Tournament of Mastafal (Adventurers)

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Black Mask X

Aliases: Jennifer Ward (secret)
Home: Vibora Bay, United States
Fighting Style: Taekwondo; street brawling
Powers: None
Alignment: Lawful Good
Bio: Jennifer Ward is the 10th to take the costumed identity of Black Mask after her ancestor, John Michael Ward, who fought in the War of Independence. For over two centuries, Black Masks cultivated the mystique that it might be the same immortal hero seen in action across the United States through various periods of time. Jennifer was the first woman to take up her family's tradition. Jennifer moved to Vibora Bay, Florida in order to distinguish herself in a new city.

Black Mask came upon the body of a counterfeiter who was brutally maimed, poisoned, and disposed of in the bay. The special poison used alerted Black Mask that a dangerous terrorist known as Scorpia, a member of EuroStar, had entered the United States through Vibora Bay's port, and obtained a fake ID. Black Mask was able to track Scorpia to Millennium City. There, Black Mask and her ally White Star learned of the tournament, and Black Mask was invited to join.


Aliases: Chad Riley (Known)
Home: Sydney, Australia
Fighting Style: Street brawling
Powers: Enhanced strength, durability, and regeneration
Alignment: Lawful Good
Bio: Australian Chad Riley was an ordinary labourer at the Sydney port, working for a shipping company. He was just a regular guy, wanting to enjoy his days off with a beer while watching a football match. One day, an overloaded rack crumbled and a poorly-stored container of unknown chemical fell on Chad. He feared he was being burned alive by acid, and his clothing felt suddenly constrictive...because he had actually grown in size and strength! Subjected to a battery of tests, nothing could be found wrong with him. He took on the costumed identity of Brigade, and just did what he could to be an upstanding citizen with his newfound powers.

The Order of Mastafal's Sydney chapter extended an invitation for Chad to join the tournament being held this year in Millennium City, promising him a chance to earn the respect of some of the world's greatest fighters.


Aliases: Chang Kuan-Fu
Home: South China Sea
Fighting Style: Kung Fu
Powers: Death touch(?)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Bio: Chen Shih has many warrants out for his arrest. He is a notorious pirate, extorter, kidnapper, racketeer, and violent enforcer infamously known and feared on the South China Sea. He has fought, and won, numerous turf wars, and he routinely challenges rival leaders to single combat to prove his skill in battle. A practitioner of a rare style of Kung Fu, Chen Shih is rumored to have expertise in Dim Mak, or death touch; however, he has never displayed it publicly, and it may simply be rumors spread by his criminal organization to intimidate their enemies.

Chen Shih has attended the tournament before, and has there, before a group forbidden by oath to speak of the tournament, displayed that he does indeed know a form of death touch. He has never been a champion though, and fortune has seen him spared by more good-natured opponents who have spared him despite Chen's lack of mercy to others.