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Liath ComingSoon 150150.png
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Player: @Shjade
Darkness is the best dress.
Class Focus: Close Combat & Shadows
Power Level: 40
Personal Data
Real Name: Restricted
Known Aliases: N/A
Species: Restricted
Ethnicity: Undefined
Age: Undefined
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 108 lbs.
Eye Color: Dusk; no pupil, retina, iris
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Undefined
Occupation: Musician; muse; model; trainer
Place of Birth: "The Grey Fields."
Base of Operations: Undefined
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: "Nah."
Known Powers
High degree of athleticism and speed; teleportation; shadow manipulation; enhanced auditory senses; inhuman visual range can perceive metaphysical/spiritual presence; has stated a high resistance to mental manipulation, though as yet unconfirmed; does not appear to age
Known Abilities
Extreme proficiency in close-range fighting; capable of speaking most human languages and a number of fae and demonic dialects; pragmatic tactician with extensive combat experience; comfortable in most parts of the world due to constant travel
Paired swords kept in a single long staff sheath; transformable armor.
Shjade's skin is entirely black, not in the human sense of dark brown pigmentation but literally black. Her blood appears to be lavender rather than red when exposed to air. Her aura causes some distortion around her when captured on film on conventional cameras and video recorders.

Shjade ("Just Shjade.") is a bit of a wild card when it comes to predicting any given game of good and not-so-good. Thus far her activities have been limited to mainly constructive objectives. Her discussions on public airwaves regarding methodology of crime prevention, however, may be cause for some concern.
