Sphinx (@Darkstar24)

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The Golden
"If you search for the laws of harmony, you will find knowledge."
Player: @Darkstar24
Paragon Dawn.png
Super Group
Paragon Dawn
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Bahiti Mubarak
The Golden Sphinx, Golden Goddess, The Winged Warrior, Warrior Priestess Naha-Ret
Jun 12th
Giza, Egypt
Flag EGY.png Egypt
Giza, Millennium City
Temple in Giza, Sanctum in Millennium City
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Ammon Mubarak (Father), Chione Mubarak (Mother), Nefia Mubarak (Sister), Kanika Mubarak (Sister), Paki Mubarak (Brother)
Physical Traits
Reincarnated Warrior Spirit
Apparent Age
Early to mid 20s
145 lbs
Body Type
Hazel, Glowing Blue
· Distinguishing Features ·
Glowing Blue Eyes
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Aerial Adaptation, Flight, Enhanced Durability, Reincarnation, Past Life Recall, Spirit Energy Manipulation
· Equipment ·
Dual Longswords
· Other Abilities ·
Master Swordsmanship, Minor Unarmed Combat Experience, Reincarnated Knowledge


Sphinx was previously known as the Warrior Priestess Naha-Ret . Priestess Aziza's main job was providing guidance and wisdom from the gods to her king and her people. One day during her daily communing rituals the priestess Aziza stabbed her in the stomach with a dagger. The Priestess Aziza was jealous of Naha-Ret's beauty.

Current Incarnation

Bahiti was born in Giza, Egypt to Ammon and Chione Mubarak a decently wealthy family of traders. Bahiti was born in a flash of blue light as her soul was reborn from her previous incarnation. Bahiti's mother Chione knew this rebirth was a possibility after hearing stories of her winged great aunt who died in battle.

For the most part Bahiti's childhood was a normal one. She grew up hearing stories of her great-great aunt who was brought to battle on a pair of magnificent brown wings. These stories had always resonated with her, Bahiti always felt that it was her destiny to protect people from harm. She did not know that this feeling was a bleed through effect of being the reincarnation of her great-great aunt. This feeling was only made stronger through dreams of her patrolling the skies over Egypt on a large pair of feathered wings. Unbeknownst to her, these dreams were actually memories of her past lives. It wasn't until the age of eighteen that these dreams would become her reality.

Bahiti was with her family in the marketplace of Giza when she was overcome with the sudden urge to climb to the tallest building in the city. Bahiti was entranced slowly being drawn closer and closer toward her destiny. To the people's dismay Bahiti jumped off the top of building when suddenly her wings sprouted. It was after this that her mother told her the truth about the real connection to her winged ancestor. That night Bahiti dreamed of beautiful golden temple in the middle desert near Abu Sidhum. She knew that she must find this temple. She set out with the ability of her new wings towards this temple. After a few hours she finally arrived. It was inside this temple that she found the armor worn by her previous incarnations, along with a pair of twin swords. After donning the weapons and armor Bahiti received her first "flash" a resurgence of memory and knowledge from her first incarnation. It was after this that she learned the true meaning of being a warrior and a protector of the innocent.

After giving herself the name Sphinx, she began her renewed destiny of being a warrior for the light. Sphinx has become a known protector throughout Egypt, and has since made her first appearances in Millennium City.


Bahiti is often serious and calm, and speaks quietly with a low tone. To strangers, Bahiti can be seen as cold and stoic in nature. In the presence of people she doesn't know Bahiti prefers to take a passive role in conversations, and prefers more to observe than to actively participate. She can be quite warm to the people that she trusts and cares about. Bahiti is fiercely loyal and protective of her friends and family and will fight to the death to protect the ones she loves.

When not in full warrior mode, she is also a very caring and compassionate person. For her friends and family, Bahiti is willing to go to extreme lengths, often recklessly, putting herself in danger, thus usually leaving the people who care for her extremely worried and exasperated. Due to her many lives and vast amount of experience, Bahiti is a brilliant tactician, fierce warrior, and a strong leader.

Powers & Abilities

  • Aerial Adaptation: Sphinx's entire anatomy is naturally adapted to flying. Her bones are hollow, her body processes food more efficiently than a normal human body and does not store any excess fat, and she possesses a greater proportionate muscle mass than normal. Her eyesight and hearing are also enhanced to their peak. Elements of her anatomy are comparable to those of birds, especially birds of prey. Her eyes can withstand high-speed winds which would damage the average human eye. She can breathe at high velocities or altitudes, and she can cope with the reduced temperatures at high altitudes for prolonged periods of time, giving her a greater-than-normal capacity to endure low temperatures in areas such as the Arctic.
  • Wings: Following her first rebirth, Sphinx possessed the superhuman ability to fly by means of her natural wings, which span sixteen feet from wingtip to wingtip. Fully feathered like a bird's, her wings have a very flexible skeletal structure, enabling her to press them to the back of her torso and legs. Sphinx flies by flapping her wings, as a bird does. The strength in her natural wings can easily break a man's arm or leg, or even put someone through a wall.
  • Flight: With her wings, Sphinx is capable of unassisted flight and as she's possessed these powers a fairly long amount of time she's notably highly proficient in their use. While in the air, Sphinx has displayed complete aerial superiority as she's capable of easily performing difficult maneuvers in midair with great fluidity and skill. Sphinx's normal cruising speed averages around 70 miles per hour, though she is capable of diving swoops that reach up to 180 miles per hour. She can fly at 150 miles per hour without the help of a tail wind for up to half an hour at a time before tiring to an appreciable degree. Though she generally flies beneath the height of the clouds (6,500 feet), she can reach a height of 10,000 feet with little effort. With severe strain she can attain the highest recorded altitude of a bird in flight (African geese at 29,000 feet above sea level), but can only remain at that altitude for several minutes.
  • Master Swordsmanship: Sphinx is able to demonstrate a natural aptitude for the ways of the sword. She is able to wield her twin swords with incredible proficiency in speed, power, and skill, which allows her to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting bullets, decimating large objects or areas, cutting through solid material such as steel, and even holding back her strength to deal damage to her foes without killing them. In her first incarnation, Sphinx was a master at dual wielding her twin longswords and she has only got better with each incarnation.
  • Enhanced Durability: Sphinx's bones and muscles are denser and harder than normal humans, to little above of the highest level of human potential, which makes her much more durable than a human being. While she is not completely bulletproof, she can survive blunt force trauma such as being hit with solid objects. She is capable of surviving falls from heights that would easily kill a human being.
  • Spirit Energy Manipulation: By concentrating, Sphinx has the ability to draw energy from her own spirit and wield it as a weapon. She is able to wield this energy to create a protective shield of pure energy that can protect against incoming attacks. She can also use this energy to pull enemies closer to her so she can finish them off with her twin longswords.
  • Reincarnation: Sphinx is capable of surviving and escaping death by having her spirit/soul reborn in the body of an infant. While not a superhuman power per se, this propensity for reincarnation has allowed Sphinx to cheat death for centuries and return to active duty in her current incarnation.
  • Past Life Recall: Through meditation and dreams, Sphinx is able to recall memories and information received during her past lives.
  • Reincarnated Knowledge: Due to her multiple incarnations, and being able to recall memories of all of her past lives, Bahiti has become proficient in many types of weaponry. As a result, she is an expert with a wide array of archaic weapons from her past lives, including battle axes, maces, spears, shields, but especially swords.

Sphinx weak.png

  • Disarming: Though Sphinx has some unarmed combat experience, she is heavily reliant on sword-based combat and can be made vulnerable if her swords are taken away from her.
  • Vulnerability to Deja Vu: Sphinx occasionally experiences flashes of déjà vu from her past lives. These can often be disorienting, and can also prove distracting in the midst of battle.
  • Mortality: While Sphinx is more physically durable than that of a normal human being, she can still be hurt or even killed.
  • Curse: Sphinx's soul is locked in a seemingly endless cycle of death and rebirth. It calls her to take up arms against evil and fight for the innocent which ultimately results in her death. Thus, restarting the cycle over and over again.

Rp Hooks

  • Sphinx is a well known protector in Egypt, if your character hails from there you may have heard of her before.
  • Sphinx tends to shake her wings when upset.
  • As a warrior Sphinx tends to take a passive and observant role in conversations.


  • Sphinx is inspired by Hawkgirl.
  • Sphinx's mother's great aunt was her previous incarnation.
  • Bahiti's favorite color is brown.
  • Bahiti absolutely adores herbal teas.
  • Bahiti goes for long flights when stressed or upset.


"Leave your comments about Sphinx down below"!!!

Power Grid
Social Status
Bahiti Mubarak
Alter Ego
Flag EGY.png Egyptian
Reincarnated Warrior Spirit


"Warrior Priestess Aziza"