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Player: @Ninten19
“The hero of Yesterday, fighting for Tomorrow!”
Character Build
Class Focus: Tank/DPS
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Confidental
Biographical Data
Real Name: Kenneth Albright
Known Aliases: N/A
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Seattle, WA
Base of Operations: Millennium City, MI. Sub-Station 1, underneath Seattle, WA. Sub-Station 2, underneath Topeka, KS.
Relatives: N/A
Age: 91 (Physical age is approx. Mid-30s.)
Height: 6’10”
Weight: 262 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: None
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Public to a select group of govt. officials
Years Active: 58
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Federal Agent, Former WW2 News Correspondent in the EU Theatre
Education: College Graduate
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Superstrength, speed, and endurance. Mid-level Invulnerability. Flight.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template


Part One: Childhood Years (1922-1937)

Ever since his birth in 1920, to a judge and a nurse, Kenneth Albright was instilled with a sense of justice, and a will to help others. As he matured into a young man in the 30s, those skills would be used to help friends and family as they endured the near-financially-crippling decade known as the Great Depression. Kenneth would share lunches, run errands, and donate what money he could to charities. He was an average child, regardless of his morality, and would often get into mischief or fights with children in his neighborhood.

Growing up, Kenneth was also inspired by the masked detectives of the era, and loved hearing about the exploits of heroes such as Chicago's Hawk Owl or Vibora Bay's Black Mask. He kept newspaper clippings and articles about his favorite adventurers, which compelled him to take up journalism as he grew older, out of a desire to learn more about the heroes he followed, and of an urge to keep the people well-informed and educated about the world around them.

Although athletically average and socially-awkward at times, Kenneth was a very bright child, excelling in writing, history, government and literature, and he graduated with top marks in most of his classes.

Part Two: War Years (1937-1945)

As Kenneth graduated from high school in 1937, many American agents in the mystic side of society sensed that something was amiss overseas in Nazi Germany. They would be proven correct within the next year, as Germany's occultists unleashed a wave of powerful magic that warped reality, in turn creating a very high probability for people around the globe to develop superpowers. As the Axis forces stormed through the European Continent and Pacific Ocean, Kenneth, like most men his age, wanted to go overseas to serve and protect his country, especially after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Although his low build and poor eyesight kept him out of the draft, Kenneth was chosen to serve as a war correspondent for a prominent West-Coast newspaper.

While in Europe, Kenneth wrote about the hardships of war as he worked with a special unit of the US Military, one that would be pitted against many Italian and German metahumans, such as the size-growing titan Donner, and the maniacal, demon-possessed Erich Hessler, who went by the moniker of Die Totenkopf. Due to the effects of a series of powerful, near-fatal spells cast by Axis sorcerers,, the unit would not have any Allied super humans to defend them from assault, although non-powered heroes and specially-designed weapons and vehicles provided a fair match to the Axis villains. Because of this, Kenneth would later recount his survival in the war to being remarkably lucky.

Kenneth also took part in witnessing the capture of some Axis scientists and sorcerers, who would be assigned to a very specific, secret American project after the war ended. Although Kenneth didn't know it, he'd taken a very small glimpse into what would change his life forever.

Part Three: Project Years (1945-1955)

After returning home with the war's end in 1945 Kenneth decided to spend the next few years studying at a Washington university, and earned a degree in writing and Journalism. Soon after that, the US Government offered him a job due to their appreciation of his work overseas. Taken to a secret facility in Alaska, Kenneth discussed his experiences with the Axis super villains he encountered to scientists and generals. After a week of discussion, he was sent home to Washington, where he got a job for a Seattle newspaper and began to report the exploits of superhumans throughout the country.

In 1955, Kenneth was asked to return to the Alaskan base, where it was revealed that he was chosen to be part of Project Optimus, one that was established to create a secret government agent that could work with the people of America as a public hero. With scientists and methods captured and defected from both the former Axis powers and the new Soviet Union, and funds and research granted by the Haynesville Project. Kenneth was nominated due to his strong morals and

After several failed tests with different methods, one had proven successful: A strange meteor extracted from Tunguska, Russia displayed gizzard properties and contained a very strange and powerful energy. Said meteor could give off its energy as a beam, with help from a specially-designed machine, dubbed a pulsor ray. With a sickly individual, it could cure diseases and make a weaker person healthy with a low, unfocused burst, but with a concentrated burst to a healthy, strong person, their senses and strength could be enhanced tenfold, or even twentyfold. After months of decision, Kenneth was nominated, as he was one of three people present who was physically, psychologically, and morally one of the few that the generals in charge deemed worthy. One turned out to be a Soviet spy, who stole the designs for the machine and fled to Russia, while the other suffered a fatal heart attack and died.

As Kenneth was strapped into the machine, an unknown variable in its computer programming caused the meteor to fire a heavily concentrated burst, hitting Kenneth with all of the meteor's energy, in turn rendering the rock inert, and unable to be used again. However, the results were positive. Kenneth was granted incredible strength, superhuman speed, senses, and endurance, and even the ability to fly. Another plus, to the eyes of the government, was that Kenneth's age was halted at 33, leaving him able to operate with the Government for decades.

However, as an agent, Kenneth needed a codename to operate under. A few months after the procedure, a general proposed to name him Optiman. After making sure that the connections between Kenneth and the project would be kept confidential, the name stuck, and in October of 1955, two weeks before the United States became involved in the Vietnam War, Optiman was born.

Part Four: To Tomorrow (1955-1989)

Optiman began his career in November of 1955, fighting minor, street-level crimes such as bank robberies and gang attacks, with the odd costumed villain or gimmicky gang making their appearances. As he was a government agent in secret, Optiman was not allowed to operate publically in other countries on behalf of the government. Contrary to popular belief, Optiman did not openly wish to participate in the Vietnam War despite the government’s refusal, it was actually the opposite, as he was worried that doing so would risk his private status with the government. Optiman was also worried that working overseas to fight the Vietcong would result in an unfavorable perception by the American public. Protesters of the war would consider him a warmonger, while the supporters would react negatively to the United States Army being over-reliant on a hero like Optiman to win the war.

First Encounters with the Criminally-Insane

However, Optiman's first major act of heroism occurred on June 24th, 1956, and involved him stopping a prominent (although slightly mad) scientist's plot to control the Western seaboard through a drug-laced gas dropped from an airship dirigible. His name was Leland Richmond, a Soviet-sympathetic Harvard graduate who specialized in creating devious devices, including the mechanized airship he helmed. As Optiman smashed through the zeppelin’s cabin hull and stopped the scientist's diabolical plans, the reckless madman would escape, though not before activating a self-destruct sequence on the ship. As the craft became a ticking timebomb primed to detonate over the city of Salem, Oregon, Optiman's quick thinking would save thousands of lives as he redirected the craft outward towards the Pacific Ocean, where it harmlessly detonated. Soon afterwards, the scientist struck again, using a giant robot to attack a small Idaho community. Optiman's battle with it resulted in the madman's imprisonment and the robot's destruction, and the public rallied by their new hero. Richmond was soon released from prison after bribing the guards and the warden, and would continue to battle Optiman with plans and devices for the next two years. In 1958, the scientist would presumably die of an intense dose of radiation poisoning after misfiring a radiation-beam rifle in an attempt to attack Optiman. Although he was severely weakened by the radioactive beam, he managed to escape the scientist's facility in time as it self-destructed. From then on, Optiman kept a reluctant distance between himself and radiation-using metahumans, not wanting to risk a depowering, dangerous situation. In 1959, in the Nevada desert, a Soviet agent attempted to steal files and information on the United States' methods of creating atomic weapons. Optiman's first unofficial assignment on behalf of the US Government was to apprehend the spy. As he approached the agent, he came under attack by a strange, gas-masked enemy adorned with the USSR's Hammer and Sickle, who seemed to possess the same powers as Optiman. As the agent was apprehended by federal agents, Optiman battled his Russian duplicate to a standstill. After knocking off the heavy gasmask, Optiman saw the face of his enemy: A pale, agressive, chalk-skinned human, with piercing, hollow-looking red eyes. As Optiman attempted to question the inhuman-looking attacker, the brutish Russian responded with a cold, eerily calm voice. He was a prominent Russian general, Nikolai Raserovich, who was granted powers by the Soviet government, dubbed Zashchitnik-1, and was given orders to kill Optiman. Lunging towards the lone hero, Zashchitnik-1 continued his attack. However, after nearly an hour of battle, the pale-skinned Russian general began to lose strength; his calciferous flesh crumbling under the pressure and power of each strong blow that Optiman delivered. As Zashchitnik-1 delivered one final, drained, weakened punch to Optiman, the Russian died, collapsing to the sandy ground in a cloud of dust and dried, crumbling bone.

This would not be the last time that he would encounter Z-1, as another would soon appear within the year. Like with the first, this new Z-1 was a Soviet general with the same powers and determination to destroy Optiman on behalf of the Soviet Union. 

As the 1960s rolled in, America saw a surge in powerful superheroes and very dangerous villains, some ranging from the local to the extraterrestrial. As greater threats emerged within the decade, Optiman fought crime throughout America. He battled villains such as Typhoon, the Revenger, and the first Masquerade, as well as the surprisingly-surviving Leland Richmond, who implanted his head on a cybernetic body to escape the cancerous tumors that ravished the scientist’s body. Optiman also played a secret role in the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, as President Kennedy ordered him to stop a Cuban-born, Soviet-sympathizing antihero who attempted to activate a strange weapon near the North Pole. El Camarada was apparently given a device from an unknown party that would form a literal Iron Curtain around the Eastern Hemisphere, one that would allow the USSR to launch weapons to attack the United States, while the Soviet Union would be impenetrably defended from any counterattacks. Optiman managed to destroy the device, though El Camarada managed to get the upper hand, escaping back to Cuba with his teleportation powers Optiman encountered a strange enemy from the future in 1963, a Madam Mindmaze. A self-proclamed time-mage from the 65th Century attempted to use Seattle’s Space Needle as the focus point for a ritual that would allow her to re-write time and space at her leisure, in order to take over both the present and future. With the realization that he was not immune to the mage’s strange powers, 1965 saw humanity's first encounter with the Qularr as they used giant monsters to attack key cities around the world. Optiman played his part in defending both Los Angeles and Chicago from the insectoid invaders, who used the genetically-engineered monsters Ganika and Mitsura to attack both cities. Within the next year, the spacefaring Sirians invaded from their Martian base, and Optiman played a role in defending New York from their attack.

=End of Decade One

Optiman would defeat the second Z-1, Dostov Granin, in 1967, as he prevented the doppelganger and Leland Richmond from destroying the American continent with a nuclear strike. While Z-1 crumbled into dust much like the first did, Leland Richmond’s jar-encased head was flung out into deep space, due to Optiman’s qualms of killing. From that point onward, Optiman encountered fairly little in terms of world-threatening events until 1969, when a third Z-1 appeared, as an unofficial member of the newly-christened Soviet superhero team, the People’s Legion. This new Z-1 showed a deeper intellect and strange ‘eye-beam’ abilities, two that his predecessors lacked, although he retained the usual chalky skin and bizarre state of mind that the others did. Due to the unpredictability of this Z-1 incarnation’s powers, his mind degraded into insanity, and soon returned to villainy in 1971, as he attempted to literally drop a nuclear facility onto Washington DC. In the struggle to prevent a catastrophe, Optiman teamed up with the Legion to stop Z-1, who burnt up easily within the next two years, and, for a time, the Z-1 Project’s superiors would cease its’ production of defenders.

Encountering Destroyer

In 1975, Optiman would join a group of heroes in stopping a new threat. A power-armored, incredibly intelligent villain sought to conquer and destroy California and the west coast, using his soldiers and robots. His name was Albert Zerstoiten, soon known to all as Doctor Destroyer. Optiman, as well as his fellow heroes, stopped the diabolical Destroyer, who escaped to plague the heroes of the world in the decades to follow.