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Player: @thepure0ne
The Champion of Strength
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee Damage
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms
Biographical Data
Real Name: Axus
Known Aliases: None
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: White
Place of Birth: Earth, Siberean Region
Base of Operations: Cave Base
Relatives: Unknown
Age: 40
Height: 7 ft
Weight: 500 lbs
Eyes: Orange
Hair: Black
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: Scars, Flow Paths
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Identity: Publicly Known
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: U.S Citizenship
Occupation: None
Education: Unknown
Marital Status: None
Known Powers and Abilities
Strength Force, Metal Skin
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template


Axus, Champion of the Strength Force, was taken from his earthen parents at a young age, his captors being troops from the planet Malva. Reasons behind his kidnap being that Malva, known for its legendary arena where warriors from across the galaxy test their might against one another via gladiatorial combat, heard rumors of a child with the strength of a god living on the planet earth, a perfect contender they couldn't pass up. At the time, Earth was in its age of empires, making Axus an easy target to pick up with no one having the technology to stop the kidnap from happening. Once taken, Axus was instantly thrown into the arena, without the knowledge or the will needed to survive. Axus' survive was depending on how quick he was able to learn how to fight without the help of a mentor. However, the one thing he did have on his side was the power of the Strength Force. With skin stronger than steel and a punch that could crack a mountain, he made quick work out of anyone who stood against him. As time went on, the Phazor began to grow weary of Axus, being because Axus is a warrior who couldn't be toppled and he feared Axus would soon take his revenge for throwing him in the arena. After a day of non-stop combat, Axus was taken from the battlements while resting and sent back to his original home. Now back on earth, Axus managed to find his way to Monster Island, home of some of the most fearsome beasts that have ever lived. True to his nature, Axus took a liking to the atmosphere and the constant sense of danger that surrounded the island, taking up the hobby of monster hunting. With his extraordinary strength and force of will, he fights back the monstrosities the Island has to offer. Eventually, the ever rising threat of Monster Island brought the peace-makers of UNTIL, with them so did the Champion Ironclad. It didn't take long for Axus to make friends with the legendary warrior, both being heroes of a bygone age and both having spent their fair share of time in the Malva arena. The more they talked, the more Ironclad talked Axus into joining the Champions, and with time he did. Now a part of the Champions, Axus joins the ranks of heroes ready to push back the ever growing wake of evil.

About Axus

Axus is a giant of a man, standing a solid 7 ft tall and clocking in at about 500 pounds. Personality wise, he is quite stubborn and never likes to talk. To him, keeping up his appearance physically is very important, so if you dont find him fighting monsters, you can usually find him learning new ways to keep healthy or working out in Carl's gym. He wears a common gladiator skirt that allows full range of motion when fighting and a helmet that he refuses to take off. In conversation, he talks in a heavy Russian accent.


Like all heroes, Axus has his own array of special powers and abilities. These include:

  • Cosmic Strength Force: Now the new host of the Strength Force, Axus' physical power is second to none. As the entity flows through him, it sends pulses of cosmic waves that constantly boost his physical strength. Along with more physical strength, the cosmic waves also generate enough energy that with every punch Axus throws, he is able to ignite the hydrogen in the air, causing his punches to explode. In addition, the waves passing through his body are also able to burn out any illnesses and diseases, provide a slight healing factor, and block most metal attacks. Despite its many great abilities, the Strength Force has one major flaw, which is it drains a lot of energy out of Axus and causes a great amount of physical strain and stress on his body, making it hard for him to stay in prolonged fights. This is also a side-effect from his metal skin, but the Strength Forces energy drain is the greater of the two. To counter this, Axus will usually have to stay in some kind of energy providing body, one example and prime supplier being the Sun. If he retains direct contact with an energy providing body, he can go on forever without a rest.
  • Cosmic Metal Skin: When Axus was being sent back to his home world, his ship crashed into a meteor that contained a Cosmic Living Metal. This metal instantly bonded and infused with Axus' skin and skeletal structure. With this new found living metal, Axus is able to breath in the depths of space and resist heavy amounts of physical and magical damage. In addition, the metal is able to resist the effects of magnetism. However, the metal is still able to be cut, with enough damage and/or force, leaving behind scars like normal skin would and is quite heavy, changing Axus from a quick 300 pound bruiser to a 500 pound tank.
  • Cosmic Longevity: With the Strength Force, Axus unable to age. This is caused by the cosmic waves that flow through him. The cosmic waves constantly revitalize and repair his body. However, the metal bound on his skin cemented his current physical appearance, so no matter how old he is, he will always look the same.
  • Omicron/Draysha Infusions: Adventuring through the Monster Island jungle, Axus came across a hidden VIPER base, this base being the manufacturing plant for Draysha for the VIPER soldiers in the area. After calling UNTIL with his findings, Axus began fighting his way in, eventually ran into the VIPER commander Ripper, who he then battled atop the rafters in the boiling room. After beating each other into submission, Ripper pushed Axus into a vat of boiling Draysha. The chemical slowly began to eat away at his metal skin, eventually erasing his strength force flow paths and revealing his muscles. Climbing out, he was soon discovered by the now invading UNTIL soldiers. After the firefight, Axus needed to be treated for his injuries on the spot or he wouldn't survive. Days of surgery past, Axus was outfitted with a new Omicron Heart that stabilizes and keeps control of the pure Draysha now flowing through his body.