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Zha'Ve Joriin
Looks between 20 and 30.
Alien synthetic lifeform (not a machine, but a creature build from synthetic cells).
Troublemaker and a "freelance peace-keeping agent", currently working for PRIMUS.
Chaotic ADHD
Cosmic powered energy melee weaponry and shields. Ability to travel between various dimensions (but not to time travel).

Woman of exactly her look and questionable taste for colors was a known annoyance for law enforcement agencies in at least two galaxies. But said woman, going under the name of Troublemaker One, is believed to be dead now.

Built by a race of an extradimensional cosmic entities calling themselves the Authority, Zha'Ve was designed as their chief assassin and used for hunting their enemies - as the Authority were selfish rulers of their own pocket dimension.

Alas, being a nearly omnipotent cosmic entity doesn't guarantee being infallible.

Eventually an inner fight broke between members of the Authority and those creatures finished each other in their senseless struggle for power.

Now Zha'Ve was left alone in dimension full of people quite pissed at her for being a lapdog of the former regime - and she had to run away. Quickly.

She spent few next decades hopping between worlds and dimension, acting as a mercenary or an iterdimensional pirate, and only causing more trouble.

Finally she ended chased by Star Guard and a dozen of other organisations, including transdimensional ones. Not having too many options, Zha'Ve faked her own death and hid on the Earth, posing as an alien traveller and offering her services to PRIMUS in exchange for safety.