The Azure Archer

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The Azure Archer, or Azure for short.
Player: @akhrua95
Costume akhrua95 The Azure Archer CC Comic Page Blue 434574679.jpg
This is also the character template DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION
Character Build
Class Focus: The Marksman
Power Level: 6
Research & Development: None
Biographical Data
Real Name: Elena Hilary Mccoy
Known Aliases: None
Gender: Female
Species: completely normal human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Millennium City
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: her mother and father, Sarah and George McCoy.
Age: 17 years old.
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 151Lbs.
Eyes: Normal blue eyes
Hair: A mix of blue and cyan strands
Complexion: Perfect skin, yet a bit pale.
Physical Build: strong, to the point she can use a large bow easily, but she still appears deceptively skinny.
Physical Features: None out of the ordinary.
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Neutral Good

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Identity: secret, except to her friend magisciara, who's identity Azure also knows.
Years Active: 12 weeks so far.
Citizenship: united states citizen
Occupation: student.
Education: currently a junior going through highschool, with aims to go to college.
Marital Status: Single, with no interest in dating.
Known Powers and Abilities
no superhuman powers.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Azure has two tonfas for close combat hanging from a harness around her waist, a quiver of trick arrows on her back, and a large bow, which sheathes into her quiver. she also has a small, wrist-mounted portal device on her left wrist that she got from her friend magisciara.
ReldinBox Template

OOC: Scheduling/Online Issues

Due to the rules regarding my guild in the game Dungeons & Dragons; Never Winter, I can't be in CO on Saturdays, as I have to be in D&D;NW for my weekly guild RP session. Also, I may be offline other times as well, as I may have to go to D&D: NW for a bit, or something IRL may need my attention. This will be updated as necessary, along with the rest of the bio.


The Azure Archer, before she was a superheroine, was originally Elena Hilary McCoy, a junior student in high school, until a scientist named Kathi Siaras who came to her school to talk about her theories on portals. Elena immediately took a liking to Kathi, and after a couple private meetings to discuss Kathi's theories, they became great friends. after Kathi's accident and her transformation into Magisciara, the first and only person she went to about it was Elena. they discussed the ramifications, and it somehow came to Elena asking Kathi if she could join her in her superheroing. it was a simple matter really, Kathi would make some gear with Elena's help, and they would make an internship for Elena with Kathi as their excuse. Elena chose a bow and arrow and two tonfas as her weapons of choice, and got a finished portal device from Kathi. Kathi also made several batches of trick arrows for multiple occasions. there was, however, still the problem of Elena's parents, which was easily fixed after a meeting between Kathi and Elena's parents. the internship would allow Elena to be gone from school helping Kathi while still getting high grades. after that was settled, they were free to do their superheroing without a problem, as Kathi had helped Elena register with PRIMUS under the superheroine name The Azure Archer a week later. however, due to Kathi's research and Elena's schoolwork (which she was determined to do and get by in highschool without only an internship keeping her grades up) they weren't together very often, and they usually did superheroing work apart from each other, though they kept in touch constantly. and so it was that Elena Hilary McCoy became...The Azure Archer!

Powers & Abilities

no superhuman powers, although she has strong skills in use of tonfa-related fighting styles, and can use a bow and arrow with very good accuracy and skill.


Azure has two tonfas for close combat hanging from a harness around her waist, a quiver of trick arrows on her back, and a large bow, which sheathes into her quiver. she also has a small, wrist-mounted portal device on her left wrist that she got from her friend magisciara.


Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.

Azure is a registered hero.


Azure has all the weaknesses of a normal human.

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