Aran Sol

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Aran 001.jpg
The True Demon
Supreme Primordial
Aran the Apocalyptic
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Prophetic Cosmic Destroyer
R & D: Unknown
Level: SS+ Rank (Black Legion Rating)
SSS Rank (Rating based on Destructive Potential)
Immeasurable (Champions Universe)
Occupation: Unknown
Potentially an accomplice to Loyce Hal
Personal Data
Real Name: Aran Sol
Known Aliases: The Apocalyptic
The True Demon
Absolute Evil
The Cosmic
Cosmic God Aran
Identity: Public (In ancient scribes)
Species: Limit Broken Supreme Primordial Demon
Age: At least 2.5 billion years, potentially greater
Height: 9' 10"
Weight: Infinite or Weightless
Eye Color: Unknown
Hair Color: Unknown
Blood Type: N/A
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Unknown
Birthdate: Unknown
Nationality: N/A
Current Residence: Unknown
Religion/Faith: N/A
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Languages
Known Relatives
Known Powers
Apokolereos - World Ending Narrative Power
Training / Abilities

"Four horns sprout from its crown.

Four steps it takes.

Four corners of the canvas crumbles away.

And there was nothing.
There were no witnesses.
There was none left, but a great nothing.

For the trails of this narrative had waited in dread,

for Aran the Apocalyptic.

- Ancient scribes describing the presence of Aran Sol

Aran the Apocalyptic or Aran Sol, is a prophetic cosmic figure in numerous written accounts that depicts a monstrous being bringing entire realities, storylines, narratives, and plots to an end. Thought to be a Supreme Primordial Demon that had lost its free will, and thus reached a state of limit breaking abilities, Aran's power far surpasses the likes of Kon Larum and potentially that of Inner Shadows, only ever appearing during the destruction of entire narratives and storylines. Due to the circumstances of Aran's presence, no one in history has been able to describe the full appearance of the Primordial Demon.

Wielding the special Primordial ability Apokolereos, Aran's presence is said to passively emit a deadly aura which disintegrates reality around it. Apokolereos acts independent to any external factors, meaning once Aran has stepped foot in a reality, the reality will be fated to disappear from a fraction of a second, to several hours, depending on what is fated to happen.

Very little is known about this Primordial. The only testament to its existence are the numerous prophecies that depict its presence in destroyed realities, as well as the claim by Loyce that he has recruited the being to his ranks.

Due to being a tool of prophecy and thus lacking in any semblance of a free will, emotion, and morals, the purpose of Aran Sol is to destroy, thus, according to Loyce, is the personification of A True Demon. This has also caused many to refer to this prophetic figure as a being of absolute evil.

Aran's terrifying reputation was finally cemented when he had done the one thing most destroyers were incapable of achieving: killing his creator and author - Cathollicr.

Powers and Abilities

"A power that potentially surpasses even that of the limits imposed by its stage of evolution. Aran's power... potentially goes beyond SS+ Rank. In terms of destructive potential, if what is written in these scribes are true... we may be dealing with a True Demon. For the first time in history, we may be looking at another being with a ranking of SSS."

- Jun Gasket

Determinist - Tool for Prophecy: Unlike other Primordials, Aran's powers do not appear to be called upon by its free will, meaning the Primordial acts based off of a higher narrative against its will. In exchange for this sacrifice, it is said that Aran's reality destroying powers surpass that of other Supreme Primordials, potentially stepping into the realm of the Ultimate Primordial, and beyond.

Supreme Primordial Demon Physiology: As a Primordial, it is assumed that Aran possesses the extraordinary and nigh-immeasurable might akin to its species. Including insurmountable strength, speed, durability, resistance, magical power, and genius intellect. Though the extent of these abilities are unknown, as it is known that Aran possesses [Determinist] - the absence of a free will, and that in exchange, the sacrifice for its free will was a power that surpasses the state of a Supreme Primordial.

  • Indestructibility: Due to Aran being a figure of destruction, one that brings entire realms of existence to an end no matter what, it can be deduced that Aran's presence cannot be stopped no matter how great the resistance of the reality fights back. These implications suggest that Aran is virtually indestructible and unkillable.
  • Extreme Multiversal Destructive Power: It is known that the special narrative bending abilities of Primordials can be negated, as with the case of Hakah Mah negating Loyce's Alogigenesis using her Stage Four Susanoo. However, despite the possibility of Apokolereos being negated, Aran is still able to destroy realities as follows by the law of prophecy. This suggests that even without its special power, the Supreme Primordial is still capable of destroying reality with its biological abilities, a testament to its inherent power.

Apokolereos - The End of Reality: The only known power with certainty that Aran possesses. Apokolereos is an anti-narrative based ability that disintegrates reality, plot, narratives, and entire storylines just from emitting a destructive aura from its user. It is written in the prophecies that Apokolereos is active at all times, passively emitted by Aran, meaning its mere presence is enough to take effect and destroy the setting in which Aran is in. There is no known resistance or counter to this ability, aside from Loyce's Alogigenesis, however, due to being an Anti-Narrative power, Alogigenesis is incapable of negating Apokolereos. The level of anti-narrative of Apokolereos is such that it is theoretically capable of passively negating Alstroemeria, another narrative based ability possessed by Primordial Kon Larum.