Consortium of Galactic Civilizations

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Author's Note:
This page details a Senatorial Government of extra-terrestrials I've created known as the Consortium of Galactic Civilizations, or the Consortium as an abbreviation - who are set to exist in the Champions Universe. Using information I've managed to find about the universe, I've taken as much care as possible to make them fit into the setting without contradicting established canon. This Organization is a stand-in for the Galactic Federation. If you see something that doesn't work with existing lore and/or have useful information concerning information I've used, please leave comments in the discussion page of this entry. Thanks!

((Major WIP))


The Consortium is a representative democratic government made up largely of former members of four distinct, previously existing political states and their various protectorates, colonies, and subjects, as well as several dozen more recent members recruited since its formation. Formed in the Human year 721, as of now the Consortium consists of over three hundred distinct members (most a single self-governing species or smaller political state) and several dozen protectorates (typically single planets with member species still in the process of being “uplifted” to technological parity with the rest of the Consortium).

The Consortium is a representative democracy which primarily oversees the complex matters of treaty and interstellar law as they apply to its member states. In theory, each member state remains responsible for at least some of its own internal affairs; in practice, most members (particularly those of long standing) rework most of their own laws and practices to match those of the Consortium as a whole. Thus, in effect the Consortium is a true interstellar government, which incorporates other governments like the Varanyi Empire or Thorgon Hegemony.

These varying species are unified in their endeavors to maintain, regulate and protect their sectors of space. They operate as a federation, and have a large council, upon which leaders of each world speak about political and diplomatic issues that reflect their worlds needs /desires, and their impacts upon other allied worlds or space in which they wish to expand.


The General Council Assembly

The General Council Assembly (GCA) consists of representatives of each member state or constituency. The over three hundred full voting members of the Council receive two votes each, while associate members receive only one. Associate members (who are usually either cadet states in the process of technological uplift, or former colonies recently granted independence) are expected to vote with their sponsoring full member. There are also several Observing Delegations from non-members with interests in the Consortium, including trade guilds and religious groups. Each of these defined constituencies chooses its own representative, almost always by direct election. The Council elects a leader from among its full members. Known as the Elcectate, who is assisted by a Cabinet consisting of appointed or elected members who each have responsibility for a particular subject or sphere of authority (the economy, the arts, agriculture, science and technology, and so forth). The Cabinet also includes a Special Representative from each of the four major powers of the Consortium (the Terran Republic, the Malvan Empire, the Mon’dabi Federation, and the Perseid Empire). Special Representatives (SR) are nominated by their respective governments and approved by Council vote (failure to approve an “SR” is extraordinarily rare). The current Electate, a Mon’dabi named Corzal, is a shrewd politician known as a consensus- builder and tireless behind-the-scenes worker. The GCA handles most issues of broad importance to the entire Consortium, usually by the creation of Committees, some of whom effectively have permanent status since the issues they address never completely go away. The members of a Committee present proposals to the entire Assembly for approval and ratification. Full meetings of the Assembly are widely believed to be notoriously fractious and noisy, but that’s a reputation only partially deserved.


Consortium Security Council

The Consortium Security Council (CSC), technically a permanent Assembly Committee, oversees two military bodies: the Interplanetary Defense Fleet, an immense space navy supplied by member states; and the Expansionary Defense Fleet, which it recruits from member species. It also coordinates member militaries if the Council “calls them up,” which has not occurred since the war against the Nibu Gemani ended in 1155. (Though there were plans in motion to activate the Military Compact Protocols against the forces of the Tyrant Malek Zor'em, who's invasion was thwarted by the Earth heroes before the Electate could even call the vote.) The CSC also studies and monitors military and security issues in general; its standing subcommittees include ones devoted to keeping a careful eye on the Thorgons, the Tirithian Empire, the Roin’esh, and various supervillains.

Judicial systems in the Consortium

The Consortium has its own judiciary system for enforcing and interpreting the laws and treaties that bind its members (most members also permit an appeal from their courts into the Consortium courts in at least some situations). There are several Low Courts, each specializing in a particular area of law, and a single High Court which handles appeals from the Low Courts as well as matters of the highest urgency between members. In addition to the courts, the Consortium maintains three separate permanent Committees on laws and treaties. The first, the Proposal Group, creates laws based on the wishes and advice of the various constituencies. These proposed bills are sent to the second Committee, the Approval Group, whose members are appointees from the General Assembly; it decides whether to approve the law itself or pass it on to the full Assembly for further consideration. A third Committee, the Removal Group, only convenes when a Consortium member makes a proposal in the Assembly to remove an existing law. Although its member states have given the Consortium a great deal of authority, and many member states have mirrored its jurisprudence in their own laws, individual member states retain many of their basic legal systems. The Consortium concerns itself first and foremost with matters of treaty, interplanetary commerce, and policing the spaceways between stars. Villains who rob a bank on Earth will be prosecuted according to Terran Republic law, which may treat the offenders differently than authorities on, say, Mon’da. (The main exception would be crimes against Consortium personnel, facilities, institutions, or resources, which automatically fall under Consortium law instead of local law.)


Notes / Links

  • Interplanetary Defense Fleet A defense fleet of starships who's primary mission is to police Consortium space and aid its peoples.
  • Expansionary Defense Fleet A expansionary fleet who's primary mission is to explore the fringes of known space and chart hospitable new worlds or identify new races.
  • Consortium Academy of Sciences A highly prestigious institute of higher learning of galactic scientific principles and theorums.
  • Adeptus Fraternitas Brotherhood of Adepts.
  • Advocate Ascendancy Brotherhood of Advocates.
  • Antares Homeworld to a Terran (human-like) race of space-farers, and Origin of the term "Terran"
  • Skareth Dismal system of war-torn worlds, overrun by monstrous space-faring 'Xeno' life forms.
  • Star Sentry Corps A powered organization of space faring lawbringers, dedicated to the preservation of life and freedoms.
  • Star Guard An ancient group of space faring protectors who wield star staves to give them wonderous abilities.
  • Az'Arc'A A large space bound energy species that are masters of mathematics and space phenomena.
  • Hzeel A dimunitive race of scavengers who once commanded a large Empire.

Species of the CoGC

  • Malvan Empire A super advanced race of humanoids who are magically cursed into decadence and rely on their advanced technology.
  • Mandaarians Terran species of explorer's and scientists.
  • Velarians The Primary Terran species that set the founding for the Consortium, and who's belief system stresses Unity.
  • Thorgons Emotionless warrior race bred by the Ergons, that overthrew their masters.
  • Mon'dabi Tall Reptilian species that are vegetarian.
  • Perseid/Dorvalan Large, dark skinned species with knobby growths on their foreheads and shoulders.
  • Kalishari Nocturnal humanoids with short tails and color changing skin that matches their emotional moods.
  • Belaxians Short (3-4ft) reptilian species with bony scales, known for their great strength and competitive nature.
  • Denubians This species vaguely resemble shell-less Turtles.
  • Ondrugarans Tall, slendor, human-like species, that are the benefactor's to the Star Guard.
  • Osathri An aquatic cat-fish-like species that require watersuits and hover platforms when out of water.
  • Rigellions A humanoid race with blue-green, blue-black skin.
  • Se'ecra Insectoid species resembling enormous humanoid beetles, known as philosophers which strive to "lift up" lesser technological races.
  • Se-lag Roughly humanoid species resembling overgrown otters with six limbs, often encountered as interpreters and merchants.
  • Susethrin A Primitive Ophidian Species, currently being "lifted up" by the Se'ecra.
  • Catavalans Large, four-armed humanoids who helped solidify the Consortium
  • Fassai A Terran-like humanoid race, that emphasizes personal honour.
  • Pograckians
  • Orthu Avian species with hawk-like beaks and deep green skin with large feathers covering most of their body.
  • Tirithians Refugee Terran species of explorer's and mystical scientists.

Galactic Threats

  • The Elder Worms An ancient slug-like species who's technology involves magic.
  • The Gadroon A batrachioid race who utilize gravitic technolgy to enslave and terraform new worlds.
  • The Tirithian Empire A conquest driven race of god-like terrans, who subjugate lesser races into their empire.
  • The Varanyi A Immensly Psionic race of humanoids who's caste system is ruled by the most powerful psychics.
  • The Qularr A insectoid-crustaceoid species of aliens who rely on biological technology.
  • The Roin'esh A shape-shifting humanoid species that are natural deceivers and invaders.
  • The Nibu Gemani A fungoid telepathic species near the galactic core
  • The Ackalians An Ogre-esque species that are large and powerful, and talented natural hunters.
  • The Xenovore An enigmatic insectoid species that are highly ruthless and devour other races.
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