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Player: starman212
Maarta prof.jpg
Class Focus:
Power Level: 40
Research & Development:
Personal Data
Real Name: Ma'arta k'Drathruu
Known Aliases:
Species: Human (alternate dimension)
Age: appears early 20's
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Biographical Data
Nationality: Skartathian
Occupation: Trans-dimensionally Exiled Princess
Place of Birth: Capital City
Base of Operations: Capital City
Marital Status:
Known Relatives:
Known Powers
Known Abilities

General Information

  • Fifth Assassin of The Order of the Shadow Daggers
  • Seventh Thief of The Clan of The Light Hands
  • Ninth in Line of Succession to the throne of the Realm of Skartatha of the World of Abdelion.

Accused of treason and cast out of my realm into the Dimensional Vortex (and into this realm by chance) on order of The Queen, Her Highness Ji'an Roth Josephiin.

My eldest sister.

I highly suspect that plor'ka't'ha Viceroy of hers has poisoned her mind and turned her against me. (And probably the rest of the realm as well.) I never liked the Viceroy and always suspected she was (is?) evil. Royal Security was never satisfied with her lack of credentials when The Queen brought her on. But the Queen was adamant.

The Viceroy is probably not satisfied with my mere banishment and will probably come looking for me to finish me off. At least, being a member of the Royal Family, I was able to avoid the death penalty.

I see you're looking at this device on my left arm. This is what allows us to harness our h'roth'ja, our closest word for what you would call magic.

(Truth be told, I'm surprised I've been able to maintain my powers here.)

Nemesis List

  • Xiixix Qain - (Pronounced "Zeezix Kain"), Viceroy to Her Highness The Queen Ji'an Roth Josephiin.