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Player: @riftlion
Character Build
Class Focus: Solo
Power Level: Confidential
Research & Development: Diablerie
Biographical Data
Real Name: Confidential
Known Aliases: Confidential
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Greek
Place of Birth: Turkey
Base of Operations: Vibora Bay
Relatives: Confidential
Age: Confidential
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 220lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Dark Olive
Physical Build: Muscular, Athletic
Physical Features: Confidential
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Lawful Neutral

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Identity: Publicly Known
Years Active: Confidential
Citizenship: US
Occupation: Mercenary
Education: Confidential
Marital Status: Confidential
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template

Tariq is a Sellsword Vampire that goes after a very exclusive list of targets, other vampires that do not share the beliefs passed down by the progenitor of his clan. He uses a variety of methods to accomplish his goals and is very meticulous in his work. He will only kill those he targets and those who try to stop him. Casualties are inexcusable. In the 800 years since Tariq was embraced, he has only had to kill two humans. Every other kill that blackens his aura is another vampire.



Tariq was born in Byzantium during the final years of the Roman Empire. He was born to a Greek Family that had migrated there shortly before the Fourth Crusade. Having been born to a soldier, Tariq was seemingly predestined for the life of a Warrior.

Second Birth

During the interim between the Roman and Ottoman Empires, Tariq encountered the man who would be his second father. Tariq met what he now knows as a seventh generation vampire of a clan started by the Vampire Haqim. He was embraced into this clan and his already impressive abilities as a warrior were greatly improved over the years.

Early Years

Tariq knew from the start of his new un-life that the Path of Blood would be his calling. His new found speed and agility helped him to greatly increase his ability as he honed his skill with the blade. Tariq became a Dervish both in title as one who follows the Path of Blood as well as on the battlefield. He quickly rose in prestige as one of the better swordsman of the entire clan. Being a warrior, he was one of the common folk in the clan but he would not let that stop him from achieving new heights through his deeds. He found that being of the eight generation afforded him some advantages over those in higher generations than he, while at the same time not putting him at a high enough disadvantage to those of a step lower generation that he couldn't carry out contracts that he was assigned.


First Kill

Tariq's first kill was another vampire of his own clan. Tariq was given this contract as a means to test not only his skill but his resolve as well. The target was another vampire from his clan, one of which Tariq had known fairly well. Nonetheless, Tariq knew the laws and he knew what had happened as well as what would happen if he did not comply. He carried out his assignment with cold determination and brutal efficiency.