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Player: @Doc001
Character Build
Class Focus: DPS
Power Level: 27
Research & Development: N/A
Biographical Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: None
Gender: Male
Species: Presumably human mutant
Ethnicity: Unknown
Place of Birth: Presumably Detroit, MI
Base of Operations: Millennium City and surrounding area
Relatives: None known
Age: Unknown, presumed to be in his 20s
Height: 4ft 10in
Weight: approx. 250 lbs
Eyes: Amethyst
Hair: None
Complexion: Light brown mixed with black
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Scales, reptilian appearance, prehensile tail and tongue, two rows of conical teeth, five fingers and toes as well as claws on both his fingers and toes, replacing fingernails.
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Chaotic Neutral

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 3
Citizenship: US
Occupation: Mercenary
Education: Unknown
Marital Status: In relationship
Known Powers and Abilities
Super strength Regeneration, toughness, enhanced dexterity and latent psionic capabilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Questionite sword, power armor, grav bike, various gadgets, mad ca$h
ReldinBox Template

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Ilar is a (self-proclaimed) mutant and meta from Westside, and has recently registered as a superhero. Possessing several reptilian features and powers such as super strength and regeneration, Ilar works mostly as a mercenary, and has gotten into a few conflicts with MCPD and even PRIMUS in one instance. Ilar is known to possess access to a large amount of money, the source of which he keeps secret.


His features seem to be amalgamations of various existing reptiles. His head, for instance, is vaguely comparable in appearance to that of a Komodo dragon. His scaled skin is a light brown, with dark brown and black markings as well as thicker scales on his chest and arms. Ilar's snake-like eyes are of a solid amethyst color. His fingernails and toenails are replaced by dull claws, while his long tail appears to be prehensile, on top of being detachable, much like those of certain species of lizard. Ilar usually wears street clothes, most commonly a hoodie or vest with black baggy pants. He can often be observed barefoot, although cold temperatures seem to have persuaded him to wear shoes.


-Super Strength:
Ilar is currently capable of lifting up to twenty tons, and is still in the process of training using facilities specifically designed for metahumans. This is made possible by his dense muscles and bone structure, which makes him deceptively strong and unusually heavy for his size.

Capable of regenerating any amount of damage to his body, Ilar is effectively a type two immortal. This means that as long as even some of his tissue remains, he will be capable of regenerating fully depending on the conditions.

-Enhanced Dexterity:
Ilar is highly dextrous, though not at a superhuman level. This leaves him at an advantage against most humans, being about as nimble as a human could be at their peak.

-Enhanced Toughness:
Ilar's body is resistant to damage due to his dense bones, muscles and skin, which make him harder to injure than most.

-Temperature Sensitivity:
Ilar's powers are evidently temperature-related, meaning that heat enhances them to a degree, while cold weakens them. This is especially true for his regeneration, which is nullified completely by certain temperature levels.

Ilar himself is not aware of the latent psionic abilities that he possesses, and without proper training or a trigger of some sort, he is unable to make use of them.
The origin of this ability is unknown.