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@glortor (under construction) Shortcut: http://tinyurl.com/CO-LotusGirls

OOC Section


The concept of the Lotus Sisterhood is rated M for partial nudity and suggestive themes, 18+ for violence and blood, and is not to be played or taken part of by anybody under the suggested age. The Internet does not allow the creators and players to verify the age of a player other than believing what age a player claims to be. We are not intending to play any of the above themes in any public virtualspace such as open channels, and will not play any of these themes with people who do not wish to take part in 'mature role play'. The document below contains such text. Please proceed at your own risk.


1.) All members of the Lotus SG must exercise common (out of character) courtesy towards their fellow players where applicable. Character personality notwithstanding, players within the Lotus group will treat other players well unless the use of the /ignore function is warranted. Remember about arguing over the Internet.
2.) All members of the Lotus SG must know to tell the difference between out of character and in character. In cases of fellow players mixing the two, being civil and leaving it at that is preferable. Those who bullshit this will be asked to leave.
3.) Drama of any form is not welcome within the Lotus SG.
4.) Fairplay and good will come first, winning is the runner up.
5.) A good sense of humour is the salt of life but using it to annoy others is just being an idiot.
6.) Do NOT force your role play and ideas on other players. If you're all about sharing, make sure people want you to share. If you are emoting, use words such as "attempts to" so that the other player may decline.


The Supergroup does not recruit players OOC.
The Sisterhood meets characters IC.
The OOC part of recruitment is fitting the above criteria as a player.

Expressing your ooc-interest to join is well and good but even if you are a friend, whether your character is fitting of the sisterhood or not will have to be a matter of role play. (Characters may not get along while the players behind them do.)

Minimum requirement:
- A team-player
- Literate
- One who values friendship over gain and understands and can relate to the concept of honour
- Understands and enjoys the concept of "extended family" and "belonging", without expecting ERP
- A sense of humour and not easily offended, but not out to offend others.
- Likes anime and comics.

Character concepts that need not apply (none of which are mutually exclusive):
- Not female.
- Furry. (Wings, tails, hooves also)
- ERP characters.

Players that need not apply (none of which are mutually exclusive):
- Disrespectful of their fellow players in any shape or form.
(Anybody who makes it a point to hate, humiliate or pester others, please try elsewhere.)
- Whose best interest is some manner of drama and cannot imagine role play and/or OOC personal conduct without some form of suffering.
(No offence but we aren't that kind of group. Sorry.)
- Whose general idea of role play is typing out sex. (You'll be disappointed. We'll be disappointed. Best not to try.)
- Those whom do not capitalise, punctuate and type in proper English.
(Or at least intend to do so. This is not a judgement of anybody's typing- or language skill, this is our preference in the kind of text we prefer seeing when we role play. We aren't perfect either, obviously. Typing can improve, you should be at least trying.)
- And finally, those who think of any of the above as a hostile intent rather than a simple selection filter for our membership. There is a difference between hostile elitism and preferences, please figure that out for yourself!


We keep this under lock, as there are too many people infesting the CO community with forcing their ideas on others. This section is here for those who care for it rather than to force it on people who do not, so if you are of the latter, please move on! Thanks!

The Lotus is a concept based on extensive lore including the philosophies of martial arts, gender studies, feminism (please do not confuse feminism with feminazi dykes), every female in fighting games ever. Giving the weak woman trope a spin, instead it's some of the guys that are "helpless" as opposed to the female protagonist in stories a lot of the time.


The concept, name, likeness and design of the original Lotus Sisterhood as an original concept is my intellectual property and is submitted to this website and the game Champions Online under fair use disclaimer that the concept does not advertise or hold any product or merchandise of which the owner of the concept will gain financial or media value. The concept, name, likeness and design of the original Lotus Sisterhood (The Concept) is for entertainment purposes only. Using the concept without my permission is prohibited. Please do not butcher my work. Thank you!'

The Monastic Sisterhood of Lotus Fist

The Lotus
"Honour, Beauty, Discipline"
CO-Lotus GMasters.jpg
The Lotus Sisterhood
Leader(s): LadyShatterfist,
Base of Operations: Lotus Fist Sisterhood HQ, Mayflower blvd. 172/a, 99117 Millennium City
Concept: Anime, 18+, No ERP.
Founded: Centuries ago in an alternative world.
Website: [ Click Here]
Members: Nearly two hundred girls.
(This concept is not canon Champions lore. See copyright.)

PRIMUS Heading.png

SUBJECT: Monastic Sisterhood


The Lotus are known as a third-party operative force more inclined towards dealing with supernatural threats and mundane issues such as domestic violence. They are known to always approach conflict from the angle of negotiation first, but are granted a full license to apply lethal force if necessary.


During a heavy electrical storm on the western coast of the United States, a score of electromagnetic anomalies were reported by PRIMUS operatives. A hurricane unlike any other registered so far has been seen splitting to several, different bodies each of which carried a high frequency reading very similar to radiation so far only registered in outer space, outside the planet's atmosphere. This source of radiation has proven to be feeding off of an external source not within the atmosphere as we know it, and not even on our own world as we know it.
A series of portals were pinpointed, many of which blinked up and disappeared so quickly that PRIMUS dispatch had not a single opportunity to address them all. Thus, we focused on the largest reading which appeared on [TimeDate]-3AM-PST due southwest of National Training Center Fort Irwin, CA 92310 in the wilderness. An operative and interception team has been dispatched (see report #7D-291763-03EC for details) to investigate the anomaly and arrived to the site where desert sand turned to glass has been registered as well as a non-lethal amount of electro-magnetic and ectophysic flux which has been neutralized and properly contained by PRIMUS Anti-Radiation personnel.
Curiously enough a woman, dressed in black and purple, gold-trimmed silk robes has been sighted at the center of the anomaly, struggling to govern the forces unleashed by a vertically inclined vortex about two yards in diameter. The bolts unleashed from her hand were reading EMI-Positive and registered as tension condensation, identified as an attempt to close said portal. Witchcraft arrived to the scene and helped the woman, designate Shaylan, later code-name Soulmist, contain the anomaly, designate "Planar Rift" or simply "Portal". Extra-terrestrial presence has been noted near the site, in the form of Demons which were banished with a mere hand-gesture of our guest.
Shipped to PRIMUS operation base near Fort Irwin, CA., code-name "Soulmist" has revealed to research engineers a schematic of greater volume than what we already had known. It would appear as though that our universe is part of a multiverse, alongside many other universes and even multiverses connect within a so-called Omniverse. Whether there is a greater collective than the Omniverse, has not been discussed. code-name "Soulmist" offered us the opportunity to further investigate and understand the concept of the Omniverse in trade for information classified under file #23A-911711611-712AP. Her organization, designate United Planes Defense Directorate has been cooperating with PRIMUS and UNTIL personnel.
As part of the agreement, Anni Redriner has been dispatched as a UPDD operative alongside her daughters, all belonging to a monastic order known only as Lotus Fist Sisterhood and were given premises and credit within Millennium City, and have been more than helpful with handling emergency situations from common robberies to high level threat and alerts. The Lotus Sisterhood are to be treated as per diplomatic immunity law and are liable to uphold their end of the bargain.


Mostly known for their humbleness and honesty. Despite the infame related to the fact that they kick below belt readily against male targets, their reputation is positive, if most men will find themselves uncomfortable around a group of attractive, superhuman women with such tendencies. The sisterhood and its members are usually welcome in public as a group who do not place claim to fame and do not hide their identity from the public.


Due to their access to high-speed travel, the sisterhood has been found helping out in crisis hotspots allover the globe. Among other issues, most remarkably they dealt with a man-eating chupacabra in Brazil, A Greed-Yorei-possession in Japan, a group of dakini causing unrest in Delhi and have slain a Karma-Eater in Tibet.

Global Media

The sisterhood finds communications important, and that also means representing allover the world. They have been invited on-stage in Hollywood CA, NYC, London, Paris, Rome, Athens, Dubai, Cape Town, Delhi, Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka, Naha, Sydney and Honolulu respectively from September to late January.
Various girls of the higher ranks have been seen on stage and on television as well.
The grandmaster Anni Redriner has been present at most of these events, and second in command, Mina Han aka Razorwind has rarely shown up; namely during the tour in Japan and Okinawa, performing with a sword and unarmed on-stage as per popular demand. Even the harshest orthodox critics described her sword art as completely authentic and masterful, gaining a fair bit of recognition.
Lady Shatterfist - Anni as she simply prefers to be called - spoke of the way the sisterhood always aims for a peaceful resolution of all conflicts and only chuckled when asked about the below-the-belt attacks, saying that the rumours are true but she has no reason to elaborate on what happens when they do not manage to resolve an issue peacefully, as she considers that a failure in itself.
Catrine Lee aka Dusklace has been the most prominently representing of the three leaders, also making it a point to appear in important events and offer funds for charity in major cities. This paints the sisterhood in an overall positive light in all of the global media, though Russian and North Korean media have been attempting to manipulate footage, which has lead to an internet phenomenon called "Anni speaking backwards" - the footage has been cut in such an unprofessional way that it's quite obvious it was manipulated and it only gained the sisterhood even more positive revenue.
Finally, the sisterhood has been found posing in magazines, in rare cases wearing swimsuit, (citation needed) but never in any scandal, mostly found in articles regarding their world tour and with special regards to advice on lifestyle. Belle magazine in all of Europe and US. has posted an interview with Miya Redriner aka Skysear speaking about the importance of seeking help, discussing cases of domestic violence where the offending party would get away because no-one would be brave enough to contact the authorities, or because the police often cannot do anything about it. This interview was brought forth by the infamed Manning-incident where S. Manning has thrown his four year old son out of the balcony and it was Miya herself who saved the child's life, following through to apprehend the drug-crazed father.
The Lotus are popular with women of all age, mainly those of a more open mind or those who recognise their form of honour and integrity. They are on the other hand under scrutiny from those who do not approve of female warriors, their revealing clothing or those who think of them as a bad influence on young girls.
Popularity among men is undeniable, mostly based on their looks and - in cases of those who have seen them in actual combat - their efforts to save lives. Several fathers, among them the governor of Texas whose whole family has been saved by the sisterhood in late November - say that they would "rather have their daughters hang out with the sisters rather than at bars and clubs. Honourable and steadfast women are a good example to both genders." Lord Ethan Morrows of London elaborates, "Of all the women dressed in skin-tight or revealing clothing, the only ones [he and his family] consider of great worth are those who do so with not only guile but great discipline and restraint."

Local Media

Several sisters have been seen on stage during Sapphire's annual Christmas Concert, Tammi and June both singing a song each. The reception was excellent, all around positive and even haters could only find in themselves to ridicule aspects of such importance as the choice of song or stage lighting.
Upon being asked whether they will have a career as a singer, they replied that the sisterhood only performs for charity and they have no interest in worldly fame. All income were shipped to the reconstruction fund.

Millennium City

Vibora Bay





Themes, Quotes

