Darkstar Blank Period

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The Darkstar Blank Period follows the Merrow Rivenlight Arc and Tob and the Soul Beasts Arc. The Blank Period follows Darkstar as they continue their vigilante operations in Croft, and the training of their members for when they invade the Capita.

Giant Spider Extermination

A spider monster that has been notoriously known for killing Croftians who ventured too far into the Forest is reported to have expanded its territory. Ferris receives word from one of his gym regulars that the monster has invaded the mining sector of the slums, causing a shortage in the amount of resources going to the slums. Complaints sent to the Capita have been ignored (as usual), leading to the slums entering a metal deficiency. This deficiency has led to a shortage in construction materials for housing, buildings, technology, and essentials.

Jason volunteers to exterminate the monster, as his power affinity is darkness and magic negation, which should be a counter against the creature's web magic. Amana asks the team where Sam is, and Junon tells her that Sam came down with the cold. Apparently, when the A/C was broken, Sam went training anyway. Tob busts out laughing, and Reya elbows him. Reya tells Amana that Trill and Wagner are out training so they were unable to make the meeting. Amana sighs. Lazarus tells Amana that his magic has been off lately, and suspects that Sam gave him the cold too. Lazarus leaves the meeting early. Ferris decides to step in, surprising the team, as he always served as mission overseer. Ferris wants to practice his new earth spells on a live target, and tells Amana and Jason that his seekers will make the search faster since Sam is unable to do the mission. Amana approves Ferris to go with Jason, and tells them to be safe.

Ferris and Jason head to the mines, where the reports claim that the most recent disappearances have happened there. Ferris tells Jason that he noticed that he no longer uses Kronus. Jason apologizes, telling him that he gave the weapon to Junon during the Multifaria raid, and hasn't since asked for it back. Ferris tells Jason that it's okay, since she has taken a liking to the weapon. Jason tells Ferris that he shouldn't have so hastily gave the weapon that was gifted to him away, but Ferris tells him it's fine. At the end of the day he did it to help Junon out when she was vulnerable. Ferris reminisces to the time when he tasked a young Jason to deal with the soul beasts around his gym. Now here they were again, dealing with another soul beast.

Jason chuckles and asks Ferris about his name, since he never really answered his question those many years ago. Ferris tells Jason that his real name was Baron. Jason asks where he got Ferris from, and Ferris responds that that was the name of a friend he once trained with prior to opening his new gym. The two used to train everyday, hoping to become mercenaries. Ferris inspired Baron to hit the gym. His powers, iron magic, were inferior to the Mage Academy, and his low mana meant that he was no fighter against the infernals. However, by training his body, he might be able to compensate for his low mana and fulfill his dream to become a badass mercenary. Baron, inspired by his resolve, decides to start training too.

After some ups and downs, Ferris and Baron became mercenaries. The best in the industry, they were known as Rock n' Iron, an unstoppable force to those who paid the right price. For years, they were the major talk in town, completing contracts, and constantly being flooded with offers from clients. Ferris asks Baron what he will do once they retire. Baron doesn't know, but Ferris tells him that one day, he's going to open a gym to train Croftians who were deemed not fit to be a Militia Mage. Just as the gym had given them a purpose, he will open a gym to open the eyes of many more Croftians who aspired to be great like them. Baron is surprised, and tells Ferris that he will support him with everything he got. They will make enough money to open up a gym where they will train the next generation of badass fighters, the best in Croft.

But one day, the two were tasked to assassinate a soul beast that turned out to be a high ranking infernal. The two were outclassed, and Ferris tells Baron to run while he fended it off. When Baron returned with reinforcements, it was too late. Bleeding out, Ferris gives Baron Kronus, his hunting knife. Since then, Baron changed his name, adopting his friend's. Ferris is given a huge reward, for taking out an infernal. Ferris uses this money to open up a gym and realize his friend's dream. Since then, he has owned the gym, training people who came along.

Jason tells Ferris that he has realized his vision and much more, gaining a new family and friends. Ferris tells Jason to quit being a wimp and start looking for the spider, as he was making the moment all teary eyed. Jason and Ferris laugh as they descend into the mines.

Ferris sends several stone seekers to scan the tunnels, and one of the seekers picks up the location of the soul beast. Jason and Ferris pursue the signal, but the signal is cut out before they reach the checkpoint. Jason unsheathes his katana and powers up. Ferris coats his arms in a rock overmold. The environment is quiet. Ferris tells Jason he could summon more seekers, but before he can finish his sentence, a web shoots from the darkness, pinning Jason's hands to the wall. The katana falls to the ground, and is captured by the spider. Jason's dark aura dissipates.

Jason warns Ferris to be careful, as he suspects the monster must also be using some kind of weakening magic, which explains why he wasn't able to react to its web shot, but he is too late. Ferris is pinned down by a stream of webs. Suddenly the monster emerges, its mandibles inches away from Jason's face. Jason attempts to rip the webs apart with everything he has, but the he is unsuccessful. Jason tells Ferris to run and call Amana. Ferris remembers same exact scenario that happened so many years ago. He had left his friend to die because he was too weak. Now he's watching another friend die. Jason shouts at Ferris to run. Ferris closes his eyes. Things are different now. He pushed himself beyond his limits and improve not just his strength, but his magic. No one is going to die this time. Ferris roars, muscles bulging, and tears the webs to shreds. The monster turns around, in apparent disbelief. Jason stares at Ferris. Ferris tells Jason there's no way in hell he's going to leave him behind. Ferris powers up, rocks circling him. The monster attempts to get in close but the rocks cut at its hide. The stones get thicker and begin to coat Ferris' body. The monster decides to sacrifice its body and lunges forward, attempting to kill Ferris. However, the stones clear, and reveal Ferris' new spell. Gaea's Armor. Ferris pummels the monster with incredible force, sending it crashing into the ground. The monster's hide glows purple, and Ferris begins to feel his senses weakening. Jason yells at Ferris to be careful, as his reflexes have now been weakened significantly. Ferris shouts at the monster to weaken his reflexes all he wants. There's no way in hell it can do anything against his Armor. The monster continues its assault on Ferris to no avail. Ferris continues striking the monster until its glow disappears, killing it.

Ferris grabs the sword and goes to undo his webs when suddenly the monster is jolted upright. Jason's eyes widen and tells Ferris that the monster is going to self destruct. Ferris extends his hand, and the armor elongates, creating a huge stone shield, lined with cyan veins emanating magical power. The monster explodes, but Ferris and Jason are unharmed. The webs dissolve.

Ferris deactivates Gaea's armor and returns Jason's sword. Jason is impressed, telling Ferris his strength and magic is amazing. Ferris responds that his magic isn't much, but affirms the strength comment. Ferris flexes and tells Jason that he may not be as tough as the Darkstar hotshots Blackflame and Lupine, but what he does have is guts. Jason asks Ferris if he can train him to get stronger some time, and Ferris agrees, telling Jason his form has been going downhill ever since he left the gym. Jason and Ferris chuckle as the two leave the mines, with the head of the monster. The Croftian miners had all gathered at the entrance, receiving word that members of Darkstar went into the mine to avenge their fallen brothers. The two emerge, with the head, and the miners cheer the two on. Ferris waves at the crowd and flexes his muscles, the crowd roars in approval. Jason smiles. Ferris tells Jason that the people of Croft have always noticed the actions of Darkstar. The vigilantes who have represented the voice of the people who were deemed failures to the Capita. This was all because of Jason. Jason smiles, but says that it isn't just him, but everybody from Darkstar who risked their lives to better the state of Croft. Ferris asks Jason if he ever cared what people thought about him, and Jason says he doesn't care, what matter is what the people think about the resistance. Without Darkstar, there will be no hope to the people of Croft, as they face the Age of Ash grimly.

Ferris tells Jason he should give himself some credit, being a leader and all, and Jason jokingly says it's fine, as long as Amana doesn't take all the credit. The two head to the rendezvous to meet with Lazarus and Trill to go home.

Amana Takes all the Credit

Sam, who is still sick, begins asking Jason and Ferris for workout advice and a routine once he recovers. Jason attempts to give his advice, but realizes that Ferris' knowledge is on another level. Jason leaves Sam to talk with his old trainer and heads to the common room. Jason notices Amana reading a newspaper fragment. Noticing her glasses, Jason compliments her look. Amana frowns, and Jason asks what's wrong.

Amana tells Jason that Darkstar's influence has gone up, as more and more people of Croft have started to hope, seeing the group as a step forward to ending the Age of Ash. As Darkstar continues their missions, raids, and helping the people of Croft deal with either soul beasts, jerk Militia members, or life threatening disasters, people are starting a movement, the Anti-New Militia Movement, to support Darkstar's motives. Jason tells Amana that's great. But Amana's expression says otherwise. Jason joins Amana on the couch and asks her what's the bad news.

Amana tells Jason to read a column on Darkstar. Apparently, individual members of Darkstar have also started to receive recognition. Lazarus, the ghostly protector. Coldarrow and Lupine, the hunter and the wolf. Blackflame, the one man army. Overseer, the Stone Protector. Reverb and Joust, the kinetic kids. Even Junon is getting some recognition, the engineering extraordinaire. Apparently people have created a fanclub for her, although most of the people are boys. Jason laughs. Amana tells Jason to keep reading. Jason gets to Amana's part, and realizes that out of all the members, Amana is the most recognized. The leader of Darkstar, and the voice of the people. People have begun to spray a symbol for Amana, a flaming red fox with a black star, on the walls of the Capita. People asking if she is single. Jason tells Amana that's great news, she definitely deserves all the praise, minus the people asking her out. Amana looks at Jason and asks if he's really that oblivious. Jason laughs and asks why. Amana suddenly sits upright and looks Jason in the eye. No one is talking about him. No one is talking about The Black Jason.

Jason laughs and asks if that's what's got her all riled up. Amana throws her hands in the air, clearly exasperated. Jason contributed to the group too. In fact, he is one of the leaders, yet no one is giving him the recognition he deserves. Jason asks why this is so important, what matters is what the people think about Darkstar. He tells Amana that he doesn't really care much about what the public think about him. Amana tells Jason that he should at least get some credit for the things he has done. Jason puts his hand on her face and tells her that the only opinion he cares about is hers. Amana blushes, but tells Jason that she's going to take him outside and introduce him to the people of Croft. It's time he got some attention too.

The two don on their mission outfits and head out to do patrol. Along the way across the streets, people wave at Amana, complimenting her hair. Some people even approaching her for a photograph or a signature. Jason smiles at Amana, and Amana tells Jason to act friendly too. Jason turns to a fan who has approached the two. Jason eyes the fan. The fan suddenly backs away, running back to his friends. Jason is confused. The two move on. One of the storekeepers comments on Jason's mask, calling it terrifying. Jason continues walking. Amana decides to improve the public's view on Jason and hooks her arm around his. The plan backfires, as more people whisper, saying that Jason doesn't deserve someone like Amana. Some people even going to the extent of speculating that Amana is trying to help out a criminal, by giving him a "pity date".

Suddenly, a yelp erupts from the back of the street, a robbery. Amana tells Jason now is his chance. The two bolt to the scene and stop the criminal. The criminal summons a ball of lightning, and warns the two to stay away, or he will destroy the old lady's establishment. Amana tries to figure out a way to safely extract the enemy, but as usual, Jason jumps right into the action. Unsheathing his katana, Jason launches a powerful black slash at the criminal, sending him into the public space. The criminal, clearly beaten from the force of Jason's attack manages to get up, and summons a tiny spark, claiming to kill anybody if he comes close. Jason glares at the man and tells him to try it. The criminal is petrified at the sight of Jason, who lowers his katana, slicing the ground with black sparks. The criminal gives himself up to Amana and tells her not to let Jason touch him. Amana tells Jason he did it, and is about to tell the public when suddenly she notices that everybody had already left the scene. When Jason approached the criminal, all menacing like, he had also scared everybody else. Amana sighs.

Amana and Jason meet up with Trill and Tob. They apparently managed to rescue a bunch of people from a fire-type soul beast. A bunch of kids were playing in the snow that Trill created after he had extinguished the fire, and more kids ran up to Tob in his Lupine form, petting him. The kids suddenly see Amana and rush up to her. Amana leans down and gives them all a hug. Some kids approach Jason, but Jason turns around causing over half of them to run away. The others who stayed were stuck, petrified in fear. Amana goes up to Jason and tells him to say something. Jason doesn't know what to say. Jason looks at Tob and Trill, and tells Amana he has an idea. He will incorporate an act that uses elements of both Tob and Trill's appeal. Amana tells Jason he's overthinking it and just talk to the kids. Jason insists. He extends his hand, and suddenly black magic begins to manifest. The kids lean in, and Jason creates a giant black snarling wolf, sparking with black electricity, which burns up one of the children's soccer balls. The kids run away crying to Amana. Jason quickly extinguishes the construct. Amana tells him it's going to be okay and that they will figure out how to get him noticed. Jason tells her he's already been noticed, just not in the way she wanted. Everybody thinks he is a monster, some even think he's a criminal and a member of the Militia.

Amana and Jason continue their patrol and notice Wagner surrounded by a bunch of ladies. The women ask Wagner if they can take turns taking pictures with him. Wagner volunteers to take off his shirt, causing the women to scream in approval. Amana rolls her eyes. Jason tells Amana that he's okay with what the people think about him. There's no point pretending to be something he is not. If the people cannot accept him for what he is, at least they can accept his contributions. Amana looks disappointed, but Jason once again reaffirms that the only person he seeks approval from is her. Amana smiles and tells Jason that he is one of a kind. Jason treats Amana to a drink at the District for her attempt at helping him gain some popularity.

While the two sip their drinks, Amana puts her hand on his. She tells Jason that no matter what the public thinks about him, she will always love him for who he is. Jason tells Amana that's all he needed to hear. Amana laughs. Suddenly, a group of New Militia Avatar Officers barge in. The squad pushes over a family and tells the bartender to give them the best of the best. The bartender, scared out of her mind, begins preparing the drinks. One of the members of the bar gets up and tells the squad to peace it. They are not welcome here. One of the officers approaches the man, asking him if all that alcohol has given him a big head. The man tells the officer that he isn't afraid of them. One day, they will rise out of the ashes and kick the Militia's ass. Darkstar already made that possible. The officer pushes the man to the ground. More people begin to take the man's side, telling the squad to get out. Some civilians powering up their spells, ready to fight. Amana gets up, but Jason tells her that if she uses her powers now in such a crowded space, she might risk hurting the civilians.

The officers laugh, and the one who was confronted tells his squadmates to enjoy their drinks while he ruffles up some dumbass citizens. The citizens charge the Avatar, but their morale quickly drops when the Avatar defeats half of them in one gust of wind. The officers tells them to know their place. Many of the citizens, now scared, hide behind their benches. The officers tell them all to kneel. Only one man still stands, the one who started the whole fight. The officer asks the man if he's got a death wish. The man tells the officer and all the people in the bar that right now, Darkstar is doing their best to restore the old Mage Order. They're giving their all to stop Ariandal. The best they can do is support them and keep the morale alive. The officer begins beating the man, but the man refuses to go down. The officer asks why he is so persistent, and the man tells him that every day, he sees a Darkstar member risk his or her life to protect them. Even if they are bleeding, hurt, or just plain screwed, they still get up and fight. What's the point of a resistance if no one is resisting? The officer continues to pummel the man, the people in the bar now clearly scared and no longer filled with morale. Jason gets up from behind his bar, and tells Amana to stay down. The officer attempts to punch the man one last time, but his fist is caught by the hand of another mage. The avatar looks up and sees the horrifying mask of The Black Jason.

Jason tells the man he fought well, and throws the avatar out of the bar. The other members of the squad suddenly stand up, powering their magic. Jason tells the squad that he will take them all on at the same time. The squad tells Jason that it doesn't matter what he does, Darkstar will always be just another activist group, forever shadowed by The New Militia. As long as Calliope stands, no one has the strength to defeat them. Defeating the squad means nothing. Jason tells them that they are wrong. Every squad that Darkstar defeats, every problem they solve, every monster that is slain goes to the Anti-New Militia movement. The man smiles. Jason throws his Katana to the ground. Jason tells them that he knows that the New Militia is aware of his weakness. Once he is disarmed, he cannot access his magic. The squad asks if Jason has gone crazy, but Jason tells them that they are the crazy ones for supporting the New Militia after everything they have done to these people. Jason tells them that defeating their squad definitely means something, and he's going to prove it to them, by fighting them all at the same time. Without magic.

The squad powers up and charges Jason. Jason roars and charges the squad. The Jason is bombarded with attacks left and right, but Jason bears it, and lands a solid right hook into the face of one of the officers, sending him sprawling. Some of the citizens in the bar begin to chant. Jason Jason Jason. Others have their hands over their mouths. Jason continues his relentless assault, despite suffering serious injuries. Amana tries to emerge, but Jason shoots her a look. Amana returns back to her hiding spot. Jason continues his brutal brawl against the avatars.

Five minutes later, Jason stands before the Avatar squad. Half of the members have been knocked unconscious, and Jason is bleeding heavily, blood soaking the right side of his face. His mask cracked, revealing part of his face. Jason breathes heavily, as the remaining Avatars power up even further, asking why he isn't going down. Jason responds that he isn't going to give up until the people of Croft are given the future they deserve. He isn't going to give up until Calliope is defeated, and he isn't going to go down to a bunch of losers who think beating up innocent people is considered righteous to the Mage Order. A fire-type Avatar fires a huge inferno at Jason, and Jason growls, moving forward, inching forward. The chant from the people in the bar goes up, and soon more and more people from the District begin to join the chant. Jason yells, and emerges from the fire, his shirt completely burnt away, and punches the Avatar square in the jaw. The Avatar goes flying, knocking his buddies unconscious too. The last Avatar, the wind-type who had attacked the man stares at a beat up Jason. Jason rushes forward, and the Avatar, now terrified for his life attempts to run away, but Jason tackles the man to the ground, punching him in the face repeatedly until the man is unconscious.

Jason struggles to get up, his arm broken, his ankle sprained. Cuts everywhere, and burns all over his body. The crowd goes silent. Despite this, Jason raises his fist high in the air. The crowd roars in approval. Applause fills the District as the injured Avatar squad drags their squad back to the Capita. Amana emerges and runs up to Jason before he collapses, giving him a kiss. The night ends with the crowd chanting the name of the man who stood up to an entire squad without using his powers. The man known as The Black Jason.

Jason regains consciousness, and awakens to Amana's face. Jason jokes if he is in heaven, as he has never seen someone so beautiful in his life. Amana laughs and fills him in on the details after he lost consciousness. Apparently, Lazarus came, after one of the guys in Ferris' gym went out to the District telling Ferris that some gutsy guy was fighting an entire freaking squad of Avatar's with just his bare knuckles. Lazarus healed his wounds and teleported the squad back to the hideout. Jason's name was on the papers everywhere. The Black Jason, the hero Croft deserved. The morale of the resistance went up significantly, after word of a man who beat the living crap out of some Militia members using nothing but guts and determination after they tried to harass some citizens spread. Amana tells Jason that he did it, he was now officially recognized. Jason tells Amana all he did was follow his heart and helped a bunch of people regain confidence by making a statement. Amana smiles, realizing that all Jason needed to do was be himself. At the end of the day, it was his gutsiness and determination to help people in need that won her over. And it looks like it's starting to win the people of Croft too.

Jason asks Amana if she wants to go out on patrol. Amana agrees, and the two head out to the streets again. Although people are still hesitant to approach Jason, many people have started to compliment him. Darkstar's Ultimate Badass. The gutsiest person in the squad. Some people have even started calling him "Jason of Croft". Some kids even ran by Jason, wearing a toy mask that resembled his mask. Amana smiles, and links arms with Jason. The two continue their patrol.

Clyde's New Home

Lazarus manages to defeat a stray soul beast that was harassing some farmers. Rather than killing it, Lazarus asks the farmers to feed it some of their crops, and lets it off loose in the Forest. Ferris asks Lazarus why he didn't just kill it. Lazarus explains that the soul beast just wanted something to eat, he guessed that maybe the soul beast was unable to sustain itself in the Forest where other soul beasts probably took all its prey.

The farmers thank Lazarus as he flies off and continues patrol on the streets. Lazarus lands on the top of a building and dons on his civilian disguise. As he walks down the streets looking for something to eat, Clyde appears out of nowhere and puts an arm around him, calling him by his codename. Lazarus tells Clyde to shut it and just call him Wright. Clyde apologizes, and tells Wright that Croft is amazing, the people on the streets don't yell at him when he asks for spare change. Wright asks Clyde if he made any efforts in finding a job and a place to live, but Clyde tells him that most of the people in Croft don't like his kind. Wright asks if they don't like the fact that he is homeless, or the fact that 90% of the time he sees him, he's always smoking something. Clyde tells Wright that he can't help it; it's become an addiction at this point. Wright tells Clyde that he used to have a drug problem too, but he managed to get past it. Clyde brushes him off, telling Wright that he already told him that, and claims that he probably used magic to get rid of his addiction. Wright laughs and tells Clyde that no such magic exists. Clyde tells Wright that he doesn't see the problem, he gets to hang out with the gang at Darkstar, and he gets to stay in the hideout. In exchange, the girls on the team gets to look at his handsome bod everyday. Wright chuckles and asks if that's really what he believes. Wright tells Clyde that he will help him find a job.

The two get through several establishments that are looking for work, but are unsuccessful. Clyde swears, and tells Wright to just go in as Lazarus and tell them to hire Clyde, since he is so well known in Croft. Wright points out that it is unethical to use the name of one of Darkstar's members just to get a job. However, Wright promises to be a customer to whatever establishment he gets hired in, so he can add on to its popularity and hopefully help Clyde get a better life. But the act of getting hired has to be on his own.

The two run into Reya, who is off duty as well, in her disguise. Wright greets her, and Reya waves at the mage with a grin. Reya asks what Wright is up to, and Wright tells Reya that he's trying to find Clyde a job. Clyde lights a cigarette, and Reya tells them good luck. Wright tells Reya that they're having trouble, since no one wants to take in someone like Clyde. Reya asks Wright what he has tried, and Wright confesses that they kind of just went through every single establishment they could find. Reya asks Wright if he remembers when he talked her out of her depression. Wright remembers, he had told her to just be herself and play to her strengths. Being a hero isn't just being a cookie cutter off of someone you admired. Reya tells Wright that if he is adamant on getting Clyde a job, they should find a place that takes in people who need his skills.

The day gets late, and Wright sits with Reya, looking at the District lights. Reya asks Wright how he feels about the impending mission to stop Calliope. Wright tells Reya that it's going to be hard fighting someone he loves, but if it comes down to it, he will be willing to fight. Reya tells Wright that he shouldn't feel obligated to join the mission, but Wright tells her that it's his responsibility. He may well be the only part of her humanity left. Reya thanks Wright for everything he had done for her, restoring her confidence, and allowing her to step up as a hero to Croft. Wright smiles and tells her that it was her own hard work and determination that got to where she was, he was just there to give her a head start.

The next day, Lazarus goes on patrol, when suddenly he sees a familiar face in a cigarette shop. Lazarus enters the shop and recognizes the man operating the register, giving advice to fellow blazers on the best products. Clyde grins at Wright, asking what he can help him with. Everybody in the shop is shocked, some even taking pictures. Lazarus cracks a smile, and asks Clyde what type of cigarettes they got.

The following evening, Lawrence helps Clyde rent out a place. The landlord recognizes Clyde as an employee at the cigarette shop that was made popular by Lazarus, and thus gives Clyde a discount. Clyde thanks Lawrence for everything, from saving him from a Destroid, to helping him finding a place to live. Lawrence puts his hand on Clyde's shoulder, telling him that he is welcome at the hideout any time, as long as he doesn't reveal it to everybody else. Clyde gives Wright a thumbs up, telling him he is always welcome to the cigarette shop. Lawrence tells him he's not sure about that, and tells him that he will limit his cigarette usage, but tells Clyde that if he ever feels up for a blaze, he will always come to the shop, keeping his promise.

Junon Loses her Memory

Junon and Sam go on a mission together to investigate a strange rune that appeared after a group of civilians attempted to play around with new magic. Junon is informed that the rune started acting strangely, and ended up causing several civilians to act weird. Junon suspects that the rune is capable of inducing amnesia. The two go to the site and investigate the surroundings. Sam plops on the ground and tells Junon that he is bored. Junon tells Sam to shut up and keep searching for clues on what kind of magic the rune is. Sam tells Junon that he prefers to fight a monster, and investigation isn't his forte. Junon responds, saying that Sam just got better, and he isn't in fighting shape yet. Sam sighs. Bridget manifests and starts playing with the rocks on the ground. Sam watches the girl play around with her surroundings, commenting on how kids find anything amusing.

Sam asks Junon if she has been practicing archery, and Junon confirms that she is. Sam asks if Junon likes Trill, causing her face to turn red. She tells Sam that Trill is just a friend, and so is Jason. Sam raises an eyebrow and tells Junon he never asked her about Jason. Junon yells and tells Sam to leave her alone, clearly riled up. Sam tells Junon to calm down and keep searching for clues, but Junon continues ranting about boys. Sam stands awkwardly, listening to Junon's rant. Bridget returns to Sam's consciousness and tells him that she is really confused. Sam and Sentry agree. Suddenly, Junon trips and falls into the rune. Sam's eyes widen and rushes forward to catch her, but it's too late. Junon's body becomes wreathed with purple magic before she falls into Sam's arms. Sam asks Junon if she is okay. Junon opens her eyes and sees Sam holding her, and asks who he is. Sam curses. Junon blushes and turns red, causing Sam to ask if she is sick and puts his hand on her forehead. Junon freaks out and tells Sam not to touch her. Sam puts his hands in the air. Junon looks at Sam as he goes to call Amana.

Amana appears on the call and asks Sam how the investigation is coming along. Sam gives her a nervous smile and asks if Lazarus knows how to restore memories. Amana is in disbelief, and tells the two to return to the base, clearly disappointed. Bridget giggles in Sam's mind. Sam facepalms, and turns around. Junon is still blushing. Sam asks her if she can walk, and Junon collapses, claiming she is unable to walk. Sam sighs and picks her up. Junon smiles and asks Sam if the lady in the call was his girlfriend. Sam stares at her and asks if she is joking, and tells her that Amana is their leader, they are part of Darkstar, a vigilante group. Junon only picks up part of his response, the part where he is single.

Sam can't believe this is happening. Not only has she lost her memory, but now she has a crush on him. Junon has officially gone bat crazy. Junon rests her head on Sam's shoulder, telling him to be gentle. Sam tells her that he's going to get to the rendezvous point as fast as possible to fix this clusterf%^$, and her comfort is not a factor. Junon raises her eyebrows, and tells Sam that she doesn't mind if he's a little rough. Sam gags. Bridget asks Sentry what Junon means, and Sentry tries his best to change the subject.

Darkstar regroups at the common room, where Sam updates the team about the mission's flop. Junon attempts to cuddle next to Sam, causing him to push her away multiple times. Tob, Reya, Dennis, and Trill attempt to hold back laughs. Amana asks Junon what she remembers, and Junon tells her that she only remembers her name. Amana asks Lazarus if he knows how to restore memories, but Lazarus tells Amana that this is out of his specialty; if he knew how to restore memories, he would have helped all the people which the rune caused amnesia to. Junon compliments on Sam's muscles, causing Jason and Ferris to raise their eyebrows. Sam tells Junon that they were never in a relationship. She is also older than he is, so it wouldn't work out anyway. Junon continues to flirt with Sam, telling him that age is just a number. Bridget giggles, telling Sam that he has a girlfriend. Sam tells Bridget to shut up. Wagner goes up to Junon and tells her that she was actually his girlfriend, attempting to score, but Junon rejects him, telling him to get some abs before trying next time. Tob, Reya, and Trill bust out laughing as Wagner walks back to his room, clearly embarrassed. Jason adjourns the meeting. Lazarus offers to consult Psylen in Millennium City and see if he can restore Junon's memories, but it may be a long shot. Amana approves.

Lazarus takes Sam and Junon to Millennium City to find Psylen, an old friend of his who is a mental-type meta. Tob decides to come along too, for the laughs. The group walks to Renaissance Center, picking up a few drinks along the way. Junon keeps looking at Sam's face. Annoyed, Sam asks Junon what she wants. Junon tells Sam that his eyes are really pretty. Sam chokes on his drink. Tob snickers in the back, causing Sam to glare at his friend. Junon tells Sam that his silver eyes remind her of the moon. Sam tells Junon that the eyes are from the soul-link, all soul-linked mages have them, by extension she must like Lazarus' eyes too. Junon goes silent. Sam sighs and tells Junon that the Junon before the memory loss was already in love with someone else. He doesn't want to disrupt any of that. He's also not interested in a relationship, telling her it's nothing personal. Junon asks Sam what the Junon he knew was like. Sam describes her as someone who had been through a lot, having lost a lover. Despite this, she still remained strong, and became Darkstar's renowned engineer.

Psylen meets up with Lazarus, and shakes hands with Tob. Lazarus introduces Psylen to Junon, the girl who has amnesia, as well as Sam. Psylen takes the group to his hideout. Psylen tells Junon to sit down and asks if he has permission to access her memories. Junon consents, and Psylen attempts to probe her mind, but is unable to get past a barrier. Psylen tells the group that he can't do anything about the memories, and that the barrier is a one way barricade; the only way for her to re-access her memories is for her to force the barrier out of her mind. Lazarus thanks Psylen for his time. Psylen tells the group to stay for a bit, and treats them to lunch.

Sam relaxes on the couch with Bridget, who is playing with one of Psylen's action figures. Junon sits next to him, telling him that she might not be able to return to her old self. She tells Sam that she might prefer it that way, as she is kind of scared to remember the past. Sam doesn't know what to say.

Psylen's crime computer suddenly blips, and Socrates informs the hero of a threat Downtown. A rogue Destroid has started attacking civilians. Lazarus tells Psylen he will assist him. Sam and Tob join in too. Sam asks Junon if she is coming, and Junon tells him that she doesn't know how she can help. Tob tells her that she should still have her knowledge on technology, and maybe if she applies it through a mission, it might help her old memories resurface. Junon is reluctant. Psylen tells the group that they will travel through hover bike. Junon agrees, and takes the second last spot, forcing Sam to hold her from behind. Sam grumbles as he's forced to put his arms around her waist.

Psylen locates the rogue Destroid. Lazarus tells Sam and Tob to distract the robot while he and Psylen evacuate the civilians. Lazarus tells Junon to use her device to hack into the robot and try to shut it down in case the boys are unable to put the robot down. Junon asks him what device, and Tob points to an object that was strapped to her thigh. The team breaks up.

Lazarus creates protection fields on the citizens to save them from rubble, while Psylen attempts to use his telekinesis to rescue the civilians. Tob enchants his gear while Sam assumes Form 1 to fight the Destroid. Junon takes out her device and stares at the weird interface. Junon has no idea how to operate the device, and hopes Sam and Tob are able to defeat the robot. The boys overwhelm the robot in firepower and speed. Tob fires a charged enchanted dark energy blast, knocking the robot off its feet, and Sam shoots downward, finishing the robot with a titanic chop that causes a shockwave of wind pressure and dark fire.

The boys return to Junon, who is relieved that she didn't need to hack anything. Tob asks Junon if she's recovered any memories, but Junon confesses that the device was too confusing for her to understand, meaning no memories resurfaced. Lazarus and Psylen finish rescuing the civilians, telling them to clear the area. Suddenly, the sky turns dark. The robot is reanimated, sparkling with black lightning. Lazarus' eyes widen. Corruption.

The Destroid rises, now with a dark aura, crackling with dark electricity. The Destroid fires a black laser from its eye, which pierces Lazarus in the chest, sending him flying through a building. Psylen summons a bunch of debris and smashes it at the Destroid, but its durability has been significantly enhanced. Tob transforms into his Lupine Form at 10% and rushes forward with blinding speed, but his teeth aren't able to penetrate the armor. Sam transforms into Form 1 and blasts the robot with fire and launches several rapid strikes on the armor, unable to deal any damage. The Destroid knocks Tob aside, and fires a powerful black laser at Sam, sending him flying into the sky. Junon stares at the robot in terror as it approaches her. Junon is about to be bombarded by the Destroid's missiles until she is rescued by Tob, who has now powered up to 25%. Tob snarls at the robot, putting himself between the robot and Junon. The two engage in a battle that reaches stalemate. Suddenly a yell from the clouds reveal Sam, powering up to Form 2, his white flames illuminating the sky. Sam shoots downward, launching a powerful punch, sending it crashing on the ground. However, the monster is not fazed and sends several enhanced rockets at Sam, who manages to evade them, but the explosions knock him off guard, sending the boy into the ground. Sam's Form 2 dissipates. Tob is bombarded with even more lasers until he reverts back into his human form.

Junon yells Jason's name, when suddenly she catches herself, wondering why she called Sam Jason. The robot approaches Sam, and is about to charge its laser to finish the boy off. Junon doesn't know what to do. Scanning the surroundings, Junon notices several jumper cables from a nearby building. Junon takes the cables and puts it on the Destroid's leg, shocking the robot into dropping Sam. The Destroid turns on Junon, but Junon hides behind the building. Grabbing her device, Junon subconsciously begins to type random things. The Destroid locates Junon but Junon runs up to the leg, and shocks the Destroid again, using all the power from the building. The Destroid falls. Junon jumps on the robot's head and accesses its maintenance hatch, and plugs the device in, rerouting its power source into its brain. The Destroid rises, and swats Junon aside, but she is caught by a recovered Lazarus. Junon tells Lazarus to create a protection field around everybody as the Destroid charges up another attack. Junon tells Psylen to distract the Destroid into firing another round of lasers. Psylen creates several mirages of himself, causing the Destroid to enter an AOE firing mode. The Destroid is about to fire when all the energy routes to its head, causing it to explode violently. The explosion causes a chain reaction, destroying all of the robot's internals. The black aura disappears.

Junon runs up to Sam and tells Lazarus to tend to Tob first. Junon cradles Sam's head on her lap and asks him if he is okay. Sam regains consciousness and asks if the Destroid is still alive, but Junon tells him that it's been destroyed. Sam asks Junon if she remembers anything, and Junon tells him that she remembers how to use the device, as she managed to take down the Destroid. Sam manages to sit upright and tells her that was pretty impressive. Junon pulls Sam into a kiss. Sam begins screaming internally, and so does Bridget. Suddenly something clicks inside Junon's head. Junon pushes Sam away and slaps him in the face, asking him what the hell does he think he is doing. Sam is confused, and Junon slaps him again, asking why he would kiss her. Sam exclaims it was her that pulled him into the kiss. Junon stands up, and starts spitting on the ground, telling him that was the grossest thing she ever did. It looks like Junon's memories returned. Tob comments on the power of the kiss, with Sam completely dumbfounded, speechless, and overall shocked. Psylen laughs and tells Lazarus he's got quite the team. Lazarus agrees.

The group return to the Darkstar Hideout, where Junon announces that she has regained her memories, as well as retained the memories during her amnesia, unfortunately. Tob announces that Sam kissed a girl for the first time. Dennis, Ferris, and Trill cheer, but Junon shoots them a deadly glare. The cheer dies out immediately. Amana and Jason laugh, and Jason asks Junon what she is going to do with the rune. Junon tells him that she's going to blow it up to kingdom come. Junon drags Sam by the ear and tells Lazarus and Trill to open a portal immediately. Amana adjourns the meeting, trying to hold back a laugh.

The two return to the site of the rune, and Sam asks if it's okay to destroy it, as it still poses intel. Junon tells Sam that it's given her enough intel as well as more bad memories to add to her collection. Sam asks Junon if they can still be friends, and Junon shoots him a glare. Junon's expression softens and agrees, apologizing for her inappropriate behaviour, and for flirting with him, knowing it must have been extremely uncomfortable. Sam agrees, but tells Junon that if she had a chance to lose her memories of her past, would she take it. Junon looks at the rune and tells Sam that even though her past sucks, it's made her into the person she is today. In a way, she is glad she went through all the ordeals, and would not change a thing. Sam smiles, and fires a blast of black and blue flame at the rune. The negation magic erases it and chars the ground. The two return to the portal to go home, and Sam asks Junon if she really thought his eyes were pretty. Junon tells Sam that they are, because they reminded her of when she used to look at the moon with John, the fake John, every night. John would comment on how pretty the moon was, as if it were the second most beautiful thing, the first being Junon. The two enter the portal and return home.