Team Spectrum

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Rave meets Team Spectrum

It starts with Stellar. She is scared and hiding from yet to be undisclosed enemies. It leaves and make it way to her convent. Stellar knows this but she is to afriad to warn her sisters so she runs in the opposite direction. These nuns fight to protect their region. Open arrive the Shadow Vine completely slaughters the Clerics and civilian colonization. The last thing you see is one with a torso in it's mouth. Stellar goes back to the site long after they have left. She is greeted by the severed hand of a child decaying on some big rocks. She sees the dismembered bodies of the people she once knew. She hears foots steps behind her. She is frightened as she turns around. It is Luke Christian. He asked, "What the hell happened here?" She said, "The Shadow Vine attacked." Angel Blade comes in saying, "Jesus Christ, every one is dead." Wiseman asked, "You are the only one. How did you survive?" Stellar says, "I was fighting and something fell on me. The next thing you know I wake up and is saw dead people. I must of gotten knocked out." Wiseman squints at her. Wiseman says, "Let me have a look at you. You must be wounded." Stellar replies, "No I'm fine." Wise man insists and Recognizes she is not hurt. Not even a hint of dust on her white clothes. godSSong comes in flying on an echo.

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