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Player: @Iox
[[Image:Koudda Calo.jpg|300px|]]
"Will you settle for less, or do you have the strength to demand more?"
Biographical Data
Real Name: Koudda Calo (Sometimes known as Charlie, Charles, or Carlos)
Known Aliases: N/A
Gender: Male
Species: Augmented Human
Ethnicity: Filipino/Mongolian/Chinese
Place of Birth: Negros Occidental, Philippines (Alternate Universe: Zombie dimension)
Base of Operations: Unknown
Relatives: Unknown
Age: Early 20's
Height: Barely 5ft 10inch/1.55 m
Weight: 250 lbs/113 kg/17.8 stones
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Eh
Physical Build: Bulky with no six-pack nor a beer belly
Physical Features: Sports several body scars (before his regeneration advanced)
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Identity: Has no secret identity. Does not give a damn.
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: U.S. (Used to be Philippine Citizenship)
Occupation: Freelancer
Education: College Graduate (BSN)
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Ludicrous strength (100,000+ tons nonchalantly [min. level]),
  • Monstrous durability
  • Super speed
  • Above average agility
  • Immune to diseases
  • Crazy stamina
  • Telepathy proof
  • Cannibalism
  • Psychotic tenacity
  • Enhanced regeneration
  • Above-average intellect
  • Street smart
  • Experienced martial artist (Muay Thai, Greco-Roman wrestling, Boxing, Street Fighting)

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Street clothes (formal, casual, gym, etc.)
  • iPhone (often listens to music)
  • Broken portal gun (used it to travel the multiverse until it was broken by unknown means. Stolen from some mad scientist)

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Origin (A really long one)

In Progress

Powers, Skills, and Attributes

NOTE: - Traveling to the Champion's universe has left Koudda functioning with only 20% of his full power. It might be due to hopping through different universes that has caused this or perhaps an unknown force playing in the background.

Super Strength - The man's strength is flat out grotesque. He can lift 100,000+ tons overhead (via one-handed) with ridiculous ease. Limits are unknown.

Super Durability - Koudda's absurd strength also grants him monstrous durability. He can take an atomic bomb to the face and not even flinch. Limits are unknown.

Super Speed -He's no slouch when it comes to speed. Although known for his dominating might, Koudda is also no slouch when it comes to speed. The fastest speed he has ever tried reaching was Mach 30. He doesn't exactly use his speed at its full potential due to his already overwhelming might. Like his strength and durability, limits are unknown.

Psychotic Willpower - Even before the infamous universal zombie outbreak, Koudda's tenacity was unrivaled by most. It was with this that he molded himself into the human monolith he is today. Combined this with his innate durability, he can push through challenges that most cannot hope to achieve.

Unique Attribute - It seems that whenever Koudda is hit (in a fight that truly threatens him), his strength and speed in combat begin to increase. The reason to this anomaly is unknown. Some speculate that it's Koudda's violent tenacity that gives him this ability. As if he were some sort of "combat masochist".

Fighting Style

Hand-to-Hand Combat Even before his adventures, Koudda knew how to fight at a young age. He is very adept with Muay Thai and boxing to the point where it's ingrained in his brain. He is a proficient power and counter striker who waits for the right opportunity to strike. (Although he is a exceptional martial artist, he likes to drop his guard and let his opponents wail on him. For Koudda, it's a test of power as well as pride.)

** He is also known to hold back when he fights due to his power (even when not at full power) . As a result, Koudda tends to only use LIGHT JABS and LIGHT UPWARD SMACKS against his most of his opponents.

What Else?

Personality - He does not tolerate xenophobes, bigots, rapists, pedophiles, corruption, or anything dishonorable. Although a bit of a loner at times (often training as his desire is to be the strongest creature wherever place he's at), Koudda is friendly towards most people. The man also has a good sense of humor as long as you don't piss him off. He's not a full on "white knight of justice" as he pertains to his own business, but the urban nomad will always stand up against injustice whenever it's present.

Koudda is also the type of person to not "give any f***s" when it comes to the spotlight. He's not at all shy, but it's more in the lines of him loving his solitude and prefers to transfer his energy towards training his physical and mental prowess.

Philosophy - Koudda believes that simplicity is the best way to fight. There's no need for "secret techniques" or "ultimate attacks". To him, relying on those makes a combatant weaker. Fortifying your base is what makes you a true fighter.

He also a firm believer that hard work and willpower can triumph over any challenge. Koudda always trains to be stronger as well as becoming a better person. With that said, he will never use cheap tactics such as stealth, manipulation, or guns in his style. To Koudda, a win isn't a win unless you're facing your opponent head on with nothing but wits, body, and will. To not falter towards even the toughest of attacks, rising back up on your feet, and march on until the goal is complete. That is Koudda's way.


Music - He's always listening to either Reggae or underground rap/hip-hop. This can explain his mostly mellow demeanor. Some of his favorite artists are Immortal Technique, Damian Marley, Macklemore, Joe Budden, and Collie Buddz

Cannibalism - 2 years in a super-powered zombie apocalypse can leave a man desperate. Koudda has eaten his fair share of other creates; living, dead, and undead alike. He does not relish it nor does he despise it. To this man, it was a way for him to survive, grow stronger, and to fight another day. Even now, Koudda sometimes eats undead opponents that he can physically touch (zombies, vampires, etc.).

Training - Even when he was at full power, Koudda always trained. To him, you can never have enough physical prowess at your disposal whether increasing your strength, speed, or fighting skill. His dream is to be the strongest creature wherever he's in.

Friends, Enemies, Rivals (Coming Soon)