Red-Arachnid (Brian Smith)

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The Tremendous
Spider-Kid 3.jpg
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Brian Smith
Brian, Spider, Webs, Kid, Spider-Boy,and Spider-Brat
New Jersey
Mom's Basement
Millennium City
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Katherine Smith (mother), Daniel Smith (father, deceased), Jessica Smith (sister), Jeff Smith (brother)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Body Type
Skinny, Athletic
White Human
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Superhuman Strength, Speed, Agility, Durability, Reflexes, Spider-Sense, Venom Blasts, Venomous Bite, and Regenerative Healing Factor
· Equipment ·
Web Grenades, Web Shooters, Cell Phone, Questionite Webbing, Spider-Pack, Dura-Spider Suit and Photographic Eye Lenses
· Other Abilities ·
Martial Artist, Expert Gadgeteer, Detective, and High IQ

Creators Notes

Yes. Spider-Kid does have many similarities with Spider-Man (Spider-Sense, Death of a loved one etc.) I honestly didn't expect him to get to a level higher then 20 and can't wait til hes 40. Most people expect Spider-Kid to be a mini Spider-Man which is why i don't type in the Zone Chat of CO, the color scheme of the character is Red, black, and white because he is (or was) mostly active at night and the costume was designed for stealth. I am a currently trying to get Vine or Energy Swinging for the character because I'm kinda tired of the grappling hook anyway I hope you enjoy reading his lengthy page here and leave a comment for the page in the comments section or in the Discussion. Lastly for anyone who would like to submit any artwork please leave a comment in the Discussion before posting a pic on my page without permission.

Birth of a Hero

Young Brian Smith was born with spider-like powers, he wanted to tell his parents, but he was scared they would send him to some mutant school for the gifted that's when he saw Red Spider swing by and remembered he was also born with spider powers and look at him he's become friends with famous heroes like Caliga, but all Brian wanted to do was live a normal teenage life. While he was walking to school in Westside he saw the New Purple Gang harassing a couple shop-owners making a quick makeshift costume he stopped the New Purple Gang and one shop-owner refered to him as Spider-Kid which would soon become his new hero alias later that day he went home to tell his parents until he heard that his dad was shot down in Westside after he didn't participate in Kevin Poe's recruitment run, Brian then makes a red and blue costume and heads down to Westside to avenge his father's death after defeating Kevin Poe and turning him over to the police Brian vowed to protect Millennium City as Spider-Kid.


Learning Curve

After becoming Spider-Kid, Brian is trained by Red Snake in martial arts this later improves Brian's speed and agility making him a tough oppenent villians can get their hands on, Brian plans on joining some kind of group of heroes that can help him against the forces of evil, but no groups will accept and inexperienced hero so Brian currently works in Westside as a solo hero, but other than that Brain is okay with that all he really cares about is getting the job done in his free time Brain like to hang out in the famous Ren Center playground of Millennium City's most Mightiest Heroes and watch duels between other heroes, Brian will become a spectacular superhero one day, but you know what they say "if your gonna start somewhere, start at the bottom".

A Giant Rhinoceros in Millennium City?!?!?!?

A brilliant engineer named Aaron Carter worked on Monster Island trying to control the rampaging manimals that roam the vast land, until his lab was raided by the one who caused the manimal outbreak in the first place, Dr. Moreau the mad scientist convinces Aaron that even if this manimal crisis is stopped he won't be the one congratulated it will be those cursed heroes, Aaron eventually takes a moment to think about and he couldn't believe it even if the crisis is over the heroes would get a statue of them in the city while he just gets a pat on the back and a "good job" compliment, Moreau hands Aaron a serum which holds the DNA of a rhino and by drinking the serum Aaron will become the one thing in the animal kingdom that is unstoppable and in the end Aaron drinks the serum.


The Unstoppable Rhino!!!

Brian Smith, 14 year old teen that's not a care in the world for some people but that changes on March 15 when the Rhino raids a museum for its Lemurian artifact Brian suits up and heads over to the museum where he notices the face of the rampaging rhinoceros its his dad former collogue, Aaron, Brain tries to convince Aaron to stop but the serum that made him this way has taken full control and now Aaron Carter is no more there is only Rhino! a tear comes to Brian's eye that leaves him no other choice to stop the rampaging behemoth and save the innocent civilians Brain is thanked by everyone and leave Brian asking "What happened to you, Aaron?"

Love Interests

  • Yellowjacket: Spider-Kid met Yellowjacket when he temporarily joined Bugcorp after spending many months fighting crime and earning the trust of PRIMUS and UNTIL, Yellowajacket was a rich girl who really confused Spider-Kid for how she was dating him,and (almost) ordinary boy but her only reason for why she dated him was because he was cute and sweet. The two dated for a short while before Yellowjacket moved out of Millennium City.
  • Allykat: Allykat was originally just a girl named, Ally Santora and she just loved cats, wither they were Tiger, Lions, Cheetahs, Panther, Jaguars etc. But when her father decided to test a cat-related mutagen on Ally she would soon find that the mutagen would give her amazing cat-like speed, agility, and super smell. Seeing how Ally now possessed cat powers she saw she no longer needed her father and ran away along with her new abilities. After fleeing from home Ally took up a life of crime as Allykat when she was about to rob the National History Museum for a priceless cat idol The Tremendous Spider-Kid dropped in and stopped her and it was love at first sight (for Allykat).

Spider-Kid and Allykat fought after stunning and knocking the hero unconscious she lifted his mask giving him a slight kiss before fleeing, luckily Spider-Kid was able to leave the scene before the police showed up, loosing the catgirl Spider-Kid swung back home as a shadowed girl watched saying "I can't wait to get my claws on that little spider". Thus began the on again off again relationship between the two lovestruck teens.

New Gear

Knowing his adventures will get more tricky and dangerous, Brian Smith takes advantage of his part-time job at the Mods & Fusion Store in Renaissance Center. Brian synthesizes a new Questionite-coated webbing and web shooters along with the developing of a new suit.


Finally the new suit is complete ((Loosely based off Superior Spider-Man's)) Brain's new suit features red and black and has abandoned the white he has even created a backpack that can be used to carry his clothes and extend spider-like legs to enhance his speed of wall-crawling, finally he has web-devices that stand on the outside of his costume instead of in and the webs are now coated with Questionite making them unbreakable.


Friends and Allies

Red Widow- Spider-Kid formed a small friendship with Red Widow, female clone of Red Spider

Marvel Woman- Brian Smith aka Spider-Kid teamed up with a young woman named, Marvel Woman she aided the young hero in battle with Teleios at Teleios Tower after she found the young Brian getting the crap beat outta him. They both won the fight and they went their separate ways before having Marvel Woman comment that the hero was cute and had alot of potential for a kid

Rogues Gallery

The Rhino

Threat level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Name: Aaron Carter

Age: 32

Powers: Superhuman Strength, Super Speed, Durability, Invulnerability, Unarmed Combat, Stamina, Longevity

Aaron Carter was a friend of Micheal's dad. Aaron worked with PRIMUS on the Monster Island quest, when Aaron came across Dr. Moreau's lab and attempting to kill the mad scientist to put an end to the doctor's experimenting, using his negotiation skills Dr. Moreau persuades that even if Aaron kills him the heroes will get all the credit handing him a rhino serum Dr. Moreau offers him a chance of ultimate power little did Aaron know that the serum also had nanites that would put Aaron under a mind-controlling trance to go after a priceless artifact called, The Torc of Allah (Torc by the way, not Torch) Aaron injected himself with the serum becoming The Rhino or just simply Rhino. As always Spider-Kid goes after the villain and stops his rampage. (refer to The Unstoppable Rhino article).



Threat level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Name: Jack Max

Age: 28

Powers: Electricity Control, Flight, Energy Absorption, Magnetism, Unarmed Combat, Intellect

Jack Max was a scientist at Harmon Labs. He was always interested in holding unbelievable power such as electricity, one day during a freak lightning storm Jack was struck by a lightning bolt granting him electric powers. When Spider-Kid made his debut months after Jack got his powers he decided to test them on the new-coming hero. Spider-Kid was capable of defeating him after insulating his costume with mesh. Jack then became known as Proton and is a level 3 on UNTIL's Most Wanted List


Chrome Sable

Threat level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Name: Chrome Sablinova

Age: 30

Powers: Unarmed Combat, Escape Artist, Gadgeteer, Swordsman, Weapons Master, Stealth, Tracking, Insanely Rich, Marksmanship

The Chrome Sable. She is a high ranking assassin hired by many organizations ARGENT, VIPER, and most recently Dynamic Technologies to capture Spider-Kid's DNA (You'll eventually see why. HINT: It involves a new spider character.) She is later successful after tiring him out after one intense battle. Dynamic Labs somehow doesn't discover the identity of Spider-Kid, but they do manage to be able to experiment with the blood sample.



Ally Sanchez, she had a troubled life. father ran out on her, had to lived with her always-stressed-out mom, and always dealt with family troubles. Ally finally got a chance to escape that life when her father returned and injected her with a Manimal serum that was composed of cat DNA, Ally instead of turning into a freak of natured turned into a human-cat hybrid. Her powerset consisted of razor-sharp claws, speed, agility, durability, super smell, and a love for Spider-Kid. The two first met when Spider-Kid stopped her from robbing another "mom-and-pop" store, the two fought it out until Ally gained the upperhand and knocked Spider-Kid unconscious. She later got away and started showing up everywhere to fight alongside of Spider-Kid while also starting up and on again, off again relationship.



Threat level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Name: Dr. Philippe Moreau

Age: 48

Powers: Blood Manipulation, Superhuman Stength, Speed, Durability, Insanely Rich, Intellect, Enhanced Jump

Most of Spider-Kid's rogues gallery is composted of villains who are transformed by many different kinds of Manimal serums created by Dr. Moreau. After many attempts to kill the young vigilante, Dr. Moreau decided "if you want something done, do it yourself" and performed an experiment on himself that involved the DNA golden-age hero, Goblin and his own blood thus creating Hemogoblin, a blood manipulating abomination with superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, accelerated healing and invulnerability. He is one of the most powerful supervillains to ever challenge Spider-Kid, nearly killing him too!



Threat level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Name: Micheal Carter

Age: 16

Powers: Superhuman Strength, Speed, Agility, Durability, Tentacles, Toxin and Poison Control and Resistance

Michael Carter, lifetime friend of Brian Smith but the two would also become enemies after a little incident that unfolded in Canada. Michael took a trip to Canada for summer vacation and decided to take a walk around town, when he noticed a giant meteor crash nearby in the woodlands he had to investigate. The meteor rock would crack open releasing a black gooey substance created by the Roin'esh, a shape-shifting alien race that invaded Canada years back (depending on how you really look at the Whiteout Adventure Pack) Michael's body would soon be taken over by the "symbiote" becoming Poison, a toxin controlling mutant that wants to bond with Spider-Kid. Spider-Kid and Poison first squared off in Millennium Park after Brian and his girlfriend, Olivia were sitting at the park for lunch and that was where Poison showed up, quickly getting his girlfriend to safety and transforming into Spider-Kid the two fought. Brian quickly noticed the two where equally matched since they shared the same level of venom control (Spider-Kid's Venom Punch and Blasts and Poison's Venomous Fangs and Claws) when Brian heard a scream from the savage villain he notced it sounded alot like Michael Carter, his lifetime friend Poison quickly fled the fight leaving Spider-Kid to ask himself why does everyone his knows and loves always turn against him.


The Scarab

Threat level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Name: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Powers: Power Suit, Flight, Energy Blasts, Insanely Rich

The identity of The Scarab is unknown to most, but he is practically another "I never miss my target" kinda guy. He is often seen in a power suit that leaves behind a yellow streak of light. Spider-Kid and The Scarab first met when Spider-Kid overheard a police radio saying their was a disturbance at Harmon Labs, quickly rushing to the scene Spider-Kid found the villain trying to steal the DNA of Grain-Man, another golden-age villain who went into exile. Spider-Kid chased the villain through the city eventually corning him at a construction site fighting for several hours the Scarab disappeared never to be seen again. Many witnesses of the fight say that he is trying to get a hold of the Forceknight armor.


The Raptor

Threat level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Name: Josh Daniels

Age: 32

Powers: Claws, Reptile Control, Superhuman Strength, Speed, Agility, Durability, Sub-Mariner, Regenerative Healing Factor, Powerful Tail, Fangs, Wall-Crawling, Intellect

Scientist Josh Daniels at Millennium City University was interested in cross-species genetics and always marveled at the underwater world of Lemuria and its inhabitants. After the Bleak Harbringer event months ago Josh was able to get a sample of Lemurian DNA. Josh was dying from a disease that was incurable when he heard Lemuruans where unable to catch earthly illnesses he decided to inject himself with the DNA sample to see if he can rid himself of his illnesses. The experiment was a success but Josh quickly noticed he was transformed into a Lemurian himself. Being called The Raptor in local newspapers because he had the appearance of a dinosaur more than a Lemurian. He became a long-time enemy of Spider-Kid after he thwarted his plans of flooding Millennium City and killing off every human and calling it New Lemuria, the new home for Lemurians. He is a Level 20 villain on UNTIL's Most Wanted List.


Powers and Abilities

  • Wall Crawling: Brian can crawl on walls but one side effect to this power is that it requires a lot of concentration if he doesn't keep his mind focus he coul fall
  • Venom Blasts: Brian can fire deadly venom blasts from his hands but since the venom is so poisonous he only finds himself using this power only when he needs to
  • Venom Punch: Brian has recently acquired a new Venom Punch that has been known to show up as a fiery effect
  • Superhuman Speed: Brain can run faster than a speeding sports car although he is not fast enough to catch a hero with superspeed
  • Superhuman Agility: Before his spider powers manifested, Brian's agility was a little weak but now since his powers are here Brain agility has increased by 100
  • Spider-Sense: Brain possesses an amazing ability where he can sense incoming danger or use a "locating pulse" to locate his enemies
  • Superhuman Durability: Brian's body can take almost any amount of damage it has been shown where Brian has fallen from a two story building and walk it off as if it were nothing
  • Venomous Fangs: These vampire-like fangs can eject a poison so deadly you think you wear stung by a scorpion
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Brian can heal faster than the average human
  • Martial Artist: Brian has trained in martial arts which gives his speed and agility an extra boost making him almost untouchable
  • Gadgeteer: Brian has a way with machines and gadgetry
  • Detective: Brian studied a lot of police tactics as a kid so he is almost a young detective
  • High IQ: Maybe not smarter then Stephen Hawking but Brain's high IQ has saved his butt in many ways

Spider-Kid's newly acquired venom punch in action

Comments and Opinions

Magemighty: Yo, Impact, Spider Kid, and whatever other aliases you may have (XD) I love this page you've put together, way better than my Spider-themed character, if you wouldn't mind helping me with some costume ideas, I'd appreciate it :D

Somerandomkid500: Hey Mage whats goodie :D. I'm not the best costume designer but im sure i can help you with some costume ideas :D


  • Web Grenades: These web-filled grenades will release web so powerful it will take almost minutes to break free of
  • Web Shooters: lacking the actual ability to shoot webs Brian built a pair of "web shooters" as a substitute
  • Cell Phone: Mostly used for calling home and tracking supervillians
  • Photographic Eye Lenses: Brian has built a pair of photographic eye lenses so he can use the pictures to better help him in his adventures
  • Spider-Pack: This newly created gadget was made by Brian as a way to make is movement on ground alot more faster same with wall-crawling
  • Questionite Webbing: Brian knew that when he was allowed access to places like Monster Island he had to go prepared. Fusing together liquid Questionite with his web fluid formula his webbing would now be unbreakable while also still being able to have the webbing stretch to fantastic lengths
  • Dura-Spider Suit: Brian has also crafted a new suit that is made of kevlar, coated in liquid Questionite and finally covered in standard cloth. Brian maybe able to heal at Wolverine or Hulk's level but he is still vulnerable to injury wither bullets, lasers, or missiles


leftcenter Spider-Kid in his old suit from 2012-2013

Spider-Kid 3.jpg Spider-Kid debuting in 2013 with his new "Radical" suit


Kid Hero- Spider-Kid has been a solo hero for quite some time making him pretty skilled in fighting off certain monsters by himself but off course for bigger threats like Grond, Spider-Kid is incapable of defeating such a monstrosity himself.

Kung Fu Kid- Brian Smith before discovering his about his spider powers he mastered standard and advanced martial arts but seeing how now his powers make him quite the acrobat his reflexes make him untouchable.

All Webbed Up- Spider-Kid is known to leave villains and thugs webbed up to phone poles or ceilings to let the police know hes been through the area and to keep them from escaping.

Snooping Little Kid- Brian was always the type who spy on his cousins and sometimes bad guys before and after finding out about his powers.

Teen Genius- Brian has proven to be quite the genius. (Spider-Pack, Web Gauntlets, Photographic Eye Lenses, etc.)

Super Strong Child- Spider-Kid is quite the powerhouse despite his small stature, Spider-Kid has been shown to be able to be able to lift tanks and grounded helicopters.

Sensor Character- Spider-Kid is quite the one to detect danger and be able to move as quickly as possible to dodge any incoming attacks.

Theme Songs

1.Amazing- Kanye West ft. Young Jeezy

2.The Amazing Spider-Man Soundtrack: "Main Title - Young Peter"

3. No Fear- The Rasmus (Spider-Kid Vs. The Rhino)

4. Save Me- Remy Zero (Spider-Kid Saving Allykat)

5. Stronger- Kanye West


  • Spider-Kid was originally a half-spider, half-human hybrid that starred in fictional comic book in the Champions Universe, Strange Creatures #1 July 1971
  • Brian got his name Spider-Kid after his friends saw that he was constantly fixated on the concept of arachnids
  • Spider-Kid's costume color scheme was specially made for stealth since he mostly active at night
  • Spider-Kid temporarily lost his powers after Dr. Moreau turned him into a human spider, Spider-Kid was eventually turned back to normal after a mutagen cleansed him of his spider powers
  • In an alternate dimension Brian loses his hand to a venomous spider bite earning him the nickname, Spider-Kid
  • Someone once commented that they can't wait to see Spider-Kid transform into the Spider-Man hes destined to be, but Brian commented "That name feels like its already taken"
  • In another alternate dimension, Brian was stung by a genetically-altered scorpion giving him acid powers, wall crawling, and a venom sting thus becoming Scorpion Man
  • Psionics can really interfere with Spider-Kid's Arachni-Sense (Spider-Sense) making him sometimes vulnerable to most attacks
  • Spider-Kid is voiced by David Kaufman from the Danny Phantom TV series
  • Spider-Kid is often chased down by UNTIL because of most members of his rogues gallery stand at a level 9 threat level