Amana Cross

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Amana Cross
Player: (Supporting Character to Lazarus@darwin)
Class Focus: Hard Light, Celestial
Power Level: Unknown
Research & Development: None
Personal Data
Real Name: Amana Serah Cross
Known Aliases: The Fox, Chief
Species: Infernal and Celestial Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian/Native Mix
Age: 27, 47 (after time skip)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lb
Eye Color: Orange
Hair Color: Black and Silver
Biographical Data
Nationality: Canadian
Occupation: Botanist
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Infernal Manifest, Celestial Form
Known Abilities
Hard light Fox Tail Construct, Superhuman Strength, Durability, Speed, and Agility
Communication Gem

Amana Serah Cross is a Botany graduate and researcher before the "Sky Beasts" sent her world into an apocalypse. After obtaining her powers from a failed Infernal merge, Amana fought a guerrilla war against the Sky Beasts, but was outnumbered. Amana meets Darkstar members John "Jason" Crypt, Samuel Mason, and Toby Rufus after a botched operation to seal a twin tear.

Jason helps Amana defeat her infernal merged father, and restores his aviator jacket after she tells him she wanted something to remember her father by. As a result, Amana and Jason develop a strong friendship, often helping him in times of need and rarely leaving his side. Over time, this friendship became a romantic relationship. Amana's leadership skills earns her position as co-leader of Darkstar under the codename The Fox, due to the appearance of her hard light fox tail when in combat.

Calculating and intelligent, Amana's greatest asset is her mind, frequently analyzing and predicting her opponents, she is frequently called upon to develop a strategy for Darkstar over jumping into the fray.

After the twenty year time skip, Amana becomes the mother to Benedict Crypt and Samuel Crypt with Jason.


Amana is of average height, and has an athletic and fit body. She has somewhat wavy black shoulder length hair, which is streaked with silver at the ends. At some point in the Tob and the Soul Beasts Arc, Amana hair becomes straighter and longer. Amana is described by both Sam and Tob to be "pretty" and "beautiful", with distinct orange eyes. In sunlight, Jason describes her eyes as radiating, but gives him a sense of warmth and comfort.

Amana's attire rarely changes, as she always wears the brown aviator jacket Jason gave her. Underneath, Amana sports a grey low cut top, black leather leggings, boots, and wears a necklace with a green tribal gem, which is later used as a com unit.

When Amana uses her powers, her eyes glow a brighter orange, and she manifests a flaming red fox tail from her back which she uses as a weapon. Depending on the intensity, the fox tail can reach a proportionate length, or grow as big as a truck.

After her encounter with Calliope Ariandal during the Redstone Arc, Amana's left forearm contains scarring and is slightly deformed from the force of Ariandal's strike.

In her Celestial Form, Amana's jacket changes into a bronze breastplate, while retaining the white fur around the collar, and she dons a bronze plated skirt. A series of elegant crimson lines flows around her legs, arms, and face, which glows red when Amana powers up. Her eyes glow and become bright magenta, and her hair flows outward more. Amana's fox tail increases to four in number and becomes significantly bigger, with armouring of its own.


Amana is described to be down to earth, funny, and very perceptive. Amana likes to think before taking action, often taking in consideration of how her actions may affect the people around her. However, when she loses her cool, she can become quick to anger and vicious.

Amana cares deeply for Jason and the members of Darkstar. Her compassionate attitude and natural leadership skills make her a perfect fit as leader to Darkstar alongside Jason. Her attitude and warm welcoming aura attracts the more shy members like Reya Park, who refused to speak to the members of Darkstar due to the traumatic death of her younger brother.

Jason also loves Amana for her patience and faith in him. When Junon clings to Jason throughout most of the Multifaria raid, Jason is scared that Amana would get the wrong idea, but Amana reassures him that she is okay, and understands if Jason has to provide Junon with the protection she desperately needs. When Jason confessed that he was dying from the Corruption and had been keeping it a secret from her, Amana eventually forgives him and promises to find a cure, another testament to her loyalty and love for Jason.

Amana is quick to assess a situation, and is an emotional backbone to the members of Darkstar. Amana rarely gives into emotional breakdowns, and typically responds to situations objectively.

Despite this, Amana has been known to give into rage, which typically consists of her becoming extremely silent and rushing into a fray recklessly. An example of this was when she learned of Blackflame's death and engaged The World Eater without coming up with a strategy. Her actions became noticeably more violent to the point of bloodlust.

Powers and Abilities


Infernal Manifest: After a high ranking light construct type Infernal slaughters her family, Amana attempts to escape her house. The Infernal, being a chrono breed, must merge with a human host to survive, and attempts to merge with Amana, however Amana tires the monster out, causing only a half merge to be successful. As a result, Amana possesses the powers of the Infernal while retaining her body and humanity. Amana uses the Infernal's powers to form a powerful fox tail, which she uses mainly for melee. The strikes of her tail are strong enough to send monsters several metres away, and can smash concrete easily. When amplified, Amana's tail became significantly larger, and was strong enough to send a Corrupted Harmon flying into a building.

Amana is also capable of low-scale pyrokinesis, in which her tail emits red flames similar to an Infernal.

Celestial Form: After allowing the infernal half her to overtake her body, The Pact repurposes her powers to be celestial in nature. This provides her with a more godly like appearance with a celestial red glow and celestial features. Amana's strength and speed are greatly enhanced, rivalling that of The Black Jason, and she manifests three more tails, which each contain celestial armouring of its own. A single swipe of her tail caused enough wind pressure to destroy an array of trees. When in the presence of The Pact, Amana's Celestial form becomes even more powerful, and was enough to destroy a planet. There is no significant mana drain to this ability, but Amana prefers to only use it as a last resort due to its destructive capability.


Superhuman Traits: Amana inherits the Infernal's superhuman strength, durability, speed, and agility. These traits, combined with her powers, allow Amana to fight and even destroy Soul Beasts, that were otherwise immune to military weaponry.

Expert Combatant: Amana inherits the Infernal's combat experience, allowing her to fight extremely effectively. During a sparring session against an unpowered Jason, Amana manages to knock him down.

Small Scale Healing Factor: Amana is capable of healing her wounds to a small extent. This makes her a very formidable opponent during a battle of attrition. When Amana heals herself, her wounds glow the same fiery red, and closes in seconds. Amana's healing factor has limits, and if she takes more damage than she can heal, she will be unable to keep up and lose consciousness.