Gwendolyn Morrigani Franseza

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Gwendolyn Morrigani Franseza
Player: @akhrua95
Gwendolyn Morrigani Franseza A.K.A. Aki's Girlfriend.jpg
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Personal Data
Real Name: Gwendolyn Morrigani Franseza
Known Aliases: None.
Species: Alternate Universe Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 25
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 127Lbs.
Eye Color: Normal green no-pupil style eyes.
Hair Color: A mix of ginger and blue strands, worn long around her shoulders.
Biographical Data
Nationality: Alternate Universe British.
Occupation: Currently None.
Place of Birth: Alternate Universe London.
Current Residence: Alternate Universe London.
Marital Status: Girlfriend to Aki Naomi Nishimura, A.K.A. Gunmage Guardian.
Known Relatives: Anna Franseza(Mother, deceased) and George Franseza(Father, deceased)

Who she is

Gwendolyn Morrigani Franseza, or Gwen for short, is Aki's girlfriend, and lives with her in an apartment they bought(yes, bought, not rented or leased)with the help of various gold, jewels, and trinkets picked up in Aki's travels. She is probably the most valuable thing, person, item, or other, etc., to Aki, and has been gifted(By Aki, obviously) with the same reincarnation abilities Aki has. However, this gifting was most likely a once in all of time and space in the omniverse thing, and was extremely hard to do.

Gwen's Reincarnation Abilities, and Explanations of it

Gwen is Aki's girlfriend, and was gifted with the knowledge and powers to travel the omniverse with her(By her own choice of course).

Because of this, Normally Gwen is a being of pure thought who roams the Astral Realm with Aki. When she enters a physical universe, she needs a body, so she creates one for herself out of energy around her entry-point. Being outside the system, if her body gets damaged enough to die, as long as she leaves it for the Astral Realm before she actually dies, she can re-do the process and come back. If she dies before she can leave the body, she is forced back inside the system, but will most likely be put inside the system of the universe she is in.

The important thing to take away from this exposition is this: If you kill Gwen, she'll be back in a second or two in a brand new body, most likely with exact copies of all her gear.