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Player: @doctorevilface
[[Image:Wildfire byEWG 71414 copy.jpg|300px|]]
"Saving the day, one smashed face at a time."
Character Build
Class Focus: Freeform
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Magic (Basic)
Biographical Data
Real Name: Reilly Overbeck
Known Aliases: Wild Wonder, Lighter, Orange-y
Gender: Female
Species: Human (Demonborn)
Ethnicity: White
Place of Birth: A City of Paragons and Champions, Rhode Island
Base of Operations: Classified
Relatives: Creator: Astaroth

Father: Ronald Overbeck

Mother: Maria Overbeck (Deceased)

Age: 22
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 104
Eyes: Green
Hair: Fiery Orange
Physical Build: Petite
Physical Features:
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Badly Kept Secret (Everyone secretly knows.)
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: Citizen of Millennium City
Occupation: Full-Time Superhero
Education: G.E.D
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Fire Mastery, One Handed Weapon
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Heavy Battle Ax
ReldinBox Template


Fiery Origins

Youngest daughter of Qliphothic demon, Astaroth, Morganthe was also a child among ancients, being the only demon born within the past ten thousand years. As such, her powers were limitless and immense, not worn out from centuries of overuse like her predecessors. Demonic overlord Lucifer noticed this, and began Morganthe's training as his harbinger of the apocalypse. Unfortunately, like any hormone-driven youth, Morganthe was rebellious. She constantly questioned Lucifer and his mad agenda against humanity, each time only receiving vague half-answers to appease her curiosity. As a young creature of free will, she began to resent her father and Lucifer and as a final act of rebellion, she challenged the mighty lord of hell to a duel for the throne. The battle was intense, with Morganthe's chaotic and fresh abilities against Lucifer's millenia of honed experience. In the end, however, Morganthe's overconfidence and inability to adapt to Lucifer's strategy lead to her defeat. Humiliated and broken, she was exiled from the Kingdom of Hades and sentenced to a life as a mere mortal.

Life Among Humans

Under the hot summer sun of August, 1992, Reilly Overbeck was born. Having failed to reach the local hospital in time, her father Ronald was forced to handle his wife, Maria's labor himself. Due to his severe lack of experience and medical aid, Maria succumbed and died giving birth. Alone and inexperienced, Reilly's heart-broken father gave into depression, spending most of his daughter's childhood a drunken mess. Reilly was forced to fend for herself, and did just that. She cooked, cleaned, payed the bills and went to school all at the same time. Her childhood was turbulent, (To say the least) and the constant bullying she received throughout her school career only added to the stress and boiling rage within her heart. Finally, at the age of 18, her anger reached it's peak. Caught in a scuffle in her school's cafeteria, Reilly fought viciously against her tormentor, nearly tearing him to shreds. At the height of her rampage and to the bewilderment of everyone there, her hair burst into flames! All of her hatred came out in one fiery blast that nearly scorched the room. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt, but the outburst left Reilly permanently expelled and incarcerated...

Under isolation in hard lock-down, Reilly had nothing but time to think about what happened and how her anger manifested itself so dangerously. After some time in deep thought, vague memories and cloudy bits of her life as Morganthe began to return... Unfortunately she was unable to fully piece together these vagrant memories and decided instead to spend her time experimenting with her new found abilities. It was easy enough to avoid trouble, being in complete isolation, and at the age of 20, Reilly finished her sentence and returned to the real world.

Trouble with Hellions

Reilly's father, furious and intoxicated, decided he was done raising a child. At his booming demand, Reilly packed her things and left the dilapidated brownstone she once called home, vowing never to return. For months she spent wandering the hard streets of the city, digging for food scraps in the dumpster and honing her abilities in underground super-fighting rings. It was there she rose in the ranks as one of the top fighters of the ghetto's. It was there she was approached and welcomed into one of the most notorious and influential gangs in the city: The Hellions.

Though on the surface, the Hellions looked like a simple drug-running, car jacking group of thugs, their evil went much deeper... A meta-human gang of demon-worshipers, the Hellions knew of Reilly's life as Morganthe, and were secretly planning to unleash the fire within. They tested her powers, sending Reilly on dangerous and bold missions. Always one for a challenge, she happily complied, leaving only more powerful and strengthened until at last, she reached the height of her abilities. The inner circle of leadership was informed and decided it was time to act. At the request of their Millennium City counterparts, the Hellions re-located their oblivious champion to the back-alleys of Westside, promising even more fame and fortune should her time there be spent wisely.

To her suprise, however, Reilly was given much simpler tasks and much less recognition and fortune than was previously negotiated. Of course, being one to act on instict before logic, she quickly took her complaints to the inner circle. That's when they struck. Using their own demonic powers, Reilly was quickly out-numbered and subdued by sacrificial priests. They planned to roast her mortal form and free the devil within! The ceremony commenced, each Hellion member offering her their blessing, until the last man finished, then the transformation began. Her memories of Morganthe returned, quickly burying her life as Reilly Overbeck. The crazy hell-child of Astaroth had returned, ready to unleash her anger upon the world. The Hellions had other plans, however, and like the rebellious youth she was, the two parties clashed. In one fell swoop, Morganthe eliminated her former gang-members and set into motion her plans to destroy Millennium.

A New Lease on Life

The invasion had begun. Fire grazed the city of the future, the sky went black and people ran for their lives. Powerful monsters sprang from the ground, destroying anything and everything in their path. Millennium City was under attack, which meant the call to action had been activated. Heroes from all over began the strike against this looming threat, and with the combined efforts of independent meta-humans and the super heroic league, the Champions, Morganthe's defeat was swift. Behind the scenes, Champion Witchcraft was aware of the events surrounding Reilly Overbeck and the Hellions, giving Champions leader Defender time to prepare. Despite the collateral damage and flashy action, innocents were recovered, the day was saved, and Morganthe was once again imprisoned in her fleshy-form. Due to Reilly's actions being not of her own will, having been forced upon the city by the Hellions, Reilly's punishment wasn't severe. She was genuinely remorseful of the chaos she brought to the streets and after interrogation, the Champions agreed incarceration was not the answer. Instead, at Defender's request, Reilly was spared lock-up in Stronghold by City officials and began training with Witchcraft to properly control and use her powers, ensuring Morganthe would never threaten the city again. It took some time, but eventually she was able to handle her anger, even channeling it for more productive purposes as a fellow crime fighter and super hero. Reilly was bestowed the name "Wildfire" by Defender for her wit and unconventional methods of administering justice.

After many successful missions and time spent on the right side of the law, Wildfire gained the trust of the city and the Champions, finally being awarded an official hero's license at age 22. Now with the benefits and rewards of being a legal superhero, Wildfire has turned her life around from a lowly street-gangster to an outstanding and productive member of society. Setup with her own apartment, job and access to plenty of resources, Reilly Overbeck has taken her place among the brave heroes of Millennium City.

Recent Events

The Midnight Hour: Rise of an Enemy

As Wildfire quickly transformed from a super-powered delinquent to an honorable crime-fighter, a slew of new villains arose to combat this fledgling hero. Masterminds debuted, organizations were formed, alliances were made, but none were as diabolical and threatening as that of one Doctor Stanley Reign. Dr. Reign rose to scientific prominence through lies, deceit and betrayal. He had his fingers in every breakthrough and secret project in Millennium City. With access to numerous resources, experimental projects and social influence, Dr. Reign could do anything he wanted and made sure the world knew it.

As villainous ego's go, Stanley saw himself as the perfect human being, while the rest of the world were savage, chaotic animals. He felt he could usher in a golden age of humanity under his rule, bringing order to the dangerous world he lived in. Using advanced robots and life-extending research, Reign re-imagined himself as a king of kings, the lord of a new era and the end of an old. To him he was the dawn of a new day, but to the rest he was the end. He was Master Midnight.

At first, his crimes were small and indirect, carried out by his army of robot foot-soldiers. Banks were robbed, technology was stolen, people were exploited. The Champions took note, but with the devastation brought on by Dr. Destroyer they were preoccupied. Defender saw this as a great opportunity to challenge Wildfire's abilities. As the newly appointed head of the investigation against Midnight, Wildfire was successfully able to track down and disrupt his plans. Everything was going well, until a botched museum heist rescue left innocents injured and Midnight supercharged with powerful Lemurian magic. The situation became complicated as he grew in strength...

Westside at War

To make matters worse, a new gang war was brewing in Westside. After the fall of Hi Pan and the defeat of his super-powered gang alliance, the New Purple Gang and the Maniacs had fractured into sub-groups. The Purple Punishers and the Neo Freakshow had risen to power through their utter ruthlessness and psychotic violence. What remained of Kevin Poe and Zoe Loft's organizations were fighting not only for control of Westside, but their very lives.

Heroes from all over the city were called in to combat these new threats. Wildfire, still recovering from her defeat at the Museum had volunteered to help out, despite her injuries. Defender was unable to convince her otherwise, so she wasted no time planning her own strike against this new threat. With the help of other fledgling heroes like herself, Wildfire was able to bring some order to the chaotic streets, saving countless lives and disrupting the bloodshed. Of course, the Purple Punishers and Neo Freakshow weren't about to give up so easily. Oscar the Freak, leader of the Neo Freakshow, ordered the manufacturing and distribution of powerful Draysha in the form of a new drug. This new super-steroid was especially popular with the Cobra Lords, who came in droves for their super-powered fix. Little did they know, however, that this special batch of Draysha was laced with special nanites from an unknown source, who's properties allowed Oscar the Freak to control the user's every action. Slowly but surely, the Cobra Lords gave in to this mind-control drug and quickly became the foot soldiers for Oscar's growing force.

Princess Punish, leader of the Purple Punishers, had similar methods of indoctrination, though considerably more brutal. Instead of disguising her batch of Draysha as simple drugs, the psychotic queen of terror would forcefully inject the pure Draysha substance inside her victims. Innocent people became mindless, super-powered pawns in the Princess' deadly game...

(More to come...)