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Saiyuu Rivers
Player: @saiceles#4945
Hero Uniform
Class Focus: Swordfighting, martial arts.
Power Level: Confidential
Research & Development: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Saiyuu Rivers
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Confidential
Age: 27
Height: 5'5"
Weight: Girl's secret.
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Hair Color: Red-colored. Cut short and wavy.
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: College Student / Part-time Hero
Place of Birth: Earth
Base of Operations: Detroit City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Alive.
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Practiced martial skills. Excellent swordsmanship.
Dueling Sword.

About Saiyuu

Saiyuu in her college uniform.

Born in one of the outskirt districts of Detroit City, Saiyuu grew up to the sight of news about heroes, villains, and other such unusual sights. Dreaming of the day she would have such power, she was so very disappointed when she turned out to have no fancy, overwhelming powers, despite coming from a family of heroes. In time, she would grow up somewhat disheartened and bitter, which helped develop her somewhat introverted and sarcastic personality.

Childhood and the early days of her teenage were all too normal for her. She went to school, she made friends, she lost friends, she dealt with bullies and jocks, the list goes on, things that tended to paint a more clear picture on how she should restrict her friends list to a bare, trustable minimum. Her sarcastic, witty nature, acted as an efficient shield, and when it failed she still fought back in whatever way she could. Still, one might associate a certain drama to this period of her life. Her first crushes were something of a frustration, with the first one being "stolen" by another girl who she thought a close friend, and the second one who thought of little more than himself most of the time. But she learned from these experiences, matured even. The first sign of her unusual power however, was rather subtle. The pain, the tears, the bad things that she acquired from the annoying surrounding drama? She could put it away. At first, she thought it was much like most people did it, but it wasn't the case. She found a degree of ability to "command" that. Stop herself from crying at one time, only to cry it all later, or simply be sad for a longer period, or incredibly sorrowful for a very short amount of time.

Saiyuu in her various casual outfits.

At first, she thought little of it, assuming it was more of a regular Human ability, but eventually, little by little, started to find that it applied to many other things. Simple things, but that when put together painted a bigger picture. Examples such as spending afternoons sleeping, only to be able to turn that stored "sleeping" into an equivalent amount of extra hours of awareness, or even bursts of increased attention. Other silly things were stored, naturally. Once, she stored "hunger", finding herself well satiated, and releasing that hunger once she arrived at a pizza parlor, eating twice the usual amount of slices. Slowly, she found, that she had a rather unusual ability. Saiyuu was able to "hog" things, and not in the way most teenagers did.

Excited at the thought that maybe this could be her "superhero" power, she sought to take up UNTIL's tests, but oddly enough they failed to identify the presence of any power within her. Later, she would happen that her power had the quality of being "non-existing" when not in extensive use. Nonetheless, this struck her documentation as a more regular Human, and thus she failed to join any of the Hero Academies thanks to that. Most didn't even bother seeing what she could possibly do, and she wasn't exactly the best at explaining the ability. It took some of her motivation away, naturally, but not entirely. In the following years, she still kept practicing with the ability, searching for its limits, its workings, trying to understand it. Searching in the internet, databases and so on, didn't result in much. It was that rare of a power. "Accumulating things"? Everything, in fact? That was unusual, to say the least.

Saiyuu in her volleyball uniform.

Nonetheless, Saiyuu sought to lead a more or less normal life after the fact. She managed to enroll in a more regular college, under a course of Game Design, and joined the volleyball team in order to get some discounts on her pay. She found a nice, warm basement apartment to crash at, adopted an overly chubby cat by name of "Lancelot". Most of her life at that point became narrowed down to studying, playing games, playing volleyball, lazing about back home, and doing the occasional discreet hero work with the local police. While carrying a considerably powerful power, things didn't always work out too much to make her popular, and she didn't particular seek it. Who knows where her path will lead her from there?

