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Player: @Fared
Screenshot 2014-08-23-21-05-49.jpg
The flaming star of hope
Character Build
Class Focus: Hybrid Role (Heavy Tank, Heavy Hitter)
Power Level: 40
Research & Development:
Biographical Data
Real Name: Tala Sel'em; Tirithian Name; Selina Ashland(Earth Name)
Known Aliases: Selly
Gender: Female
Species: Tirithian
Ethnicity: Non Imperial Tirithian
Place of Birth: Tirith
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Michigan
Relatives: Tion Sel'em Tirithian Father, Leora Sel'em Tirithian Mother, Garry Ashland (Human Father), Jessica Ashland (Human Mother), Erik Ashland (Human Cousin)
Age: appears 20 (does not age)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 132 lbs.
Eyes: Glowing Golden
Hair: Strawberry Blonde
Complexion: Light
Physical Build: Waif with some athletic features
Physical Features: Solar Energy radiates from her eyes.
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active:
Citizenship: United States, True Tirithians (Resistance)
Occupation: Worldwide and Intergalactic Protector
Education: High School Graduate
Marital Status: single
Known Powers and Abilities
Superhuman Strength, Invulnerability and Super Constitution, Super Reflexes/Speed and Dexterity, Superhuman Hearing and Vision, Heat Vision, Sonic Voice (Gale-like), and Supersonic Flight (Mach 2.0 *approx 1200 mph), (FTL "faster than light" flight in Vacuum of space).
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Heroic Jumpsuit and Goggles
ReldinBox Template


The Tragedy

Starblaze was originally born the only daughter to Tion and Leora Sel'em, who scientific engineers to the Tirithian race. Her parents were explorers that documented new species and catalogued new life forms, minerals and energy signatures for the Tirithian science academy. Though starboard travelers her parents were devout followers of the Tirithian code of Life; dedicated to the preservation and study of all life, phsyical metaphysical or extraplanar. Tion and Leora were head engineers for a group of Tirithians who were studying a new star system in the fringes of known space; (territory that is now on the fringes of explored Consortium space) This system is now known as Zaqall, but it was only referred to as Aeona by Leora Sel'em at the time. The Tirithians observed a reptilian race while they did their preliminary studies of the worlds in Aeona's system. Eventually the scientists decided it was time to make contact and sent a first-contact team to meet with the species. The encounter was a disaster! Some strange unknown triggered a ultra violent response from the aliens and they swarmed over the team, killing the Tirithians within moments. More frightening was the speed in which the aliens managed to learn to command the contact teams away vessel and mmanage to navigate it to the main Science craft in orbit! The Science team, tried desperately to reason with the aggressive aliens, but were overrun. Eventually the team quarantined a section fo the ship leading to their escape pods. After setting their vessel to self destruct for fear of these aliens commanded their vessel and spreading to other worlds, the Tirithians launched their surviving family and friends into deep space in hopes of finding civilization.

The planet of Tyrith Before

For the better part of 95 years these pods traveled through deep space in suspended animation without guidance... most never found civilization. Eventually one such pod made its way past the Star*Guard station on Europa, and the event was mistakenly processed as a rogue meteor of no particular threat level and was forgotten, until it crashed landed on the Earth's Moon. The Selenites discovered the rogue pod and reported it to the Earth Authorities who carefully extracted the pod and its contents. The fairly new Gateway team discovered two lifeforms in the pod, the Adult's life support apparatus had suffered damage and had failed during the journey, but the infants was intact!

The Discovery

In the Ashland family household Garry and Jessica were battling with the realization that they simply would never conceive a child of their own; despite attempts to seek medical help or solutions, they were on the brink of defeat. Until the day Garry's brother Erik brought them to a specialty wing of the hospital were they would be indoctrinated into a 'top secret' housing program and meet their new daughter.

Thirteen years later, a teenage Selina is sent home from school in police custody after an altercation with another student. Donny Lesole is in intensive care after a 'slap' that has left his left cheek bone broken, his jaw cracked in two places and missing four of his teeth! Selina swears up-and-down that she was only defending her longtime friend Jake Frakes from violence at the hands of Donny, however the boys parents are pushing for charges as their son nurses to health. Her Adoptive father feels now is the time to reveal her true alien heritage to her, sparking a long inquiry for answers. To avoid criminal charges PRIMUS department heads have Selina enrolled into Ravenswood Academy for education and training in her metahuman abilities. While at the Academy she will make long time friends and connections in the metahuman world, including the Famous fighting Canadian Thundrax and the Earth's First Tirithian hero Horizon. It is during this time that Selina discovers that she has DNA similarities to the hero Horizon and that common ancestry may be present. It is also during this time that she developed her famous glowing eyes which radiate solar energy. Her Adoptive father said that she may be a alien because of her glowing eyes and tremendous strength but she's still a honorary human and his and Jessica's daughter. In the years to follow Horizon helped Selina grasp her Tirithian heritage and lead her to discover her true name and the identity of her parents from the PRIMUS elite, who had recovered several alien artifacts that were holographic information devices. These devices detailed the several family recordings and the final words of her Tirithian parents. Eventually Horizon also revealed to her the true nature of their people now in the Tirithian Empire, and the destruction they have wrought in recent years.

The planet of Tirith NOW


Starblaze has never tested the upper limits of her capabilities, but has been able to lift truly enormous objects in times of need. Several times throughout her heroic career Starblaze has lifted well over 110 metric tons and carried it! This has scored her a whopping 9 on the Reldin scale.
On the ground, Starblaze has been clocked at travelling at approx. 145 mph at full sprint, though she usually "cruises" at about 50mph for safety-sake of bystanders. Her eye-hand coordination has proven downright amazing, while she cannot keep up with the likes of Kinetic and other famously "fast" heroes, she ranges well into the superhuman territory, enjoying a 8 on the Reldin scale!
Self Propelled Flight using what UNTIL researchers have proven to be a controllable burst of "gravitons", Starblaze is capable of up to Super-sonic flight within an atmosphere. She has been clocked at approx. 270 mph casual flight speed, but can reach up to 1240 mph when she presses herself (that is slightly over Mach 2!) In times of desperate need, Starblaze was proven capable of short bursts of speed excelling even these numbers but never have instruments been readily available to test these speeds. In the vacuum of space, she has proven to be able to command FTL (Faster-than-light) speeds, often disappearing in the blink of an eye!
HorizonEnergy.png (Heat Vision)
A startling power discovery by Starblaze was the ability to hyper accelerate the atmosphere through her eyes, by fine focusing her super vision she can produce for-all-intents-and-purposes, Heat vision. This ability allows her to create a wave of energy that hyper accelerates the molecules in atmosphere to burn and ignite objects! This coupled with her "voice" below score her at 5 on Reldin's scale!
Starblaze's voice is a very powerful weapon, like her muscles throughout her body, her vocal capabilities too share superhuman levels. UNTIL researchers have tested her common speech (though she maintains this low a level through conscious effort) is roughly 75db, equivalent to near shout, however, when placed within a facility that can measure the acoustics of objects, Starblaze repeatedly tested at over 166db! well into dangerous territory for any human being! As dangerous as this is however, she has found a much more humane method of utilizing her strength of speech; in a powerful breath weapon, strong enough to overturn a Viper tank! This gale-like force has been measured at nearly 48 knots and scores a 9 on the Beaufort scales!
Starblaze's super-dense mass is nearly completely impervious to normal firearms and munitions, and damage from even the fiercest warheads tend to be fleeting at best. Note, however that powerful Nuclear weapons can harm her somewhat and hurl her some distance with force, her quick regenerating body tends to mitigate this damage as fairly non-serious. Energy weapons have a slightly stronger effect and magical (dimensional) attacks actually sting and effect her, though still not very seriously. These attacks given enough frequency and time, can wear her down! Starblaze absorbs forms of light as well as radiation in a form of Voltaic energy transfer, thusly, most energy weapons slowly 'empower' her abilities! These combined traits along with her recuperative nature, Starblaze enjoys a stalwart 9 on the Reldin scale!


Gymnastics training: During her earliest years on Earth Selina needed some training to increase her stamina and her flexibility; her coach, Lisa McCampton trained her to the best of her abilities. Surprisingly she never asked the young Tirithian to join her team.
MMA training: Starblaze has had the priveledge of training one-on-one with several of Millennium's Heavyweights, including the famous fighting Canadian Thundrax, and Earth's First Tirithian Superhero Horizon! This has honed her skills into a vary tactical and talented combatant.
Quick-Learner: Don't let her beauty fool you, Selina learns extremely quickly because of her Tirithian biology; often turning the tides of fights after only engaging an opponent for only a few seconds!