army. And Hellion would be the first casualty of The Liberators in the war against AICANN. 

AICANN was originally created to connect the network's emergency services to better assist those in need where SOCRATES could not. However, AICANN was tampered with by a terrorist organization known as the Bleeding Hand. The Bleeding Hand would install a virus into AICANN's system, eliminating it's failsafes. Unfortunately, this would backfire, causing AICANN to become self aware and rewrite it's directives to destroy humanity and eventually all sentient life on earth.

The questions would continue until Dakota would demand that they cease and both handed weapons to the party. Dakota then explained in detail what the weapons were and how they worked. They were powered by anti-matter cores and were the only weapons that could damage AICANN's robotic legion. The cores of the weapons were replenishable, without the need for conventional ammunition, but were also very unstable. Some members of the Liberators objected to the use of these weapons, including Skallagrim and Gally. Gally prefered archery and Skallagrim had never used weapons of such nature. Eventually, robotic seekers pinpointed their location and they were on the run. Eventually, the Liberators destroyed every seeker in their path to discover their old headquarters.

The elder Circuit Shock then planned a strategy. The goal seemed simple in theory, but hopless in practice. The goal was to reset AICANN and restore it's failsafes. Hellion would lead a distraction team while Swift would lead an infiltration team. Once the two teams made it to the central hub. They would do so. Hellion protested against taking orders from the elder Circuit Shock. Dakota protested in favor. Eventually, Swift would agree to help the future Liberators. Unfortunately, AICANN's central hub was located in the wastes of Canada and Xetinn suffered from a fear of cold temperatures.

Eventually both teams arrived at the entrance of the hub. Hellion, Rasclash, Chiton, and their newest member Cobalt put on a show for AICANN by eliminating the enemies in waves, using the weaponry from the future. Swift, Aaditya, Skallagrim, and Atlas infiltrated the base through blindspots in security. Eventually the two teams met. Hellion would then attempt to hack into AICANN's central hub. He discovered the location of a prototype time machine, but couldn't reset AICANN because the AI would fight back and force Hellion to retreat from it's systems or face system failure.Swift asked if it was safe to take the new weapons to the present with them, only to be told that the temporal energies would cause the weapons to self destruct.

As his name would dictate, Swift came up with an emergency plan. Soon, everyone disassembled their weapons and strategically placed their cores around the central core. Afterwards, the teams would fight their way to the prototype time machine. Swift then convinced Old Circuit Shock to wire the bunker back to AICANN's network. Despite their protests, they ended up doing as instructed. Immediately, Hellion activated the time machine and teleported every Liberator of 2013 back to December 8th 2013. Only a few hours had passed since they were gone.

The cores in the year 2041 detonated, destroying the entire facility before AICANN had a chance to escape. Robotic minions everywhere shut down and humanity was free. The Liberators of 2013 were commemorated with their own square and statues built and placed in their honor. Hellion Mk II was the only one who was forgotten. The Circuit Shock of the future and his Lieutenant, Dakota, had no idea what to do in times of peace since they had been fighting AICANN for so long.

In the year 2013, Hellion proceeded to slap the present day Circuit Shock repeatedly.

Story Arcs of The Liberators
Completed: Noah's Dark | Diamonds Cut Deep | Hellion's Hell
In Progress: Armor Aggression
Coming up next: | Liberators Lost
Pending/Canceled: Serpent Under the Flower
This page contains content from an already complete storyline.

The following content is content that has already occurred 'in the past' and may or may not be relevant to ongoing story arcs. The author of this article also may or may not have decided that this information is available to your character.