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The Ornery
Stone Wizard
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the Stone Wizard from Estonia
Player: @LXD
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Super Group
Sacred Order of the Chain
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Kalju Oja
Druid of Dirt, Villainous Rex
Kaali, Saaremaa
Estonian Citizen
Saaremaa Island
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Descenant of Baron Skaaraborg and Voivod Dragos
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Body Type
Dark Brown
Bright green
· Distinguishing Features ·
missing left eye
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Many varied Druidic earth based powers
· Equipment ·
Amulet of Ibnah
· Other Abilities ·


What has Gone Before

Approximately 4000 years ago, the evil wizard Louhi attempted to steal a Sunstone from the great god Ukko. During the ensuing struggle, the stone fell from the heavens and landed on the island of Saaremaa. There it's power fused with the land and wood and the area become a center for a powerful sect of druids who learned to draw on the power of the Sunstone to protect their forest. Jealous of their power, the druids produced a glamour that hid the stone and it's surrounding forest. Those that encounter it have no idea they have been repelled, they are supplied with memories of having visited the area and it being exactly what they expected it to be.

At the time of the Ban, many mystics found their power greatly diminished, and so it was with the druids, if they ever left the sphere of influence of the Sunstone. Only in the enchanted grove did their spells and workings remain potent. However, whereas in the past the druids had been steadily expanding the influence of the stone, and thus the size of the grove, now that influence began to shrink, despite their best efforts. As a result of this general loss, many mystics went in search of places of power just like this one. Some few mystics were able to penetrate the glamour and learn of the enchanted forest. The druids, and their descendants, generally cultivated good relations with those visitors as long as they respected the stone and the forest. Though witches and demon summoners were summarily expelled. One of those welcomed mystics was Baron Skaaraborg. Following the dissolution of the Sacred Order of the Chain, and the Start of WW 1, Baron Skaaraborg decided that retreat from the increasingly hostile and mechanized world was the only way to preserve his sorcerous heritage and fled to the island of Saaremaa where he was allowed to dwell among the druids. Not long after this, Voivod Dragos also petitions for entrance into the enclave and is admitted along with his family. The Glamour holds, and the war does not touch the forest or it's inhabitants. The new wizards bring new knowledge and power to the grove and learn much about druidic lore. Allowed to discreetly visit the surrounding country side, Baron Skaaraborg meets and falls in love with a witch living on the eastern side of the island. As a witch, she is not allowed near the enchanted grove, but the Baron convinces her to renounce her bestial power in exchange for learning his sorcerous ways. Voivod Dragos and his family fully embrace the druid way of life and become stewards of the land and wood. In time the Dragos and Skaraborg families intermarry with the final product being Alexio Dragos, great-grand son of both Voivod Dragos, and Baron Skaaraborg. Alexio quickly proved to be a prodigy, with a seemingly unique connection to the Sunstone. He was able to forge a connection to the land and stone so strong, that he could command the earth itself.

Omik Huron

In 1999 the unthinkable happens, the Sunstone disappears. The grove's power immediately begins to diminish, though after the lifting of the Ban, the druids power had increased 10 fold. Without the Sunstone, their works began to diminish and the Glamour would eventually fail. The only clue to the stone's fate was a tiny sliver left behind. That sliver was taken and mounted in an amulet that the Druid elders then gave to Alexio, named him Omik Huron, Stone Seeker, and charged him with it's retrieval. With the power of the amulet, Alexio was able to use his great command of earth and stone even outside the grove. He began following the signs and portents that would eventually lead him to Vibora Bay in the United States. There his path became muddled, the ley lines and nexes were too intense. He did however soon realize that Vibora Bay was crawling with therianthropes, the ancient enemies of his family. He began to suspect that fate was leading him against his family's great nemesis, Orogtha and it's followers. While following this tack, he encountered a woman who was also an enemy of the Kings of Edom, though she was concerned with followers of Vulshoth. She was wary of him, his command of magic seemed to frighten her, but eventually they came to realize that they were both scions of the old Sacred Order of the Chain. Despite their shared heritage, they decide to go their separate ways.

Alexio continues his search for the stone, at times ranging far and wide but the trails always seem to lead right back to Vibora Bay. Some time later, Alexio is contacted by this woman, Gretchen Hammersmith, and is invited to join her in reforming the Chain. Alexio is not keen on being distracted from his charge, but realizes they are all looking for something and have all failed to find it alone. Together they might accomplish their goals, just as their ancestors had.

Powers and Equipment
