Victor Diamond

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Although not truly a threat to anyone (at the moment), the eccentrically flamboyant Channel 42 talk show host Victor Diamond had been pestering the Liberators for months and personality wise, he is in every sense of the word is a misanthrope. He runs a early afternoon talk show on the WCOC channel, and has a habit of mocking the heroes that come into his program. Egocentric, stuck up and an all around jerk with a heart of jerk, Jack Diamond will either put a smile on your face at another person's expense, or will become an annoying thorn in your side.

Ever since he conducted his first interview with them, Victor Diamond has been a bane to the Liberator's existence, mocking their team and seeming to target Swift especially. He seems to enjoy preying on Swift's sensitivity and mocking him for being a manimal. For obvious reasons his real identity has been kept secret, but Swift can't help but keep thinking that Mr. Diamond is strangely familiar. Victor Diamond is still on the air.

How he never gets cancelled is anybody's guess.