Doctor Silence

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Doctor Silence
Player: @eternalsorcerer
One of Doctor Silence's previous appearances.
Biographical Data
Real Name: L. Walker
Known Aliases: The Silent Sorcerer, Sentinel of Ma'at
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: British
Place of Birth: York, British Empire
Base of Operations: Millennium City (currently); York (formerly)
Relatives: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 156 lbs
Eyes: Cerulean
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Fair
Physical Build: Thin, Athletic
Physical Features: No Distinguishing Features; Mundane Appearance
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 76
Citizenship: None
Occupation: Book Clerk
Education: PhD in English Literature
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Sorcery, Immortality, Flight
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Staff, Mask, Grimoire
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada

L. Walker, better known as Doctor Silence, is a powerful mystic who has apparently been around since the Middle Ages, according to an unknown source. Despite his great magical prowess, he lacks notoriety due to how little he appears in the public eye to do battle with evil. Instead, he keeps to himself under his alter-ego and runs an inauspicious bookstore in Millenium City known as "A Secret Corner."


Early Life

L. Walker was born sometime towards the end of the Middle Ages to a devoutly religious priest and his wife. His youth was lonely existence as his father would routinely force him to study out of the Bible and keep him locked up in their house. By the age of ten, Walker had committed the entire Bible to memory. The only solace Walker had from his father's strict rules was his imagination and desire to see the world from beyond what the Bible said. In secret, he explored these ideas with encouragement from his mother who desired him to expand his knowledge beyond his religious teachings.

At some point, his mother died, and his father found out about his secrets, beating him as a result. Sometime later, Walker would flee his hometown to escape his father's abuse.

Becoming the Sentinel of Ma'at

Walker would eventually find his way to Egypt where he would become lost in the desert before stumbling into a town. What appeared to be a place where he could rest and recover was abandoned and decrepit. All that could be found from the settlement was an old amulet that Walker would place around his neck before he collapsed from exhaustion and dehydration.

When he awoke, he found himself in the Egyptian Underworld, the Duat, though he was unaware of it at first. Only when he met a demon did he realize he had died. Furthermore, he discovered that he suddenly lost his ability to speak. Distraught, he traversed through the Duat, attempting to find a place where he could make sense of everything that had happened to him.

Eventually, he ran into a vicious, serpentine-like creature that attempted to destroy him but an ibis-headed man saved him. This man, recognizing Walker as the soul of the recently deceased, introduced himself as Thoth. Walker was ushered to the Hall of Judgement where Anubis began the ceremony to weigh Walker's heart. The ceremony, however, never took place. Anubis discovered that parts of Walker's soul had been damaged beyond repair, specifically his ren. It was determined that Walker could not continue onto the afterlife in any form because of this.

Though, as Walker pleaded for passage to the afterlife, Thoth noticed that Walker's soul had been damaged by powerful magic. The God of Wisdom eventually deduced that the amulet Walker had found was the source of the damage. Unfortunately for Walker, this meant little as the damage was irreversible.

However, instead of leaving Walker by his lonesome in the Duat, Thoth chose to become a mentor to Walker, teaching him how to use his newfound powers. Walker, at first, disliked the fact that his powers barred him from ever passing onto the afterlife, but came to enjoy learning about the mystic arts and the arcane world. Under Thoth's tutelage, Walker became an adept sorcerer.

After centuries of training, Thoth declared Walker a master of the mystic arts and allowed him to either remain in the Duat or attempt to return to the mortal world. Walker chose the latter, but Thoth gave him a stipulation. If he were to return to the mortal world, he would act as the hand of the gods in order to maintain the balance of the universe as they no longer could due to the Ban. Walker agreed and found a way to return to the mortal world.

For centuries, Walker would do his duty as the Sentinel of Ma'at and use his magical powers - though they were limited due to the Ban - to maintain the order of the universe. Though his devotion to his duties would falter and he would abandon his responsibilities.

Contemporary History

Long after Walker returned to the mortal world, he founded a small bookshop called "Ye Olde Bookshop" where his hometown once stood. He would remain there for a majority of his time.

During World War I, Walker would intervene and assist those displaced but could not do much more as his magic was weak outside of the Duat.

When World War II began, the limitations the Ban had put on his magic lifted, and he was able to take a more significant role in the war, continuing to help refugees escape the tyranny of Germany. However, his time in the war would be cut short during the Bombing of London where he was struck by a bomb trying to defend the city. After recovering from the second World War, Walker would open a bookshop in Detroit.

In 1977, during the Gadroon Invasion, Walker was quick to answer the call to defend the planet, being dubbed the Silent Sorcerer in newspapers. However, he would be fatally wounded in the first days of invasion and not return until the end of the twentieth century.

In 1992, Walker would don the mantle of Silent Sorcerer once again during the Battle of Detroit, later being dubbed Doctor Silence. When Doctor Destroyer began destroying parts of the city, he managed to save a small class of children from the attack with a shield.

In 2010, Walker sensed a disturbance in Vibora Bay and quickly arrived at the scene to an apocalyptic hell. He then became a part of a team of heroes who rescued survivors in the city. His magic proved very effective against Therakiel’s cronies. Despite this, during a patrol for survivors, his team was ambushed and he sacrificed himself to teleport the other heroes back to Doctor Ka’s brownstone. He was forced into the Duat to recover.


Ye Olde Bookshoppe

Ye Olde Bookshoppe was a Victorian Style building that had only a single room that contained multiple tables with books piled high on them. It was Walker's base of operations prior to 1952 when he moved to America. It is currently in a state of disrepair.

A Secret Corner

A Secret Corner is the bookshop that Walker owns in Millennium City. It has a single room with a multitude of bookshelves with varying heights that are overflowing with books. It is Walker's current base of operations. He can often be found inside of it, reading.


Walker is a tall, young male described to be handsome by some but average by others. Physically, he is lean with an even complexion. His eyes are light blue, and he keeps his brown hair brushed and short.

In the past, Walker did not don much when he used his magic for good. However, in recent times, he would wear a blue and silver suit with gold gloves, boots, and shoulder pads. The design of his costume would remain somewhat symmetric until the Battle of Detroit where it is appearance is much like it is today.

His suit is mostly blue with silver trim. His right arm is uncovered and lacks gloves. Instead, it has a golden wristband and armband. His shoulders are protected by golden plating. His left arm has golden, elbow length gloves. His cloak is silver with a collar, and he wears a mask. Around his waist is a silver belt with a golden buckle. He has white leggings under a blue, arched skirt. His boots are golden.


Walker presents himself as an aloof and unapproachable character, preferring to keep to himself and remain quiet. Many will often mistake this as shyness or anxiety. However, it is because Walker is not interested in common mortal issues as he views them as trivial compared to what he has been through. That being said, Walker can have a condescending attitude towards others due to his immortality, but his inability to speak makes it difficult for him to communicate this fact.

In his lonesome, Walker prefers to pursue academic pursuits. Often, he will be found reading in his bookstore. When he is in the company of others, he will usually find excuses to leave the situation unless they are of interest to him. Despite his isolation, Walker does express interest in certain behaviors he finds confusing. For example, Walker is intrigued by technology and fails to see its use.

Due to his lack of interests with human affairs, he does not get involved in local threats as they do not pose big threats to Ma’at, but he will intervene in regional to planetary threats. He shows some interest in leaving Earth to explore other planets.


Powers and Abilities

As a master of the mystic arts, Walker has a host of powers that make him a force to be reckoned with, even against other sorcerers. He has sheer raw power coursing through not only his veins but also the talent to use it with deadly precision.

In addition to magic, Walker is also fluent in forty languages, adept as sign language, and capable of reading even the most illegible handwriting.

Having been trained for centuries by Thoth, Walker has a deep understanding of magic's nuances that few other sorcerers have. He can cast complex charms and enchantments that advanced sorcerers would have difficulty with all by waving his hand.

In order to channel magic, Walker utilizes Medu Neter ("Divine Words"), a hieroglyphic writing system, as a conduit. Though he can summon Medu Neter to use magic, he often opts for a straightforward application of magic, using eldritch blasts and conjuring mystical barriers.

Medu Neter for "Silence"

He can also use his magic to create "captions" to speak with others, but he seldom does this.

When Walker gained his magical abilities, the magic had damaged his very soul beyond repair, forever barring him for entering the afterlife. As a result, Walker's deaths are never permanent. Instead, fatal damage to himself forces his soul to depart from the world of the living, much like death, but return after he has gathered the strength to form a new body.

Though his immortality does not allow him to die to pestilence, plague, and poison, he will suffer any drawbacks they may bring.

Walker is capable of defying gravity and flying by using magic to levitate himself. He can reach speeds in excess of 500 miles per hour but does not fly this fast as stopping proves to be an extremely difficult task as decelerating suddenly gives him motion sickness.


Usually hidden away on the back of his belt, Walker's staff is often only used for rituals where he needs a channel to funnel his magic through. He rarely uses it in combat scenarios.

Inactive, it is a foot long, wooden dowel. When activated, it elongates to a four feet long, polished, wooden staff with a golden feather ornament at the top.

Though it appears to be rather mundane, Walker's mask is heavily enchanted. In essence, his mask allows him to survive the lack of pressure in space, the crushing pressure at the ocean floor, radiation, and extreme temperatures. It will also act as an air filter.

Walker’s personal journal detailing a variety of magical rituals and symbols. It even has helpful hints on those who are beginning to learn magic. This book was kept by Walker as a guide to performing magic. He continues to write in it by magically adding pages.


Though he is guarded against a permanent death, Walker still dies after sustaining enough damage to his person. Death could render him unable to act on the mortal world for days or possibly years. Furthermore, Walker must be on Earth in order to enter the Duat. If he is off the planet, his soul must travel to Earth before he can begin recovering.

The only place Walker can die permanently is Qliphoth. This is because it is the antithesis to life.

The precious metal is one of the few substances that are resistant to Walker’s magic. Though, it is not immune to his magic and serves to impede him. He, however, cannot see or teleport into a room that is lined with gold.

When fighting alongside a team, Walker's inability to speak could pose communication problems. He would be unable to coordinate actions or warn allies of impending dangers. His inability to speak also extends to telepathy.

All magic requires focus and if Walker's focus is broken, his spells will either fail to take effect or begin to fail. Though, Walker's more straightforward magic, such as eldritch blasts and smaller shields would not likely fail if his concentration falters.

Close Combat
Walker is a master of ranged combat with his magic. However, his ability to fight at close range is rather poor due to his lack of hand to hand combat practice; all his hand to hand knowledge is theoretical at most. Opponents who can close the distance between him and them can overpower him if he does not create distance quickly.

Lack of a True Name
Some places or spells may require that Walker use his True Name. He, not having one, cannot enter such places or utilize such spells.

Walker, as a result of gaining his magical powers, struggles to empathize with others. This can make it hard for him to understand the struggles of others or make him appear cruel and heartless.




Thoth and Walker have a very close relationship, being one very similar to that of a teacher-student bond. Thoth contributed heavily to who Walker is today and Walker holds Thoth in great admiration. Walker’s admiration of Thoth is so great, that he would do whatever Thoth asked him to do. After spending many centuries with Walker, Thoth is one of the few beings capable of knowing what Walker is saying simply through his facial expressions and body language.


Mister Khaos

Mister Khaos is an ancient Egyptian sorcerer who managed to circumvent death by hiding his True Name so that he could not pass onto the afterlife. Since his first appearance, he is recognized as the nemesis of Doctor Silence. He often plots to increase his own magical power through the use of powerful magic artifacts and has had modest successes. His intelligence combined with his patience makes him extremely dangerous as he is willing to wait for long periods of time for his plans to come into fruition.


The Speechless
Walker is incapable of talking. He can enter a room and remain there for long periods of time, listening in on private conversations, before any of the occupants realize he is there.

Meaningful Name
Walker’s code name is Doctor Silence, an obvious reference to the fact that he cannot speak and makes very little noise. However, he also earned a PhD in English Literature in 2004. Thus, he is an actual doctor, a Doctor of Philosophy.

Despite his code name being meaningful, Walker lacks a true name.

Walker does what he considers to be best for himself and for the order of things, even if that means taking questionable actions.

Ignored Expert
Walker's knowledge of the mystic arts and divine planes is great. However, he is rarely ever called upon for this knowledge.

But Not Too Bi
Even though Walker is considered to be bi, he is actually more attracted to males than females. He was in a short-lived romantic relationship with a forest nymph, but that did not last long as he couldn’t speak and she wanted him to compliment her.

Battle Aura
Both figurative and literal, Walker has an aura around him when he either feels a very powerful negative emotion or when he prepares to use immense magical power.

Order vs. Chaos
Heavily influenced by the Egyptian Gods, Walker will uphold order, even if it means doing evil to do so.

Glowing Eyes
When Walker is angered or channeling an immense amount of power, his eyes burn with a golden, fiery aura.


  • When Walker uses magic that does not involve Medu Neter, a symbol that is an encircled iron cross appears.
    • This is because crosses are often found on gravestones and are a reference to one “being silenced.”
  • Walker's Iron Age costume has three of the four hieroglyphs needed to write "Silence."
    • If Walker kneels and puts one hand to his mouth and another on his back, he becomes the final hieroglyph.
  • Despite knowing sign language, Walker does not use it often because a majority of people he meets do not know sign language.
  • His PhD in English Literature was obtained from Cambridge University. His Masters in Psychology was obtained from Harvard University.
  • Walker's favorite book is Lord of the Flies by William Golding.
  • The parts of Walker’s soul that were warped by his magic are his:
    • Ren (true name): he no longer has one.
    • Jb (heart): he feels emotions at an exponentially weaker degree.
    • Ba (personality): his personality has been warped and damaged.
    • Ka (vital spark): his ka does not run out when he dies, it only fades ever so slightly.
    • Sheut (shadow): this is the only part of his soul left untouched.
  • Uncharacteristic of many heroes, Walker has little issue with killing someone if he feels it is necessary.
  • Walker has a Master’s Degree in Psychology.
  • Walker has a Multifarian Counterpart known as Master Quiet.
    • Master Quiet learned magic from Seth instead of Thoth.
    • Master Quiet's costume is red and bronze instead of blue and silver.
    • Master Quiet's magic often manifests as sandstorms and fires while Doctor Silence's manifests as soothing waves of energy.
      • Interestingly enough, Master Quiet's magic very closely resembles Doctor Silence's nemesis's magic.