Snowtalon: Sacred World, Part VII

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(Previous: I, II, III, IV, V, VI)

He turned around as his robes billowed in the onrushing wind of the portal, facing the end of the Redeeming Room. His expression stony-faced and completely hardened against any kind of emotional reaction, The Judicator was corrupted long before Tharne's hostile takeover, but now his body was corrupted. His horns had twisted into a demonic shape and he carried skulls of varying origin - some resembling human, some Tralonian, others resembling that of other species. However, that was not the most terrible thing of them all.

Horrors started to pour from the portal, a direct conduit from realspace and into the Qliphothic reality. Wielding scythes on their hands, daemonic chains, vicious claws, the Lovecraftian horrors poured through the portal and so did various imps, their wings beating rhythmically. Worst of all was the head of the band of horrific entities which had just entered their reality - a Nightmare Demolisher. With four, powerful arms and an impossibly muscular body with a gnashing mouth which took up almost the entirety of its head, which drooled viscous, putrid saliva from its maw.

The Judicator held a black crystal in his hands with purple cracks running through it. He gazed upon it for a brief second before at Skarius and his crew, before slinging a finger forward and uttering only a sentence.

"Let the feasting begin."

Snow brought his wristpad up and called into it while Mesira, Varulfr and Armory destroyed the reinforced glass with a combined effort of claw scratches, magic blasts and good old fashioned bullets, leaping down into the room itself. The Redeemer laid disassembled, courtesy of The Judicator.

"Rebecca, Lelianna, Sasha! You three continue the search for Drozala and the others! We'll hold The Judicator off!"

Giving the order, they obeyed and continued moving through the facility. Snowtalon leaped from the shattered observatory and landed on the ground, while the other three were already engaged in combat. Varulfr was plunging his claws into a nearby Scythehand's face while Mesira channeled her faith in the Creator, Scindixus, the Rodi's patron goddess, casting a large cone-shaped golden beam around the group of Horrors rushing in to claw her apart, and failing in their attempt as they were blasted back into the portal. Armory, with Varulfr by his side, let loose plumes of extended fire from his assault rifles, peppering his enemies with them while the wolf cut down anybody gaining on him in melee.

"Mesira, to me!"

"As you say, Battlemaster!" Mesira fell in behind Snow, her hands still glowing dimly with magical energies. Snowtalon had his autocannon drawn, looking behind himself to the Rodi.

"...Do it."

With that, Mesira began muttering the rites. "By the light of Scindixus and her eternal righteousness, I commit thy divinity to this warrior of virtue!" With that, a single-handed beam emerged from her hand. It was like a thin rope, surrounded by a golden aura and various magical runes, somehow tethering itself to Snow's form. When it did, the light blue lights upon his armour glowed brightly, enough to blind someone if one looked too intensely. But even more interesting was the fact that Snow tossed his autocannon aside for the moment, and between his hands was forming a pulsing ice crystal.

His amber eyes began to flare up like two of the sun inside his skull, flaring like they were made of fire. The amber light was a terrifying sight to behold, and the snow dragon let loose a blood-curdling cry when he extended his arms to his side, the crystal growing larger, and then quickly closing the distance between his hands, using the crystal as a focus point for a massive concentrated blizzard which soon swooped over the area, snap-freezing the remaining Horrors and hitting them with enough force they immediately shattered afterwards.

Mesira's free hand was trained on the other two, shielding them from Snowtalon's unbridled cold fury, which not even a warrior of his capability would normally produce. All that was left was the Nightmare Demolisher, and The Judicator, protected by their own shields. With a contemptuous glance, The Judicator snapped his fingers, the shield dissipating. Snow fell to a knee and breathed heavily, Mesira resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Do you how we managed to convict you, Skarius?" His voice was booming and yet an eerie calm. "The Tribunal of Tralonian Militants never convicted you of their own will. There was no evidence shown at all. They were under the thrall of Tharne, and myself..." A low chuckle came from his maw as he strolled along the steel floor, clapping his hands. "I gave you your weapons, your armour, and your belt to free your spirits in the hope we would send you someplace where you would survive. A shame that plan never worked..."

"Oh, if only you joined us. You would have been such a useful ally, but your meager selflessness and your righteous blinded you to your true de--" The Judicator was immediately interrupted by Varulfr leaping upon him, pinning him to the ground and attempting to slash at him. The Judicator swung a hand forward and repulsed the wolf from him, sending him spiraling backwards.

Varulfr got to his feet and glared right at the Tralonian judge. "Why'ya idiotic bloodeh bastard gotta drivel ya' plans right in fronna Snowy's face? Tha' man's ben throug' enoug' on Earth!"

Getting himself to his feet, The Judicator revealed he had received a nasty, jagged, bleeding scar from Varulfr's blow. "By mere chance he came to that repulsive human haven! Demolisher, destroy them!"

The Nightmare Demolisher beat its meaty fists together, letting loose a screech which shook the room as it charged towards the group.