GenoRave Act 4.45

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During The Martian War

This is what other copy of Rave was doing hiding on Earth during his exile and the martian war.

Drakken Adventure

Pillow Adventure

There's Bump In My Bed

Some strange thing is leaking in the bedroom for the girls. They nothice their stuff missing but assume it is another girl that might of borrowed it. Rave also notices the strange activity of spreading to other bed rooms of legion. But is impossible to investigate something he has no clues on.

Mattress Fort

The girls sleep over at Sky Castle and decide to build a mattress fort in the oda.

Mattress Kingdom

They force Rave to join them in a pillow fight war.

Pillow World

The get sucked into a real world made of pillows.

After The War

When Rave returned to earth
