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Player: @Rotundo
"Somethin' stinks here, and it ain't just me."
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee DPS, Debuffer
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Herbert du Preez
Known Aliases: Rat, Stinky, Fokker
Gender: Male
Species: Mutated human
Ethnicity: White
Place of Birth: Johannesburg, South Africa
Base of Operations: South Africa, Global
Relatives: Classified
Age: 26
Height: 7'0"
Weight: 250 lbs
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
Complexion: albino, hairless skin
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: Extensive cybernetics, not well maintained
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 4
Citizenship: South Africa
Occupation: None
Education: High School
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Toxic chemicals can be expelled from his mouth; also gives him high resistance to various harmful chemicals; sharp claws combined with super strength and constitution.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Haz-mat Suit
ReldinBox Template


Born Herbert du Preez, the giant rat mutant known as Ratscallion was a typical boy growing up in Johannesburg. He loved football, listening to punk rock, and eating spiced sausage. As a teen he found he enjoyed partaking in the counter-culture, feeling that today's world was too stuffy and PC and squeaky-clean to feel 'real'. He picked up a bit of street smarts but never got into trouble enough to be an issue to his parents. As years went by, he found a job as a lab tech for a cosmetics company named Clover Inc.

He was soon offered an under the table deal: be their guinea pig and see a significant pay raise, as well as other benefits - things that would finally put him at the top of the food chain. Without considering it too heavily, he eagerly snatched up what he thought was a golden opportunity. It didn't turn out quite like he expected. After several extensive experiments, some only tangentially related to cosmetics and more towards bioweapon and genetics research, he mutated into a giant man-rat hybrid filled with various chemicals and a bad attitude. He didn't mind too much, though, thinking he'd still get payed. His handlers ensured he stayed quiet on what they were doing not just to him, but to other 'subjects', not all of them animals.

Of course, Herbert didn't see much beyond what they did to him. But slowly, his conscience began to bother him. He became restless and irritable, lashing out at the scientists that tested him and gave him his food and cash. Finally, he had enough. He would blow the whistle on the entire operation, and did so, contacting UNTIL anonymously and giving them the straight dope on the place. A raid commenced, and Clover Inc. was shut down for good, many of the scientists scattered or arrested for trial. Ratscallion got off the hook, but now he was penniless and kept by UNTIL for testing.

After extensive registration of his powers and being assigned a physical and mental therapist, he was released, and needed to decide what to do with himself. He thought hard, and decided that he actually LIKED the feeling of helping others. So much that he decided to became a freelance do-gooder in the city of Johannesburg, and eventually, the world at large with M.A.C.E.


Ratscallion is a very feisty, unpleasant person - or so he would have you believe. He strongly upholds to his old idea that the world is too obsessed with looks and neatness and not enough on honesty and appreciation for the dirtier things in life. He is a strong supporter of the counter-culture scene, though he despises hipsters. Give him nasty punk over suave urbanity anyday. He would never trade rude manners, fart humor, and waking up in a dumpster with a killer hangover over blue blooded stuffiness any day. To that end, he isn't afraid to tell you what's on his mind or even get into a good brawl, which alienates many.

But those that can see past his crusty exterior and harshness find a true and loyal friend. He may be quite cynical, but he is developing a strong protective instinct for the small and weak, and can often be found leaving gifts and forage for the homeless population of his home city, or any city he happens to be visiting. He likes to attend loud concerts, booze it up and find stupid, potentially self-harming stunts to pull off, and do it all over again the next day.

His appearance brings some degree of self-loathing he hides from others. He deeply fears that he will lose himself to his beastly side, and worries this may be happening little by little each day. To that end he focuses on living vicariously and keeping his sense of vigilante justice as a focus point to keep from backsliding. He can't remember what he looked like or some members of his family, but he certainly knows who he is and who his friends are.


Super Strength: Ratscallion, in his mutated state, is extremely strong. With his claws, he can easily shred through metal, though he tries to keep them blunted or retracted when fighting regular humans.

Super Toughness: Rat is capable of running for long periods, especially on all fours, and his skin and muscle structure allow him to take a lot of hits - even blades will have a hard time cutting through his body. He also has a slight healing factor that allows him to recover more quickly than the average human.

Toxicity: His body doesn't have conventional blood; rather, he runs on the toxic cocktail of chemicals stored and processed within him. This can be seen in the tubes covering his cybernetics. He is able to expel these chemicals on his enemies, and is surprisingly good at containing them when out of combat (though he still has a back up haz-mat suit just in case).


  • Ratscallion is an albino, meaning he burns in the sun easily without protection. He tends to operate at night as a result.
  • He is also not immune to every chemical; rare and new ones can easily affect him just as much as others.
  • He has poor hygiene, and doesn't keep up on regular maintenance of his cybernetic parts. This affects both his combat performance and social ability.
Rat shows off his moves



K'K the Hunter: Ratscallion chanced upon this hunter from another world while inspecting Gadroon activity. Since then, they've become friends, and Ratscallion thinks the bug man is pretty cool, and likes to make fun of trendy kids with him in their off time.

Minor: A smaller rat-man who was also mutated, Ratscallion feels a kinship with him due to their similar struggles. He is protective of the smaller rat, and is trying to get him to not be so nervous all the time.


Nuke Boy: Dr. Hans Zorick once was the head of R&D for Clover Inc. While publicly just interested in making better cosmetics, he had a deep passion for biological experiments and dreamed of making his own creature, one that would rival the big names in gene splicing. It was he that chose Herbert and made him into what he is today, spending all of his money and resources on him. Then, Rat blew the whistle, and Zorick was ruined. Raging at the heavens, the hells and everything in between, he vowed to destroy Ratscallion, and for that matter, anyone like him. Procuring a special fire suit with his own modifications, he became Nuke Boy, and currently leads a gang called 'The Sterilizers' whose mission is to burn all products of mad science to the ground. As much a danger to other mad scientists and mutants as he is to good, innocent people, he operates carefully - but when he shows up, everyone knows it.


(Want to say something about Rat? Post it here!)

OOC Info

Character Hooks

  • Are you a manimal or otherwise inhuman mutant? Rat tends to hang out with them.
  • Creature of the night, or otherwise operate during that time? So does Rat!