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Desher namecard.jpg
Player: @xemion1111
[[Image:Desher image.jpg|300px|]]
"No, I don't steal my one liners from fortune cookies."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Kai’el Urogoz
Known Aliases: Desher, Kyle
Gender: Male
Species: Velarian
Ethnicity: Extraterrestrial
Place of Birth: Velarius VII
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Al'dreza Urogoz (Mother), V'estrus Urogoz (Mother), Le'za Urogoz (Sister)
Age: 16
Height: 5'4 ft / 1.63 m
Weight: 158 lbs / 67 kg
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Black
Complexion: Green-Blue
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Deep-chested, shorter legs, pointed ears, ankh marking on his chest
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 0
Citizenship: United States
Occupation: Student
Education: Sophomore in High School
Marital Status: Unmarried
Known Powers and Abilities
Astrakinesis, Gymnast, Intelligent
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Self-assembling Supersuit, Bus Pass, HUD Mask
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada



Born on the moon of Andarion in an area of space trapped in a period of civil war and grandiose political assassination. Deciding they wished to raise their children away from the violence, away from the constant threat of war, they sold their home and packed up everything into a ship to make the journey across the galaxy to a planet so far out of the way they could live their lives in peace. Earth, being on the other side of the galaxy, was selected as the destination for its diverse climates, cultures, and new opportunities for the entire family to enjoy. Even while at first his parents were not sure about settling on a world so primitive and wrought with its own problems, the excitement and sheer joy of their children was enough to convince them to stay.

While his parents took up new jobs that aligned with their skill sets, Kai'el and his twin sister Le'za took to what they did best; exploring Millennium City. Kai'el found friends with more 'unique' interests whilst Le'za fell more so in line with the mainstream, both however eventually gained the nicknames Kyle and Liza--respectively--as their human friends thought made their names a bit simpler. Kai'el friends took the form of a witch-in-training named Calliope, a martial artist named Derek, and a computer genius named Sarah, the Quantum Quartet as they called themselves became known around their community for their 'investigative journalism' which primarily consisted on writing on their shared blog about the various happenings in their neighbourhood.

On a field trip to their local museum a supervillain clad in a green dress with a golden helmet and undead minions attacked the museum with the intent on stealing what she called the 'Ankh of the Ib'. With her minions taking down the security she slipped into a back room to search for her target, Calliope taking it upon herself dashed after her and of course the others followed after. Finding her violently searching the room, destroying artefacts in the hope that they would contain the ankh she was looking for Calliope attempted to use her novice magical talents to stop the villain who briefly entertained the clearly outmatched witch-in-training, however once her friends joined in on their attempts to stop her via throwing things or in Derek's case physical attacks she swiftly grew annoyed and with a flick of her wrist sent them all flying into an ancient circular stone that shattered upon the impact. As she attempted to get back up, Sarah noticed under her hand was a red ankh, clearly what the villain was looking for, and swiftly tossed it to Calliope. With the villain's gaze focusing on Calliope as she chanted an incantation, the young witch instructed Kyle to take it and run whilst they scattered causing the villain to grow even angrier, launching bolt after bolt of magical energy after the now mad dashing Kyle. Rounding the corner, the youth skidded to a halt as he found the villain waiting for him, with his doom at hand an assuring voice rang through his head; instructing him to swiftly place the ankh to his chest if he wanted to live. Clearly feeling that he had so much to live for--like the upcoming two for one sale at Pat's Coffee--he did as he was told and immediately the woman leapt backwards as a red light poured from the object while it bonded to the youth's body. And for a time, Kyle felt as if someone else was controlling his actions as by instinct he knew how to fire his own attack at the woman--his attack taking the form of magenta bolts of energy--which were blocked by the now speechless woman. For a few moments she merely stared, enraged by how a group of teens foiled her plans by bumbling around. With the sound of her creatures being destroyed in the museum and the police sirens surrounding the building she vowed revenge on Kyle as she burst into a column of emerald flames, slowly faded till nothing but an ember was left of her presence.

With the crisis averted, Kyle reunited with his friends, and the whole class checked out by a group of EMTs, they boarded their bus as their teacher swore he was so totally fired after this making the third time his class was attacked by zombies on one of his field trips. In the back of the bus the Quantum Quartet immediately bombarded Kyle with questions, to which he responded with a combination of excitement; even going as far to show of the ankh marking that had seared its way past his clothing and onto his skin painlessly. Calliope being somehow more excited than the one who obtained superpowers put forth the idea of the Quantum Quartet "stepping up their game" to incorporate the group's talents to become 'super journalists'. Once they all got dropped off near Kyle's house they held a meeting in Quantum HeadQuarters, also known as Kyle's basement, to discuss hero names for themselves and after three hours, a snack break, and a video game break, and another snack break the teenage heroes Witchtastic, K-O Kid, Sister Software, and Desher were born.


Though he doesn't talk a lot and prefers to listen, he is quite the friendly individual who often maintains a calm smile. Being supportive at heart, he does his best to encourage his friends and assist his enemies to better themselves through things such as positive reinforcement with the end goal of reforming them from villains into heroes; he has also expressed that he does often get tired of having to catch criminals whom just broke out of prison for the fifteenth time this week. A large portion of his introspective nature comes with a tenaciously investigative streak though this isn't always investigation and is sometimes just extreme curiosity. While his IQ is above average he still does not come close to making holmesian leaps of logic, but to compensate he has adapted Holmes' investigative style to create a makeshift scientific method of his own by keeping himself detached from a situation in attempt to see the bigger picture of his investigation.

Though typically quiet, he is without a doubt not a pillar of serenity. As a teen he still displays a lot of insecurity with himself and in his place as a hero; often times comparing himself to other heroes. All in all he suffers from the same things that any teen does and just like most teens he does his best to subvert his insecurities and flaws by surrounding himself with supportive friends and positive people along with his rather odd interests and hobbies.

Powers and Abilities


Upon becoming a conduit to the astral plane Desher gained the ability to channel the energy from the astral realm and will the flow into different forms and intensities, this occasionally comes paired with an incantation of sorts when he does something particularly strenuous; while entirely unnecessary Desher finds it assists in his concentration and just sounds cool. Because of both his inexperience he has displayed a limited number of applications that could theoretically grow in time with more practice and mentorship.

  • Astral Attacks: The simplest form of his attunement comes in the form of projecting concussive blasts of raw astral energy that can be altered to range from a mere gust to a blast powerful enough to shatter stone.
  • Astral Constructs: The next step up in the way of manipulating the energy itself is through the collection of astral energy into a singular point to create a solidified form of whatever he is able to imagine limited by both his concentration and his willpower. Typically this takes the form of a rudimentary creature lacking finer details but capable of engaging in combat.
  • Astral Projection: As one would expect of someone attuned to the astral plane, he is capable of projecting his spirit into the astral realm. Currently he can take a single--willing--person with him on this journey and astral project with them for up to forty two hours before feeling severely exhausted and subsequently requiring an extended period of rest.

Racial Traits

Velarians evolved several evolutionary traits to allow them to not only survive but to thrive in their otherwise extremely hostile environment. While it is not perfectly tidally locked, the giant moon of Andarion itself is half of the size of Velarius VII itself allowing it to slow down the rotation of the planet to such a point that a standard day is roughly one Terran month.

  • Velarian Hearing: Tall pointed ears adorn either side of Desher's head which allow him and the rest of his species to hear in the thin air of their planet. Whilst in a thicker atmosphere like earth he is capable of an above average range of roughly 65 Hz to 43 kHz.
  • Velarian Wakefulness: With Velarius VII being tidally locked to its giant natural satellite, most--if not all--species evolved to be able to remain awake for the entire period of its 'day'. In Velarians this is characterized by the ability to remain awake for roughly a month with eight hour periods of rest within that month.
  • Velarian Lungs: Similar in origin to their ears, the thin atmosphere of Velarius VII required lungs more efficient than that of humans. While they posses no real noticeable difference within earth's atmosphere--aside from perhaps less frequent breaths--they allow Velarians to breath within the atmosphere of their homeworld and other similar thin atmosphered environments.


  • Gymnast: As a competitive gymnast Desher possesses both agility and flexibility due to formal training started during childhood, though, he avoids having to explain exactly why he was he had such training stating "It is a bit embarrassing". His training primarily revolves around handspringing and vaulting which he has been known to enhance with his astral abilities to propel himself lengthy distances.
  • Intelligent: Whether from his racial background or simply due to luck of his gene-pool Desher has displayed a higher than average intellect by human standards. He does have a particular affinity for mechanical and electrical engineering and with the occasional dabble into nanotechnology.


  • Possession: As a conduit for the Astral Realm, Desher leaves himself open to act as a means for ghosts and all manner of things to use his body as a method to breach into our world from the various parts of the Astral. Because of this he is highly susceptible to possession whilst using his abilities--due to the 'floodgate' being open--and even more so when astral projecting.
  • Fear: As his powers work on the concept of will there are times when his emotional states can vastly affect not only the intensity of his powers but also the very use of them as well. Self-doubt and fear cause his abilities to become unruly to the point of simply not working or becoming dangerous. Unfortunately as a teenager on the crux of adulthood; he is heavily subject to these waxing and waning states.
  • Electroshock Weaponry: Unlike psionic inhibitors which last for as long as they are worn, electroshock weapons of all varieties will leave Desher crippled both in the means of his abilities and physically. Presumably they disrupt the higher brain functions which control his abilities and in turn result in his entire power set being disabled for a measure of time afterwards that depends entirely on duration and the amperage of the current that was applied to him.



  • Self-assembling Supersuit: As an expression of his astral abilities he is able to manifest a supersuit made from solidified astral energy. The suit itself resembles spandex in texture and qualities but he is adamant that the suit is in fact "self-assembling astral fibres formed with conscious thought of the desired product".
  • HUD Mask: A refined version of the original helmet using technology given to him from the future by his friend Psyquisitor. It retains the smartphone capabilities of the helmet with a few additional ones such as the neural interface to control it, an optional homing beacon which can transmit his heart rate and brainwave patterns, and a vision filter that allows for owl-like night-vision.


  • Bus Pass: Unlike many heroes Desher neither has the funds nor licence to acquire and operate a vehicle, as such he relies on public transportation or his abilities to get from point 'A' to point 'B'.


RP Hooks

  • His green-blue skin and ears are clear identifiers of his species to those aware of them. Even still, they mark him as clearly not human.
  • He can be seen riding public transportation in full hero attire, while heroes are by no means rare in Millennium City, one might find it rather odd for them to take the bus.
  • Those whom can see or detect energy would notice that he is brimming with astral energy and acts as a conduit when using his abilities.
  • Based on his cracking voice, short stature, or PRIMUS file, one could easily determine he was a teenager.
  • Those with access to PRIMUS files would know that he has detained a total of twenty three small-time criminals since registering.


  • The physical properties of the astral energy he channels are often compared to a cool blast of air which smells faintly of ozone. When used offensively the damage appears kinetic in nature and leaves the surface that was impacted chilled.
  • He has a blog with his friends and often advertises it. The blog, when looked up, produces articles on various interesting, mysterious, or otherwise paranormal activity. The most popular one with several hundred views is "The Toaster of 276 Sherbet Dr." a piece on a haunted toasted which could spell out predictions in the toast, sadly the toaster was found destroyed in the morning after it made a prediction the owner disliked.
  • When it comes to music his favourite genres are classic rock, punk rock, vaporwave, and J-Pop, with his favourite song most likely being 'Seven Wonders' by Fleetwood Mac.
  • Reading material on Velarians: Link