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Player: @drgmstr User:Erogar117
"Embrace your dreams..."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Erogar Lu-Ch'an
Known Aliases: None
Gender: Male
Species: Manimal
Ethnicity: Unknown
Place of Birth: Monster Island
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Vibora Bay
Relatives: Dr. Hojo Uzuki (Creator, Nemesis), Lang Lu-Ch'an (Adoptive Father, Deceased), Alyssa Gilman (Ex-Wife; Deceased), Ryuko Lu-Ch'an (Adoptive Son), Jade Lu-Ch'an (Daughter), Ragore (Cloned Brother; Ex-Nemesis, M.I.A.), Regora Lu-Ch'an (Sister)
Age: Unknown (Appears to be in his forties, but physically is younger)
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 220
Eyes: Red
Hair: White
Complexion: White Tiger
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Black Stripes, White fur, Noticeable scar on chest, Striped lion-like tail, Head of a tiger
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Identity: Public
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Cook, Restaurant Owner (White Tiger Buffet), Herbalist, Teacher
Education: Basic; Self-Learned
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Powers and Abilities
Martial Arts, Swordsmanship, Agility, Increased Senses, Claws
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Light Armor, Katana, Sai, Daggers, Small Firearms
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


The Beginning

A woman mysteriously kidnapped from her Chicago apartment by men with a snake like emblem on their uniforms. Taken to a facility on a distant island where she is thrown into a cell with other strange beings appearing half human, half animal. There, she is greeted by a crazed scientist who is the cause of these creatures. Brought deeper into the facility to undergo a series of harsh experiments which slowly alters her appearance of that of a feline. She becomes pregnant from these experiments to which she gives birth to a boy and a girl feline humanoids, much resembling what she looks like now from her alterations. Sadly she dies shortly after. The crazed scientist, soon to be known as Dr. Hojo Uzuki, takes the new borns and separate them giving them the names, Erogar and Regora. Uzuki would keep Erogar to continue with his experiments but the whereabouts of Regora would be unknown for the years to come.

Youth Behind Bars

Erogar growing up well into his teen years being locked up like a caged animal at the zoo. Uzuki would perform many experiments on Erogar over the years to improve this 'Manimal'. Attempting to create a super soldier for Uzuki's master, Dr. Moreau. While each experiment would be successful, Uzuki would meet a dead end trying to change Erogar. The pureness in his heart would give Erogar the chance to move on, despite the harsh conditions he has been going through. Uzuki furious of this, he would put Erogar to the test by throwing him into arena matches against near impossible creatures of Uzuki's design. By the age of 18, at least in appearance, Erogar would begin a long plot to escape the facility.

Prison Break

Under the darkness of night, Erogar would break out of his holding cell by using a makeshift key he carved out of bone taken from the arena grounds. The hour is late and security at a minimum. Erogar sneaks up on the only guard watching the cell block, knocking him out and taking his keys. Freeing the other manimals, he gathers them to begin a prison riot, freeing the other caged manimals in the other parts of the facility while Erogar disables the security and sneak up to Uzuki's office. Once there, Erogar would find Uzuki missing. Though on his desk would be a laptop with a open file of Erogar, giving detail about his past. Enraged to learn of his origins and the fate of his mother, he rushes through the facility with only one thing on his mind: To kill Uzuki.

Creator Vs. Creation

Finding Uzuki in the armory powering a power suit, Erogar would provide a challenge for the mad scientist. The increased speed and strength given to Erogar would keep Uzuki at bay but the suit would be too strong for Erogar to cause any harm with only his claws and fangs as a weapon. As the riot outside grew, a fire would break out and spread throughout the facility eventually making its way to the armory. Surrounded by flames and high explosives, Erogar uses this as a advantage to damage the high tech suit. Using his speed, Erogar would knock over Uzuki into a batch of barrels that was on fire before exploding. The explosion strong enough to start to have the room collapse down over the fight, trapping Erogar under the debris. Uzuki would return badly damaged but not out of the fight. Before the final blow, Erogar takes a piece of flaming metal and would jam it into Uzuki. The blow cripples Uzukis power armor, causing him to collapse into the burning wreckage. Shortly after a few manimals would arrive on the scene to pull Erogar out of the pile of debris, dragging him to safety where the rioting manimals would have successfully broken out of their prison, though many would have died to fight for freedom. The facility goes up in flames as the remaining manimals flee into the thick jungle.

Starting A New Life

A few weeks would go by until Erogar regains consciousness after nearly being killed, waking up in a small refugee camp of manimals that escaped the labs. Erogar is announced a hero among the group. Fully healed, Erogar and the rest of the escapees travel the island to find a new home. Surprisingly they come up to a small village of manimals that escaped the wrath of Dr. Moreau prior of Dr. Uzuki following in his masters foot steps. This village, known as New Gornyj, welcome Erogar and the other manimals to their tribe. There, Erogar meets Father Elk, the leader of New Gornyj. Hearing of Erogars tale of how him and the other manimals escaped the labs, Father Elk gives Erogar the privilege to become one of New Gornyjs most noble warriors, but declines. Erogar felt that he should use his courage and strength to aid and protect not just the manimals, but the world.

To Become a Hero

Erogar would stay in New Gornyj for a few months helping the tribe with its various tasks to keep a peaceful community. Though in the back of Erogars mind, he keeps asking the question 'Is Uzuki really dead?'. Father Elk can see the wondering mind of Erogar and gives him the opportunity to go visit the very labs he escaped from. Erogar along with a handful of New Gornyjs trusted and skilled scouts travel with Erogar to the now destroyed facility. Scorched and nearly standing from the fire that took it, the surrounding forests starts to reclaim the land. Erogar travels down to the armory where he last saw Uzuki, just to be baffled at finding the remains of the power armor used by the crazed scientist, but no body. Not letting this trouble him further, he travels up to Uzuki's office and locate the files about himself and his mother. Taking the time to read about how he became into this world, he soon finds out that he was not the only one. Learning of he has a twin sister from birth and a experiment that cloned Erogar to have a twin brother. The news surprises him but doesn't reveal this information to anyone as he uploads the file before destroying the rest. Returning to New Gornyj, Erogar gives his farewells to the tribe as he decides to venture off the island to give aid to the rest of the world. Erogar travels across the island to a hidden VIPER landing strip where he boards a cargo plane, en-route to Millennium City, where he begins his days as a hero.

Appearance & Personality

Standing at seven foot six inches, Erogar towers over most of his friends and colleagues. Facial features he appears that of a tiger with his body of a thin layer of white fur with black stripes, a complexion of that of a white bengal tiger. Throughout his career of a hero, he has suffered many injuries which has lead to many scars and bullet wounds. One notable scar is one across his chest suffered from a claymore stabbed into his chest, with most of his fur grew back to cover the wound. Erogar is commonly found wearing his black jacket with a metal link across his chest and a red shirt. Blue jeans and his utility belt carrying an array of herbs and utensils he uses on a daily basis.

A calm and gentle man, Erogar is someone everyone looks up to. Caring for all that is around him he rarely gets upset, unless it's in battle to see someone he knows injured...or worse. He is mostly quiet when around large groups or during battles, seeming that there is always something on his mind. though very cheerful when engaged in conversations. He enjoys the company of others while he may not speak as much, the expression in his face you can sense the courage and the sense of adventure he has.

Abilities & Powers





Story Arcs


