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Player: @daekyn
On Patrol in Millennium City
Class Focus: Stealth
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Sevet Fzahn
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Spanish Descent
Age: 213
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 155 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: No affiliation
Occupation: Business Man, Mercenary, sometimes Hero
Place of Birth: Leon, Spain
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Widow
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Teleportation, Regeneration, Enhanced Spatial Acuity
Known Abilities
holds advanced degrees in Medicine, Anthropology, Psychology, Engineering, Physics and Philosophy
Carries a variety of gear to deal with certain aspects of his jobs, including; Hand cuffs, satellite communications, lock picks, Bolas and an advanced tablet.

Background & Appearance


"A Nomad, someone who is always on the move; whose home is where they are at, at the moment"
Left as a newborn in an orphanage in 1801, Sevet Fzahn knew at an early age that there was something significantly different about him. He could heal wounds at a faster rate then others and appeared to be far more resistant to diseases. More importantly, when he was about 15 years old, he discovered he had an ability to teleport vast distances. He was reading a book and came across a picture of the Great Wall of China, when he unexpectedly arrived, rather ill-prepared, at the same spot the picture was taken. It took him some days to figure out his power as he wandered the Chinese country side. Since that time, his powers have developed significantly, as has his knowledge of martial arts. He has studied all over the world, adapting each style to take advantage of his powers.

Sevet has an athletic build, as he has literally had decades, in fact centuries to improve his physical abilities, and while not possessing any super-human strength, he is in near peak physical condition. His accelerated healing also seems to have stopped his aging near completely as he entered adulthood, giving him a physical appearance in his early 20's. When not in one of his many "Work suits" Sevet dresses conservatively and somewhat casually. His appearance is usually well kept, and oddly enough he has that visage of someone who would "Fit in anywhere"
His "Work Suits" are designed for stealth and function. Although his identity is actually known by several agencies, he wears a mask while on missions for stealth reasons, as well as for protection.



Sevet is a loner. He has far out lived most of his friends and lovers and looks upon the world with an outsider's view. While some would find it as an air of arrogance, for him it is far more about a sense loneliness. He is beyond politics, religion or national loyalties. The few friends he does have, he is fiercely loyal too, as he understands how transitory the world is, and how important true friends are when friendship is so brief.



Sevet is a mutant with the following meta-human abilities

Teleportation: Sevet is able to Phase-Jump, moving vast distances almost instantaneously, with what would appear to be an exceptionally high range. This is his key ability, and he can teleport at will with no effort. While there he has not established an "Upper limit" of range, he is limited in the additional bio-mass he can take with him. While able to take additional persons in his Jumps, this causes a significant amount of physical pain and he has blacked out from carrying too many individuals on a Jump. Non biological masses are significantly easier to Jump with, and he has teleported several hundred pounds at one time along with himself. Because his teleportaion crosses dimensional boundaries, it is very difficult to block.

Regeneration: Sevet has a significant Accelerated Healing factor, able to regenerate even life threatening injuries in seconds. He healing factor has also made him immune to diseases so far to date. A near ceased aging process seems to be a side effect of his Regeneration.

Enhanced Spatial Acuity: Sevet has a near sixth sense of environment and locality. This enhanced sense not only guides his teleportation, but gives him an incredible ability to aim projectiles and hit uncanny targets at extreme ranges


Knowledge is power.png

"Knowledge and an open mind are the greatest tools you can have in your pocket"
The past two centuries have provided Sevet the opportunity to pursue not only martial skills, but academic as well. Having a significant thirst for knowledge, Sevet has pursued advanced degrees in Medicine, Anthropology, Psychology, Engineering, Physics and Philosophy. He has attended Universities and even Monasteries on nearly all seven continents. He is well versed in the "Scientific Method", however is very open to the Metaphysical approach to problems. Sevet has also used the years to improve his physical attributes, and has the skill of an Olympic athlete and has mastered several martial fighting styles from around the globe. Each fighting style he has studied, he has honed to take advantage of his teleportation and frequently teleports during conflict. During both World War I & II, he flew fighter planes and became a very competent pilot.

He is fluent in Spanish, English, Latin, several Arabic dialects, Korean, German, Chinese (Mandarin), Portuguese, French and can speak weakly in numerous Indigenous languages from Africa.


"You have to be dressed for all occasions"


Having the ability to instantly retrieve equipment from numerous Safe Houses through out the world, Sevet truly believes in having the right equipment for every occasion. He has several different costumes to use depending on where he is operating. As a standard, he carries the following;
Hand cuffs, lock picks, Bolas, multiple Shurikens, a Sat Comm device and an advanced tablet.

Additionally, he has the following "specialty suits" for specific geographic locations that he may venture to;

Arctic Equipment: While his regeneration would keep him alive in extreme temperatures, Sevet is affected by extreme cold weather as anyone else is. His arctic gear is a specially designed thermal suit rated to -100 degrees below Zero, and includes a special breath filter to warm air before inhaling. In addition to his normal compliment of gear, his Arctic suit also includes pitons, ice cleat equipped boots, a thermal heating system and a micro thermal blanket.

SCUBA suit: Eventually, a lack of oxygen would render Sevet incapacitated. To deal with missions specific to extend underwater excursions, Sevet has a specialized diving suit made of a kevlar-carbonite weave material. This suit is equipped with a micro re-breather unit capable of operating literally for days at a time. The suit also has a pressurization compensation system to endure the extreme pressures of deep diving, while also incorporating a liquid temperature control system. Communications are built into the head unit to allow voice activated transmission/receiving capabilities. The suit is rated to up to 1000 Meters depth. However, Sevet has on numerous occasions, exceeded the "operational limits" of his dive suit.

Ultimately, Sevet can be prepared for every specific environment from the Arctic to the Amazon, and while he has not yet been required to use it, even has a space suit for extra-planetary ventures.

Vehicles: While utilizing vehicles would seem redundant for a teleporter, Sevet is a trained pilot, and as such maintains an advanced proto-type VTOL interceptor jet he received as a payment for a reconnaissance job he once conducted. The jet is used often during search missions, were aerial viewing is more effective. Sevet has made numerous modifications to the plane, primarily in updating equipment, remote operating systems and engines. He generally keeps it close by during missions for emergency use.
The plane has an artificial intelligence built into it named "Betty"


As mentioned earlier, Sevet maintains no National, political or Religious loyalties, however he has learned that having allies is important. He is on friendly terms with UNTIL and UNITY, as well as several governments across the globe. His friends are limited, however his global connections are significant. He has contacts in most major cities and maintains an information network along the lines of the "Baker Street Irregulars".
Some of his current associations are;

Romantic Relationships

Sevet has loved on more then one occasion. Although he has enjoyed the company of lovers of both genders, lately he has preferred male companions. A short list consists of;

Isabella Crespi: (born 1799) Upon returning from China, Sevet spent several years honing his teleportation ability by performing as a traveling magician, demonstrating amazing "feats of Magic", going from villiage to village in the Leon area of Spain. In 1822, he met Isabella and fell in love with her beauty and strength. He spent some time wooing her, and entertained at her Father's estate many times. However, Isabella was from a wealthy family, and her father forbade Sevet from seeing her further. Not wishing to give up his love for her, Sevet was going to elope, but was caught by Isabella's Father and a fight broke out. Having received what was believed to be a mortal wound, Sevet knew he could not remain in Leon, or the shock of his surviving would be too much for her to handle, he quietly slipped away after being placed in a coffin for burial; No one ever knew that the grave marked as "Sevet Fzahn" contained an empty casket.

Cassie Jones: (Born 1877) Cassandra "Cassie" Jones belonged to wealthy American family from the New England area. Cassie was on Holiday in the Mediterranean when she met Sevet circa 1901. The two had a whirl wind romance, and even contemplated marriage. However, at that point Sevet had come to realize that he would soon out live Cassie, and though he loved her dearly, he played out a another fake death, to spare her the pain of a long marriage that would only end with her death.

Luther Johnson: Was a pilot Sevet met in World War II while serving as with the RAF. Luther was an American, and they had a developed a strong friendship, which turned into a clandestine romance. Luther died in 1951 in combat during the Korean Conflict.

Jacen Ramsy: (born 1987) Jacen is Sevet's current love interest and works as a bartender at the Minefield club in Vibora Bay. Sevet is unaware that Jacen is actually a Werewolf working undercover with The Dogz, spying on activities in the club. Jacen's loyalties are quite torn as he wants to be able to tell Sevet about his being a Werewolf, but knows he must be loyal to Blackfang.


"...I'm completely serious when I say if you don't leave me alone, you will find half your staff teleported to the most extreme places on Earth. The only advantage in not leaving me alone, is that you're gonna rack up a hell of a lot of Frequent Flyer miles" -Sevet to VIPER researcher trying to blackmail him on letting them study his powers.

"I'm the Ghost of Christmas present"-England, December 24th, 1899

"We mean no harm to your planet" -As Sevet teleported out of an American Police station in 1944 in front of several witnesses.

"You know, I am generally a very nice person, but I really hate bullies." -Sevet to Major Havoc at their first confrontation.

Theme Song

It's My Life ( Bon Jovi)



Major Havoc
Major Jedidiah Sebastian Havoc is perhaps Sevet's most persistent nemesis. Havoc is a mercenary who was recruited by VIPER a number of years ago, and given a prototype "Super Serum" during one of their many failed experiments. Although the serum gave very little in the way of "Super powers" as the researchers had hoped, it did provide Havoc with decelerated aging and peak physical conditioning. It also enhanced his aggression and desire for subjugation. Havoc became a sociopathic disciple of VIPER and has taken a personal interest in Sevet, as VIPER has determined that his Dimensional Teleportation would provide them with a significant tactical advantage if they could figure out how to replicate it in their soldiers and or tech. Ironically, it is their inability to block Sevet from teleporting that has allowed him to deal numerous financial and technological blows to VIPER, making The Nomad one of their priorities in capturing.