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Dragoon (Shizue Cherubin)
Player: @Disgreaser
"Dragoon reporting for duty!"
Biographical Data
Real Name: Shizue Cherubin
Known Aliases: Dragoon
Gender: Female
Species: Human (Cyborg)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Millennium City (Westside)
Base of Operations: N/A
Relatives: None
Age: Estimated 18
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 198 lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: None (Used to have black hair.)
Complexion: Silver.
Physical Build: Normal.
Physical Features: Dragon-like wings, tail, and mechanical claws.
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Identity: Publically known.
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: US Citizen
Occupation: None
Education: VIPER erased all of her memory prior to her transformation into a robot. She can't remember anything about her education.
Marital Status: Single.
Known Powers and Abilities
Extreme accuracy. She also possesses a few built in weapons such as a shoulder mounted minigun. Also has a small arsenal of guns.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Her guns.
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada

Shizue Cherubin is an unlucky victim of VIPER's evil schemes. As an act of taking revenge on Shizue, they captured her and transformed her into a robot. Eventually, she was retrieved by UNTIL, re-programmed to the point to where she remembered who she was, and now once again fights on the side of good.

The Backstory

The events that made Shizue to who, or what, she is now.

Before the incident

Shizue Cherubin was a proud citizen of Millennium City. She had quite a good life: Nice parents, a big house, and lots of friends. For her friends, Shizue was just Shizue. But for the heroes of Millennium City, Shizue was a great source of intel of villainous factions. Shizue was rather important to them, and especially to Exobreaker, and Cyblast, who both can thank some of their achievements to her.

Shizue on a photo shot by her father, a few months before the incident.

Her last report, before the incident, was to Exobreaker. VIPER abducted his master, Hamano. Exobreaker was desperate to find his master back, and seeing as Shizue provided him with great intel before, he asked her if she knew the location of his master. Shizue told him she saw a bunch of VIPER heading to the north. She had followed them over, and stumbled upon their HQ in MC. There she saw them, carrying what seemed to be a boy. She wrote down the location on a piece of paper and took it with her in case she needed it.

And indeed, now she needed it. After she finished telling Exobreaker the location, he thanked her, and went on to find the HQ. Several days later Exobreaker appeared on the news, thanking Shizue for providing him with the information which led to the uncovering of a VIPER HQ in Millennium City. Exobreaker almost completely wrecked it, and was reunited with his master. For Exobreaker, and Shizue, this was a victory. But for VIPER, this was a big setback. They already had some plans thwarted by Shizue, but this was the limit. They wouldn't let her do any more damage to them.

The abduction

It was late, and Shizue just returned from a party at a friend's. She still was in quite a party mood, humming the song she had been listening to before she left as she walked down the street. What she didn't know, is that she was being watched. A shadowy figure followed her down the street. Unnoticed, he reported everything Shizue did. And then, once Shizue reached the front door of her house.

"Got that? Let them come..."

Shizue just got at home, greeted her parents before she went upstairs, to her room. She booted up her PC and like she always did, began to play games. She didn't even have the slightest idea of what was waiting for her. And as she progressed in her game, the true enemy came closer and closer.

A VIPER Brickbuster rammed through the front door of Shizue's house, after which the rest of the squad followed. Shizue's parents were shocked, and reacted too late to this event. They were both knocked out by the Brickbuster. Shizue herself ran downstairs as she heard the noise...She ran into the living room...And from there, everything went black for her.

Testing the metal

After that night, Shizue was taken to VIPER Bunker Alpha in a completely classified location. There, they began what they had planned. Their horrible plan was to transform Shizue into a new cybernetic weapon called the Dragoon. It would be close to the ultimate gunslinger and soldier. And as much as the scientists (And especially lead scientist Wilber Olivarra) wanted to immediatly turn Shizue into the soldier, they had to go through several test phases to see if Shizue's body could handle all of the technologic enhancements.

Phase 1

Shizue in phase 1.

Shizue in testing phase 1 still had much of her old body, only her right arm and right leg had been replaced by prototype robotic limbs. Those limbs already had a few built in weapons such as lazers. Other than that her memory was partially erased, so she wouldn't remember who she was, so Wilber could somewhat literally reprogram her personality. They also cut her hair off so that it wouldn't be in the way during testing. Her left eye got replaced with a piece of equipment that would let her shoot more accurately.

During the lazer testing outside of the bunker, Shizue lost control over her robotic limbs, accidently shooting a VIPER soldier named Sidekick against the bum, setting the soldier's suit on fire. The soldier had to be taken to a hospital afterwards, and because of this event they started building and altering some more on Shizue.

Phase 2

Shizue during the second phase of her testing. Note that the wings have been added.

Shizue in testing phase 2 was altered much more heavily. All of her limbs had been replaced by the upgraded versions of her earlier replacements. Her hair had been cut even shorter so all of the devices around her head could fit. Her memory was erased even further, seeing as the last few times she refused to obey. Another major upgrade on her were the wings, which never got any upgrade since their first testing phase, as they were already good enough. Her arms already begun to look more like the ones she has as of today. Also, the holographic shielding on the legs and the arms had been added.

This phase was mostly focused on training Shizue in flying and striking from above with deadly force. Now she not only didn't use lazers, but also had her two signature guns with her. Everything seemed to work fine, her accuracy with firing her weapons was amazing, and she listened to her masters quite well. Now they only had to take it a step further and lift her to testing phase 3.

Phase 3

Shizue during the third phase of her testing. She already started to look very much like the Dragoon we know to date.

During her 3rd and final testing phase, Shizue's humanity was reduced to just a few organs inside her body. She was altered to the point that she was more of a machine. She also looked more like the Dragoon we know to date. They covered up most of the new mechanical limbs with armoring, they added the wings, and teached Shizue to control the wings and built-in weapons with her muscles. Phase 3 had everything needed for her to be a true war machine, as she had extreme accuracy, great agility, and could fight in the air as well on the ground.

They tested her fighting capabilities, and she was incredibly strong. The scientists were more than proud of their creation. Now everything they had to do, was smoothen up some details on her body, cover up vital places, and Shizue would be completely transformed into Dragoon.

UNTIL intervention

"You have been in our way long enough, Shizue. Now, you are our new weapon..."- Lead scientist Wilber Olivarra.

The last few days were nothing more but preparations for something bad. Now that VIPER was done with testing Shizue (Who was now known as Dragoon), it was just a matter of time before they would use her in an assault on UNTIL's HQ. The old Shizue was completely gone: She wasn't human anymore, she couldn't remember who she was, all the she knew is that she lived to obey VIPER. Outftted with her guns, Shizue prepared to take off to UNTIL HQ, where she would cause mayhem.

However, before she got the chance, the bunker she was at was attacked by UNTIL soldiers who were part of operation Snakecharmer. Without the slightest sign of panic, Olivarra sent the Dragoon to the UNTIL soldiers, to demonstrate the latest VIPER weapon. The UNTIL soldiers were approaching the bunker, and then...Out of nowhere...Dragoon swooped down from the sky, firing two small missiles at the soldiers. They were caught by surprise, but managed to dodge the missiles. It was then, that Dragoon shouted "Surrender to VIPER now, and you will not be harmed!", and the UNTIL soldiers made the shocking discovery: They were fighting Shizue Cherubin, the one person that always helped them. A long and violent battle ensued between UNTIL and the new VIPER weapon.

The Return Of The Old

She was meant to be victorious, but yet she fell. With a fell place shot, Dragoon was shot out of the sky by an UNTIL scout sniper. She landed on the ground and was almost instantly disabled. However, she was still aware of what was happening, due the fact her brain and eyes still functioned. Only her body was disabled. She watched as the UNTIL soldiers carried her, holding her by the arms and legs, and she couldn't do a thing. To make sure she wouldn't know what was going to happen, they placed her in a kind of sleep. They brought her back to the base camp, carried her into a jet, and took her to UNTIL's HQ in Millennium City.

When Dragoon woke up she was in a room. It was completely dark and the only thing emitting light were the holographic panels on her body. She also noticed that she couldn't move. Several moments later the room got illuminated by lights on the ceiling, and she saw multiple UNTIL scientists approach her. Once again, everything went black for her. What followed next was the re-education process in which her villainous personality was destroyed, and they managed to return the old Shizue.

The Rise Of Dragoon

For several weeks, nothing was heard of Shizue. Her parents were worried to death and had called UNTIL, PRIMUS, MCPD, anything so they could get their daughter back. People just assumed that Shizue was not longer amongst the living...

It was at the end of the week, on a Sunday, that MC's bank was assaulted by a VIPER team. But the team wasn't ordinary. Seeing as their latest weapon was taken by UNTIL, they came up with something new. Through exessive research at project Awakening, they finally created the closest they could get to a perfect mind: Their new weapon, Mindviper. Using her extremely powerful mind, Mindviper manipulated all of the security guards to let her access the safe inside the bank. Mindviper was really close to get all of the money in there, but was held back in front of the safe by a very unexpected enemy. It was Shizue, now referred to as Dragoon.

Mindviper didn't expect to see the old VIPER weapon now blocking her path. Dragoon grabbed her signature guns and took flight. Mindviper began to levitate and lift objects in the room using her mind. A long and tough battle followed between the two. Mindviper was strong, but Dragoon was stronger, and defeated Mindviper after 30 minutes of fighting. Mindviper retreated, leaving Dragoon with the warning that she would return to take revenge. Once Dragoon exited the bank, she was greeted by a lot of journalists, photographers, and MC's mayor, Biselle. They were really thankful, Biselle stepped up and shook Dragoon's hand, handed her a medal, and called her "hero of the day". Dragoon was proud of herself, having performed her first heroic deed. And then she realized, she had one more thing to do...

Asking for the attention of the cameraman, she wanted him to zoom in on her. Then Dragoon began to speak...Directly to two particular viewers. "H-Hello, uh...Mom...Dad...It's me. Shizue. Y-Your daughter. I'm not dead, so p-please...Don't worry. I-I'm sorry for letting this happen to me...", she said as she stood there, shaking out of nervousness. She then managed to pull herself together, finally telling her final words to her parents: "Mom, dad...Now...To the city, I am Dragoon, a new hero and keeper of justice. But to you, I will remain Shizue. Don't forget me..." She said, as she unfolded her wings and took off.

Nemesis: Mindviper

Dragoon was a success for VIPER, at least for how long it lasted. The experiments they conducted on her were extreme but successful, and transformed an ordinary human into a walking weapon of destruction. However, once they lost Dragoon, they lost all of their progress made. VIPER didn't insist on just accepting this, and as a way to counter this, they attempted to create a weapon even more dangerous than Dragoon.

This project is now known as the villain "Mindviper". Mindviper was, like Dragoon, an ordinary human who was taken captive by VIPER. They conducted the same type of experiments on her, erased her memory, etc. Unlike Dragoon, however, Mindviper was put in a suit of armour (Which could be mass produced.). Through extreme and extensive research, VIPER managed to come extremely close to completely awakening and perfectioning her mind. The suit which she wears amplifies Mindviper's psionic and telekinetic abilities, bringing her to a god-like level of power. VIPER looked for a replacement of Dragoon, and they managed to pull it off.

Mindviper now terrorises Millennium City, Canada, Vibora Bay, and more. The only one with enough skill, power, and knowledge to beat her, is Dragoon herself.

About Dragoon


Dragoon looks like a mechanical dragonoid. Her head is somewhat box-shaped, with two big black eyes on each side. Two horns protrude from the back of her head, and her maw always appears to be open. Inside her maw, there are two sets of vents which allow her to breathe, and to filter toxic gasses out of the air. Other than her box-shaped head, and bulky armor on the lower legs and feet, Dragoon's body is rather streamlined, her arms are quite long, and her hands and front arms are rather large, making them look like gauntlets. Several holographic shields are present on her body. On the shoulders and legs. Dragoon has two big mechanical wings, which she can control by using the remaining muscles in her back. Also, Dragoon has a long segmented tail with bright green lights.


Dragoon, just like her old self, is quite a shy type. She usually has a very closed look to her, either embracing herself, or looking around quickly with her arms hanging down her sides. But, however, she can easily break through that shy personality once she gets involved in combat. She can be quite fierce at times like that. She is hard to start a conversation with, but once a conversation has successfully started, she usually lets go of her shy self and becomes a rather open person, very kind and caring.


Dragoon is known for her amazing dexterity. She wields two high-powered pistols and several other weapons that she can mount on her thighs, making her able to carry them. Not only does she carry weapons, but she also has a few built in. For instance, she has a couple of small built-in missile batteries, which in combination with her already amazingly powerful handheld weaponry makes her twice as deadly. Due to the fact that Dragoon was also involved in the psionic projects of VIPER, she was outfitted with a special recovery system which allows her to recover from damage by using her mind. This same device was later implemented in Mindviper's suit.

Other than all of this she has a decent degree in close range combat. Her large mechanical claws are great weapons, as she has been seen tearing apart the armours of VIPER soldiers with little effort. Her feet are shaped like high heels, adding more chance for injury when she kicks her opponent.

When Dragoon takes flight, she is surrounded by green energy.