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The Upstanding
Patriotic Peacekeeper
Let Truth Be My Sword And Justice Be My Shield.
Player: Pallaslogo.png
Super Group
National Assembly
· Other Affiliations ·
UNITY, PRIMUS, Agents of Victory
Real Name
Josiah Simmons
June 14, 1747
Philadelphia, PA
United States
Millennium City
Justice Haven
Costumed Hero
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
All Deceased
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Mid 20s (Real Age 250+)
210 lbs.
Body Type
Solid, Muscular
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Super Strength, Super Speed, Invulnerability, Energy Manipulation
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·
Motivational Speaker, Rustic Survival Skills, Speaks French, Spanish and German

Josiah Simmons was a man born centuries ago in the earliest days of America's history. A simple man whose actions were always good and just, a series of events led to him being mortally wounded. calling upon the ancient spirits of this land, Josiah was given a second chance at life. He was also blessed with great powers and abilities which he used to help his fellow man. Originally active during the Revolutionary War as the hero Colonial, he fought to liberate this country alongside numerous historical figures. After the war, a great slumber overtook the hero. He awoke during another time in the nation's history during great strife. The circles continues, with Colonial disappearing and returning for centuries, his powers growing each time he reappears. Once more amongst humanity, Colonial strives to continue to be a paragon of justice and a source of inspiration for those who believe in American way of life.


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Taking in a new day, out of costume.

Josiah is an attractive man presumably in his mid to late twenties. He usually has a slight, open smile on his face which more often than not puts others at ease immediately. Some may notice he speaks with an ever so slight accent that might be taken for British. Standing 6'2" and weighing in at 210 pounds, Josiah has the build of someone who is in shape but not overly imposing. His hair is a deep, rich black and usually held back into a ponytail.

In his guise of Colonial, Josiah typically wears a costume that is very much an indication of his actual birth era. In his super heroic identity, Josiah wears standard colonial garb in American based colors (red, white and blue). This includes a long coat, a ruffled neck collar and a vest. Breeches, stockings and black shoes are worn on his legs. A black mask covering the upper part of his face is attached to a white wig, and he often wears a colonial style hat. Black short gloves finish off his costume. From time to time he will wear a slight variation of this costume, usually without the coat and adding domino mask instead of a half face mask.


Josiah Simmons was born in Philadelphia in 1747 to a wealthy owner of a sugar refinery. Josiah was a relatively quiet child, keeping mostly to himself. He wished to join the ministry, and as such took to his studies in earnest. It was that he enrolled into college, at age 15, where his life took a most interesting turn.


Josiah wished to experience more out of life, realizing that his dream was elsewhere. He had not spent much time away from his home, and as such wanted to fully explore this 'new world' that was opening up around him. Leaving his life in Philadelphia, he traveled with others to what is now known as the Ohio Valley. With a fellow scholar, it was his wish to become an interpreter with the natives.

Meeting with the tribes, particularly the Shawnee, was especially fulfilling for him. Josiah was amazed at their way of life and especially how they were attuned to nature. It was nothing like his life in Philadelphia. Within a short amount of time he had earned their respect and trust. With his second year he was accepted by most local tribes as someone they admired and called friend. He worked alongside them, ate with them, and even socialized with him... often to the ire of others not so fond of the Native Americans.

In 1773, a land developer from Maryland assembled a group of volunteers together for an assault upon the Shawnee over the false allegation that they were preparing hostilities. Josiah caught wind of their plans while living near the fort where this was beginning and attempted to put a stop to this. Fleeing from the fort to the Shawnee tribe, Josiah tried to warn the Native Americans of what was happening. It was, however, too late. The assembled group of volunteers attacked the tribe, and one of their first victims was Josiah, who was shot by a volunteer while pleading with them to not attack.

It appeared none survived the slaughter. Another tribe of Shawnee came upon the carnage the following day and searched through the bodies for any signs of life. There was only one... Josiah. The tribe knew of him, and regarded him warmly as well. Taking his body, barely clinging onto life, Josiah was brought before the shaman of the tribe. Josiah hovered in a state between life and death, and the shaman prepared himself to assist him on a journey one way or the other.

Beseeching the Shawnee spirit Moneto, the great Creator and Supreme Being, the shaman asked the entity to take Josiah's soul and either help him walk to the beyond or return him to the land of the living. Something, somehow, stirred within Josiah. A flash of energy was expulsed from Josiah's form, and in his head he heard 'there are still great things to be done'. Though a 'white man', the invocation somehow worked... Josiah opened his eyes, living.


Josiah soon came to learn other things after he awoke. His body was stronger than before and more durable. A knife could barely scratch his skin. He could run as fast as a horse at full speed and he was even able to discharge small amounts of what appeared to be lightning from his body. Josiah left the Ohio Valley, once again returning to Philadelphia. He had no answers, only questions, and he hoped that returning home might be a chance to start anew for him.

The climate in 1774 was far from inviting in the colonies. Uprisings were everywhere and there was chaos as war was imminent between the young colonies and the British. Josiah wanted to do his part as well, and realized that these new found abilities could help do just that. When war finally broke in 1775, Josiah decided to join in assisting the colonies. Worried about his safety as well as his family's with the use of his talents, however, he chose to disguise himself. Donning a mask he chose to assist in defending the thirteen colonies and fought wherever he was needed, utilizing his powers to turn the tide of numerous battles. The papers of the time picked up on his exploits and dubbed him 'Colonial' in his defense of the lands. The name stuck, and soon news reached the British of a strange masked man with supernatural powers who was fighting against them.

When the war was over, Josiah assisted in minor things here and there before the United States was officially recognized in 1783. As life went on, he noticed that he was seemingly not aging like others he knew. He also felt a calling of sorts, summoning him back to where he almost lost his life in the Ohio Valley. Returning to the forests, he heard a voice echo. It told the voice he heard years ago while wounded and dying. The voice stated to him it was not known as just the spirit Moneto, but had many names in many languages. It also said that he was to be appointed guardian of these lands henceforth, to be called when needed. Though now, it said, it was time to sleep.

Oddly understanding the words of the voice and the meaning behind them, Josiah nodded. He felt an impulse to go to a cave nearby which went far down below the earth. And it was there that he slept until 1811. Josiah awoke, and the voice guided him to return to the colonies, which now had grown larger than before. He realized that upon waking up that his powers had doubled. He also noticed how the world had changed but his mission had not. It was here that he fought, again defending America, in the War of 1812.

It has been since then that Colonial has repeatedly defended America. He slumbers, only to find himself revitalized and more powerful than the last time he has awoken. Each time he realizes that he has a few years to understand, acclimate and digest what every new version of the United States is about before being engaged in some new major threat that is posed against his country. The Civil War and both World Wars were fought with him protecting the American dream. He was last seen in 1953, but has recently returned again... which means that soon, a new threat looms over the sanctity of the place he calls home.


Josiah is a warm, caring if somewhat old fashioned individual (while still being incredibly open minded to new ideas). He sometimes finds himself wearing his heart on his sleeve, going out of his way to provide support or even merely a listening ear. Due to the era he was born in, Josiah displays proper manners whenever possible, even while in combat related situations. In terms of romantic liaisons, Josiah prefers to remain single. He fully understands and accepts the fact that he is not awake for typically more than a decade or two, and as such things like marriage and a lifetime commitment become difficult. While this has a tendency to make him feel lonely he also makes up for it in the enduring friendships he builds with others.

Powers & Skills

With every awakening, Colonial's power has grown exponentially. Why this is, much like the source of his powers, is a mystery.

During the Revolutionary War, Colonial possessed the following powers:

  • Super Strength: Colonial had the strength of roughly ten men.
  • Durability:The ability to withstand up to a rifle's impact.
  • Electrical Powers: He could project short bursts of electricity from a distance of 20 feet. It was powerful enough to knock several horses down at once.
  • Enhanced Speed: Josiah was fast, with a top speed of about 80 miles per hour.

In his most recent awakening, Colonial has displayed the following powers and abilities:

  • Super Strength: Colonial can lift around sixty tons of weight.
  • Flight/ Super Speed: This power has grown considerably. Colonial can reach supersonic speeds of around mach 5. In closed areas he cannot achieve such speeds, but is still able to move and react at several hundred miles per hour. A strange side effect of this ability is that is leaves a pattern of 'stars and stripes' in its wake.
  • Invulnerability: Colonial has a high level of durability. It requires a lot of physical punishment to actually harm him.
  • Electrical Manipulation: The power of the land is channeled right through Colonial in the form of electrical energy. Colonial can harness these abilities for both offensive and defensive purposes. He can discharge electricity through his hands, erect shields and even tamper with the electrical charges in the weather, sending down bolts of lightning from the sky if outdoors.


RP Hooks

  • You may have heard of Colonial's exploits since the War. While Colonial has never achieved the 'A Lister' status some heroes have, he has been a constant presence in America over the ages in times of war.
  • Josiah strives to know more about the era that he currently lives in. He only remains in the world a few years at a time before once again returning to sleep. Maybe someone can show him the sights?
  • Colonial projects an altruistic personality type and enjoys meeting like minded individuals.
  • If there are other heroes who are also long lived they may have met at some point in history or fought together. This would especially hold true of they were present during the World Wars.
  • Colonial can provide a wide amount of insight into the history of the United States, being as he was alive during its inception.
  • Josiah is a strong speaker and has a definite charisma about him and possesses strong leadership abilities.

Colonial avionetca.jpg


  • Josiah has a slight fear of technology. Sure, he'll use it... but it doesn't mean he'll trust it.
  • Enjoys television and thinks it is one of the best inventions ever. Has a soft spot for shows from the 1950s.
  • Can speak French, Spanish and German.
  • Josiah is actually a fairly religious person, despite how he gained his powers. He wears a crucifix under his tunic.
  • Can quote scripture with amazing accuracy.
  • Likes camping and other things involving nature. He loves white water rafting.
  • Has a good understanding of how to make use of the land (ie Josiah can tell you what is edible vs. non edible in the wilderness).
  • Josiah can play the violin.

Comments & Opinions

Know Colonial? Please leave your comments and opinions here!

Colonial Art Galler