Iron Canadian

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Silver medal T.png
The Iron Canadian
Millennium City's Armored Defender
Player: @ryan1580
[[File:|center|250 px]]
Super Group
Project Oncall
· Other Affiliations ·
Global Defense Force, UNTIL, UNITY,
Real Name
Speturra Daniel Hillwalker
Spet, IC, Iron,
January 4th, 1982
Detroit, Michigan
Millennium City
Hillwalker Tower In Millennium City
CEO Hillwalker International/Full Time Hero
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
  • Father: Daniel Hillwalker; Status: Deceased
  • Mother: Martha Hillwalker; Status: Deceased
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
165 lbs.
Body Type
Dark Tan
· Distinguishing Features ·
Tall, Athletic build
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
  • Genius Level Intellect
  • Intuitive Inventor
· Equipment ·
  • Various Iron Canadian Armor Models
  • Interactive Holographic Visor [IHV]
  • Neural Taser Orbs
· Other Abilities ·
  • Eidetic Memory
  • Polymath


Powers And Abilities

Genius Level Intellect: Speturra is among one of the smartest people on the planet where he owns Hillwalker International and is among those often consulted when needing help with various projects where others want input to ensure that their idea or ideas are successful. Unlike some Speturra enjoys putting his brain to the use of all and likes to help when in need and when he sees something that he can help out with.

Intuitive Inventor: Speturra has a unique ability to build anything that he can picture in his head. How this ability functions is currently unknown as Speturra has shown that he gets an idea and is somehow able to do the mathematics and design complex technical blueprints that are required in order to construct or build that which he sees in his head. It is this ability that allowed him to develop the various models of the Iron Canadian Armor as well as his Artificial Intelligence MACMAN.

Skills And Training

Eidetic Memory:

Polymath: Speturra is well versed in many subjects thanks to his Eidetic Memory allowing him to retain much more information then most others allowing him to be almost like a walking encyclopedia of information on his various topics.

  • Business Management
  • Business Finance
  • Engineering
  • Theoretical Physics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Automechanics
  • Mathematics


    Human Factor: Despite his amazing suits of armor at the end of the day Speturra is just the average person who is just as susceptible to things such as aging, disease, illness, alcohol, environmental hazards and many of the other various factors that would effect any other Human being. Like any person he requires food, water, oxygen and sleep in order to function and must have these on a regular basis in order to survive and function at his peak performance. His attributes are on par with a Human being who exercises on a sporadic basis.

    Armor Reliance: In order to live in a world with Superheroes and Super Villains Speturra must rely on the various suits of armor that he has designed in order to give him a fighting chance of being able to compete on the same level as the various beings he encounters who have abilities beyond the limits of the average person. Without his suits of armor he is just as weak as any other person which means that Speturra constantly relies on his armors in order to stand equal to the various heroes and villains that he interacts with on a regular basis.

    Limited Combat Experience: While he designed most of the weapons of his armor Speturra has trained himself to know the operating functionality of all the weapon systems that he has incorporated into however knowing how to fire a weapon and knowing how to properly utilize it in combat are completely separate things and getting combat experience is something that Speturra gains every day that he operates as the Iron Canadian but he has much to learn and can be easily off guard when facing foes of greater experience then he has.

    Non Iron Canadian Equipment

    Interactive Holographic Visor: This unique device often dubbed the IHV by Speturra fits over the ears of the wearer much like a Bluetooth Headset which can then project a holographic band which covers the eyes of the wearer showing an Interactive Holographic Heads Up Display. Through the use of this device the wearer is able to link up to any of his Iron Canadian Suits in in real time allowing them to remotely operate any version of the suit allowing him to be in two places at once with the suit being operated in a combination of himself through voice commands which are ultimately carried out by MACMAN through remote control of the suit. The IHV is only able to link to a single suit of armor at any given time however MACMAN is able to control multiple suits thus while controlling a single suit the wearer of the IHV can issue commands to MACMAN if multiple suits need to be in operation at any given time.

    Neural Taser Orbs: Speturra designed these orbs after an encounter with a telepath. When placed on the back of the neck of a telepath the device is able to identify the parts of the target's brain that controls the psionic abilities of the telepath which allows the device to send an electrical charge into the brain of the telepath whenever the device detect an increase of activity in that area which would signal that a telepath is attempting to use their abilities. This device will continue to function as long as it remains on a target.

    MACMAN: MACMAN is a state of the art artificial intelligence program that Speturra originally designed as a best friend due to the family moving and Speturra wanted a friend who could move with him as he was hating moving making new friends and then having to lose his friends when they would move again. MACMAN would graduate into the role of caregiver after the death of his parents becoming a Butler of sorts tending to the needs Speturra had. When Speturra constructed the first Iron Canadian suit MACMAN's role again changed as the system would become co-operator of the suit as it would handle many of the suits needs which is a great assistance to Speturra. MACMAN constantly helps where he can and does whatever is asked of him especially if Speturra is the one asking him for something.

    SIDEKICK: After several encounters with numerous targets and a foe much stronger then himself Speturra realized that there would be encounters where he might need assistance in order to deal with that threat. SIDEKICK is a larger version of a tactical military drone which is able to be remote controlled or control by MACMAN through an interface system that the AI shares with the drone allowing for it to assist Speturra in whatever assistance it can provide for him.

    • Phaser Energy Cannons
    • Micro Munition Launchers
    • Torpedo Launchers
    • Kendrium Cable Launchers
    • Questionite Containment Cell
    • Integrated MACMAN Interface
    • Integrated Sensor Network
    • Integrated Communications Network
    • High Energy Tractor Beam Emitter
    • Spare Armor Deployment System
    • Prisoner Containment Cell
    Iron Canadian Armor Models

    • Mark 1: After several prototype models were constructed and used as testing drones for various systems Speturra would work out all of the kinks then took the design of the perfected prototype and used that design as the basis for the first Iron Canadian suit which would be dubbed the Mark 1. Speturra considers this suit to be his Jack Of All Trades suit as it is designed to handle various situations and scenarios that Speturra might find himself facing and is the suit that he most often uses in the field unless he requires the specialized equipment that one of his other armor models would afford him that the Mark 1 does not.

    • Mark 1.5: Enhanced Flight Systems: Speturra would use the Mark 1 Armor however during times when flight speed if most important he has designed what he calls the Mark 1.5 version of the armor which incorporates the use of a Jetpack and Jet Boots in order to provide higher levels of thrust then what the Mark 1 could normally do. The overall design of the Mark 1.5 allows Speturra to reach speeds of up to Mach 6 when traveling at full speed which allows Speturra to keep up with people vehicles and in some cases even beings with Superhuman or Supernatural Speed Based Abilities.

    • Mark 2

    Iron Canadian Universal Features

    • Collapsible Helmet: As the Mark I armor is the suit that is used the most it comes with a Helmet which is able to retract and collapse into special storage compartments on the neck and is able to expand back just as fast. This allows the wearer of the Mark I armor to speak with others without have to speak through the Voice Modulator of the armor or through the Public Address System.

    • MACMAN Interface System: All models of the armor have a sophisticated interface system that allows MACMAN to connect to all suits allowing the AI to assist the wearer in operating the armor as the AI can control various suit functions through voice activation or through its own as MACMAN has shown it is able to anticipate the needs of the wearer and activate systems or divert power to needed systems without the wearer having to ask him to do so.

    • Emergency Backup Computer: In the event that MACMAN is however disabled or unable to interact with a suit of armor all versions of the armor have an emergency backup system which is able to take control of all essential functions of the suit to ensure that the suit will remain function especially during the heat of a battle where retreat is not an option.

    • Tricorder Sensors: Dubbed the Tricorder by Speturra he placed a series of sensor orbs throughout the armor which is able to collect information from all directions of the armor with the armor being considered Ground Zero. The Tricorder is able to scan various spectrums and rely that information into the HUD of the armor so that the wearer is able to know about everything that is happening around them even if it is beyond normal Human methods of detecting through the use of their 5 basic senses.

    • Visual Spectral Scanners: The HUD of the Helmet in all models of the armor are able to shift between various visual spectrums allowing for the wearer to see things beyond the normal sight limits of a Human being. Some of the fields that the scanners can display are Thermalgraphic, Night Vision, Infra-Red, Radiation Spectrums, X-Ray and many others. The armor also has a unique spectrum which is a Biometrics Field that allows the wearer to scan a living being and get detailed information on their health and well being.

    • Oxygen Filtration System: This unit is designed to draw in hazardous toxins from the surroundings of the wearer and converts those toxins into pure oxygen which allows the wearer of the armor to survive in environments that would normally kill another Human being.

    • Public Address System: A series of loudspeakers have been installed within each of the armor models allowing for the wearer to address large crowds and ensure that they are heard over the loudness of a public gathering. The wearer is also able to use the system to play music at various sound levels which allows the wearer to become a portable DJ or use music as a distraction if the situation will allow for it.

    • Integrated Communication System: All models of the Iron Canadian Armor are installed with a sophisticated communication network that allows the wearer to communicate in various manners. The wearer is able to connect to any communication device or frequency provided they have the information in order to properly identify the channel. This system is able to connect to any radio frequency such as those used by first responders and military forces. The system is able to connect to satellites in orbit allowing for the wearer to connect to cellphones or skype through an app in the armor. The system is able to connect to a unique communication channel developed by Speturra which allows him to communicate with both audio and video with anyone else who has the communication app that allows them to access the channel. The system is able to encrypt any and all communications allowing for the conversations held over the system to be secure against unauthorized eavesdropping.

    • Interactive Media Monitoring: All versions of the armor with assistance from MACMAN or through the backup computer of the armor are able to connect to the Internet, Television Channels Or Any AM / FM Radio Station at any given time the user wishes. This is useful for monitoring news coverage of emergencies around the world where the wearer might be flying to as they can get intel on what it is that they are exactly flying into before actually arriving on scene.

    • Armor Override Command: In the event that someone gets the armor who should not have it or the armor's systems are compromised by a being such as Mechanon all models of the armor are installed with an Override Command in which all electronic systems of the armor are shut down and the Thorium Reactor or Reactors powering the armor are overloaded preventing the armor from being able function thus preventing unauthorized parties from being able to make use of the armor.

    • Interactive Targeting System: Sensors orbs are able to detect the location of targets in position to the location of the wearer and is able to provide targeting reticles in order to assist the wearer in lining up their shots to ensure that they not only hit a target but that they strike the target exactly where they want to strike the target and have a high chance of not having their attack be avoided.

    • Impulse Flight System: Using a series of rocket thrusters built into the boots this system is designed to be able to provide enough thrust to allow the wearer to hover in the air or fly through the skies where the system is able to reach up to Mach 5 in 2 minutes. Aside from the main thrusters in the boots of the armor smaller thruster jets have been installed on the front thighs, back thighs, left flank, right flank, both shoulders front neck, back neck and even the top of the head that can provide the thrust needed to change direction when moving at high rates of speed to ensure that if the wearer needs to change direction he can do so while flying at top speed instead of having to reduce his speed in order to make any directional adjustments before returning to top speed again.

    • Thorium Infused Power Reactor: Early on in his design Speturra would come to realize that his various suits of armor would need a power source and a rather large one in order to provide the energy for the various systems that he intended to add to his armor. To meet the needs of the suits he was planning on building he would design a unique custom designed reactor which was fueled by Thorium. The Thorium is housed within a special chamber that is safely able to harness the energy produced by the Thorium while protecting the wearer and those around them from the harmful effects of the radioactive material. All versions of the armor function on a single Thorium Reactor unless otherwise stated in the Armor Model Section.

    • Armor Ejection System: This system allows for the Iron Canadian Armor to be extended around a person rather then have the unit require bulky pieces which have to be placed on using machines or other strong assistants. This can allow the wearer to get out of the armor in a hurry to perform tasks that they can not do while in the armor and has the benefit of knowing that in these cases anyone who ejects from the armor can quickly get back inside the armor in the event of an emergency or hostile changes in the environment. As a second bonus to the armor in the event that the armor sustains critical damage and risking exploding the wearer can exit the armor thus saving their life as they will not have to be trapped inside when the armor explodes…they just have to make sure that they eject somewhere safe or the point of the ejection may be a mute point.

    • EMP Generator: Located in the chest the generator is able to project EMP blasts which if used at full power has the strength to knock out all electronic devices within an entire city block but can be channeled to release a smaller blast from a full powered blast is not needed.

    • Magnetic Boots: The boots of the armor are able to magnetize at the activation of the wearer allowing them to stick to any metallic surface allowing them to stand their ground no matter what might be coming there way.

    • Enhanced Strength: All versions of the armor are able to afford the wearer superhuman like strength where all versions of the suit are able to lift up to 1 ton safely. The exception to this limit is the Grond Buster Armor which is designed to face off against beings such as Grond thus the Mark 3 armor is able to lift weights of up to 10 tons safely.

      Iron Canadian Offensive Features

      • Palm Mounted Phaser Projectors: These weapons are located in the palms of the armor's gloves and are the primary weapons for all versions of the armor. These weapons are able to be adjusted to fire various shaped blasts of energy or adjusted to produce blasts of intense light to disorientate an opponent for a short period of time.

      • Thorium Enhanced Phaser Emitters: Located on the back of the armored gloves of all versions of the suits are a specialized laser emitters which fire a laser beam that is similar to the phaser beams found in the gloves however the lasers draw additional energy from the Thorium Reactor powering the suit in order to create lasers which are strong enough to cut through virtually any substance on the planet provided that the wearer has the energy in the reactor and the time needed to slice through the object that they wish to cut through.

      • Chest Mounted Phaser Lance: This weapon system in located in the chest panel of all versions of the armors. The system is a larger version of the Phaser Projectors from in the palms of the armor's gloves as this version is designed to channel more Phaser energy to project blasts of energy far superior to anything that could be fired from the Palm Projectors.

      • Miniaturized M61 Vulcan Mini Gun: Stored within a panel behind the left shoulder this weapon locks into place on the shoulder with deployment time taking only a second. The weapon is designed to fire custom made rounds which various tipped rounds or filled with various substances so that the Minigun can have various effects based on the type of ammo loaded into the weapon at the time of firing.

      • Photon Torpedo Launcher: Stored within a panel behind the right shoulder this weapon locks into place on the shoulder with deployment time taking only a second. This launcher based off the design of a Missile Box where Speturra's launcher is designed to house 8 missiles at any given time with various types of missiles and warheads being loaded in allowing for the launcher to fire missiles with a specific effect or various effects based on the type or types of warheads loaded into the launcher at the time of firing.

      • Mini Smart Gun: These custom designed projectile launchers deploy from both sides of the wearer's neck on multiple versions of the Iron Canadian Armors and are able to fire off small rounds which can be used to converge on a single target or be used to attack up to 12 targets at a single time. The smart nature of the weapon allows for the wearer to use the weapon to attack opponents who are for example using hostages as Human Shields as the rounds are small enough that they can strike a target without fear of accidentally striking an innocent person who is caught within the cross fire between the wearer and any opponents in the area.

      • Micro Munition Launchers: These miniaturized missile launchers are located in the Chest, Shoulders, Front Legs, Back Legs, Front Lower Legs, Back Lower Legs and in the Boot Soles of the armor. The launchers are able to fire off various miniaturized missiles which have various effects based on the type of warheads loaded in the launchers at the time of firing.

      • Forearm Weapon System: A custom designed rotary system has been installed within the forearm allowing for a total of 4 separate weapon systems to be installed within the forearms of the various versions of the suit. The first weapon system is a rocket launcher which is able to fire various types of rockets depending on the type of rocket loaded into the weapon at the time of firing. The second system is an Energy Cannon which is a cross between the Palm Projectors and the Chest Lance firing off blasts which draws energy directly from the Thorium Reactor powering the armor. The third system is a Cable Launcher which is able to fire off solid Kendrium Cables which can be used to subdue foes non lethally and in the event that a little extra power is needed to subdue anything caught in the cables the launcher is able to send an electrical charge along the cable acting like a taser to assist in subduing stronger targets then normal. The final system loaded into the weapon system is a Phaser Energy Projection System which the wearer can use to generate Phaser Powered Energy Blades allowing for the wearer to have energized sword blades for use during melee encounters when they need a melee type weapon for whatever scenario they find themselves in. The Projection System allows the wearer to shape the energy into any type of blade that the situation calls for allowing them to tailor their blades to ensure that it is right length and shape for the fight in which they need to be used in.

        Iron Canadian Defensive Features

        • Reinforced Armor Plating: All models of the Iron Canadian Armor make use of the same blend of Lightweight Titanium, Kendrium and Kevlar in order to provide a degree of protection that can protect the wearer from many forms of attack that might be directed towards them. Depending on the model of the armor some have various levels of layers making some armors stronger then others but even the most basic of armors are able to provide a high degree of protection against a wide range of attacks that the wearer might find themselves facing when facing off against various criminals and Super Villains of the world.

        • High Energy Deflector Shields: By drawing on Thorium Energy from the Thorium Reactor located in all versions of the armors the wearer is able to create powerful energy shields which they can use to protect against virtually any incoming attack directed at him provided that they can draw on the Thorium Energy needed to create a field strong enough for that particular attack. As long as the wearer has the power needed to create a shield then it is believed that there is no attack that the wearer is not able to protect themselves against.

        • Countermeasure Flare Launchers: Dual launchers has been installed within the hips of multiple versions of the armor. These flares are able to intercept incoming attacks usually in the form of missiles, rockets or other types of projectiles. Despite being used to counter incoming projectiles the flares can be useful at point blank range when needing to cause a distraction as the flares activate causing intense flashes of light which can distract anyone caught in the path of the flares as they detonate.

        • Sentry Mode: All versions of the Iron Canadian Armors allow the wearer to eject from any of the suit models where MACMAN is able to take full control of the suit and enter into a protective mode dubbed Sentry Mode. In this Sentry Mode MACMAN will remotely control the suit remaining close to the one who activates the Sentry Mode and will protect them in the event that the wearer who activates Sentry Mode is attacked. Once an attack occurs the MACMAN can operate all of the suit's functions including the weapon systems in order to defend the wearer long enough for them to return to the suit and get back inside the armor where they can retake control of the armor once and deal with whatever threat has found them.

          Theme Songs
          • Main Theme song: Shoot To Thrill By AC/DC
          • Theme Song: Iron Man By Black Sabbath

          Facts and Comments
          • Speturra is a self confessed Trekkie which is the reason that many of his armor's inventions are named after things found in Star Trek for he has developed real world applications for Phasers, Photon Torpedoes, Impulse Engines and Warp Drive just to name a few.