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Player: @rnacorp1
Rogue pic 2.jpeg
"If punching it doesn't work, try punching harder!"
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee DPS
Power Level: 35
Research & Development: Arms
Biographical Data
Real Name: Sylvia Grey
Known Aliases: Rogue
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois
Base of Operations: Millenium City
Relatives: Father: Phillip Grey

Mother: Sharon Grey

Age: 21
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 127 lbs
Eyes: Bright green
Hair: Varies(She dyes it often)
Complexion: Soft and slightly made up
Physical Build: Physically fit and lean
Physical Features: Has a tat sleeve on her right arm with images including a dragon coiling up her bicep with various thorns leading up to black rose on her shoulder, a lion wearing a crown on top of her forearm, and a syringe wrapped in snakes under her forearm
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: United States of America
Occupation: Works for Harper Security Solutions. Also works part-time at a teashop.
Education: Nothing past High School
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
High Regeneration, Augmented Strength and Agility, Poison, High Durability
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Scorpion Mk. II Armor
ReldinBox Template


Sylvia was born in the South side of Chicago on May 24, 1992. Her family wasn't very well off so she lived in the projects, exposing her to the lifestyle of gangs, hoodlums, and dropouts at an early age. As she grew up, the area she grew up in had an effect on her, teaching her that she had no time to be soft and the only way to survive was to get tough and show others you were better than them. At first, it started as just causing trouble in school and disobeying teachers, but rapidly the trouble she caused got worse and worse. She began starting fights with kids just for looking in her direction and even joined a gang when she was only eleven years old. Her parents tried to talk sense into the girl, but when she stood up to them they just gave up on her and didn't bother trying to help her in any way. Because of this, Sylvia rarely ever returned to her home and would stay out on the streets with fellow gang members and when she actually did go back to her home, it was only to take whatever money she could and her parents had few to no words to say when she arrived. At the age of twelve, Sylvia would then begin her downward spiral to her new lifestyle, with seemingly no hope for reform. She began doing drugs and smoking at this age and eventually would try even harder drugs just a year later. Sustaining her habits became difficult and she had to resort to crime in order to get the money she needed to keep up her drug habits. As more time went on, she would move from gang to gang, either because they wouldn't have the drugs she wanted or because they were killed in gang conflicts. School was never an option and she rarely went, sometimes missing weeks at a time. She eventually dropped out of school officially at sixteen. It was also at this age when she would have considered herself officially homeless, sleeping on park benches with just the clothes on her back or whatever scraps of clothing she could find to cover up. She had no source of money whatsoever and was desperate. She eventually began offering sexual favors to people for money on her own, but soon worked with a pimp. She did this for three years until she decided that she needed a change of scenery.

Sylvia arrives at Westside

She heard about Millennium City after hearing about the city reopening after The Battle of Detroit and thought it would be a good place to move to. When she arrived she continued to partake in her usual trouble, making Westside her new home. She was sent to Westside Prison within a month of her arrival on charges of assault and battery, possession of drugs with intent to sell, and prostitution. Sh wasted no time in prison became known as the alpha-female and not to be messed with. Then one day she got a visit from a rather strange man who offered her freedom from prison if she accepted his offer in assisting his experiment. She immediately accepted and was released within a week. She was then taken to Syndicorp, where the man's experiments were being conducted. Immediately upon arrival, she was drugged and incapacitated. When she awoke, she found out she had a mechanical tail surgically attached to her body, now a moving part of her. The man revealed she was the successful product of the Scorpio program, and she would now be used for his gains to acquire whatever he desired. She was held within the facility for three months. During this time, she discovered her strength, agility, and her ability to recover from injury exponentially. She was then prepared to don the Scorpion Mk. II armor, which would be the final step in the man's plans. When equipped with the armor, she decided to quit while she was ahead and steal the armor, running off to dominate Westside as her domain.

The Present


Sylvia stands at 5'10" with short, punky hair that she often dyes different colors. Her eyes are a bright, mildly glowing green due to the fact that she has poison rushing through her body. Their orginal color was brown. Her skin is surprisingly soft despite her rough lifestyle. She dresses rather tomboyishly and rarely wears a skirt, but she's becoming more comfortable with them. On her right arm she has a tattoo sleeve that consists of a dragon coiling up her bicep with various thorns leading up to black rose on her shoulder, a lion wearing a crown on top of her forearm, and a syringe wrapped in snakes under her forearm.


Sylvia is a very brash and aggressive girl on the outside, but she is working on being more friendly. Talking to her at first could be difficult especially if you make a bad first impression. She has no problems walking up to people and starting conversation, but will be a bit blunt and awkward do to her aggressive upbringing. Underneath this however is a girl who is quite soft and accepting and just wants to have a fresh start. She's tired of living by her rough nature, but its so ingrained into her personality she has a hard time admitting so.


  • Strength: Sylvia's strength is rivaled by very few and has seemingly no limits. She achieved this augmented strength thanks to the experimentation by Syndicorp. This strength is further increased while she is in her armor and even further while she berserks. Her blows are very dangerous to take head on.
  • Agility: Sylvia is very agile and can maneuver around fairly quickly. This is further increased in her armor and further while she berserks. While her agility is nothing to laugh at, it is not terribly fast and can be followed by seasoned fighters.
  • Regeneration: Possibly the most important part of her abilities. Sylvia's regenerate powers are highly effective and allow her to recover wounds at an extreme rate and keep her fighting for hours at a time. This is improved in her armor and while she berserks. She can control this regeneration, either slowing it or accelerating it. She can only accelerate it for a short while and with focus. She diminishes its effects so she can enjoy her favorite pastime, drinking.
  • Scorpion Mk. II Armor: The staple of her persona, Rogue. This armor increases the capabilities of all of her powers. It is a highly durable suit and is difficult to penetrate, but is also very lightweight, allowing Sylvia to deal powerful blows and also move about unrestricted.
  • Poison: Sylvia is able to produce an unlimited supply of poison and use it for combat. While in her armor, she is able to transfer this poison to her claws but otherwise is only sent to her tail and through biting. The potency of the poison can be controlled, either being a slight numbing effect or a deadly toxin.
  • Berserker Rage: Sylvia's most powerful ability is the Berserker Rage. This ability increases the power of all of her abilities immensely and increases further as time goes on. She is able to maintain this state for ten minutes and maintaining this state for any longer gradually makes her lose control of herself.


  • Intelligence: Sylvia isn't the smartest person in the world. Using ingenuity and strategy is an easy way to defeat her. There's another reason she didn't finish high school. She just wasn't completely there intellectually.
  • Psionic Abilities: Sylvia has no mental defenses whatsoever. She has never experienced such types of attacks and is highly susceptible to these abilities. Using this on her is an easy way to defeating her.
  • Regeneration: Defeating Sylvia repeatedly decreases her regenerative abilities. What starts off as a extreme rate of recover can become a normal human's pace. Being able to go multiple rounds with Sylvia can be your greatest advantage simply because she can't go on forever.
  • Berserker Rage: As stated before, Berserker Rage has a time limit and using it any longer than that causes her to lose control. Also, she can only be in this state safely once a day. Using it anymore will cause damage to herself. After using a full ten minutes of rage, all of her powers are reduced for a short amount of time.
  • Her Ego: Sylvia likes to think she is the greatest of all time. Padding this ego or destroying can be used to your advantage. She also thinks she can do a lot better than her failures. While this gives her a good work ethic, she often takes in challenges that are far out of her league, believing she must always deal with things alone.

