The Moonlighter

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Moonlighter Title Banner.png

The Resolute
Lurking in the Moonlight
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
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Player: Leroyswish Banner01.png
Super Group
No Rank
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Adrian Riano
Stitch, Chupe, Frankenteen, Staple-Face
September 20th
Tucson, Arizona
US Citizen
Millennium City, Michigan
Private Investigator
Legal Status
Criminal Record (Pardoned)
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Marisol Riano (Twin Sister), "Max" Nabarro (Biological Son)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
180 lbs.
Body Type
Dark Brown
· Distinguishing Features ·
The left side of Adrian's face is heavily scarred, with stitch scars running down the center of his face and travelling across his left cheek. The rough, abrasive flesh is a greenish color. He has several scars and stitches decorating his body, as well as tattoos (See Appearance).
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Adrian Riano is a Metahuman mutant with the gift of molecular regeneration, although it is quite unstable. Healing may be unreliable, failing multiple times. It also leaves nasty scars to show. He can regenerate lost limbs or lethal wounds, but it takes time and intense concentration. He also has a limited form of nerve control (See Powers).
· Equipment ·
Moonlighter Armor (See Equipment-Uniform) • Smoke Pellets • Respond & Protect Communications Device • Civilian Protection Network Communications Device • Combat Gauntlets (See Equipment) • Frequency Disrupter Antennae • Grappling Line Wrist-Launcher
· Other Abilities ·
Trained Mixed-Martial Arts Fighter • Jiu Jitsu Fighter • Private Investigator • Musician • Sawbones • Trilingual

Although Adrian Riano may not be the most popular or well-liked hero in the world, few can doubt his talent, and even fewer, his potential to be great. With a disturbing origin and troubled past, his only real therapy is crime-fighting day and night. Although some consider him to be a reckless, foolish youth, he believes in himself, and can overcome most any obstacle. While his powers are not flashy or powerful, he uses his skills and talents to the best of his ability. Forming close ties and bonds with fellow crime-fighters, Adrian is learning everyday, and has become quite the outstanding citizen he's desired to be. Armed with only a tactical suit, some neat tricks up his sleeves, and his--at times--immature wit, he's a force to be reckoned with on the field and off. Making the important life decision and making the jump from Stitch to Moonlighter, he now fights for a greater good, albeit occasionally stumbling along the gray morality he's adopted. It's a tough world out there for a monster to live in, but everyday is a blessing for someone as scarred as Moonlighter.

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Born on September 30, 1993, to a small middle-class Hispanic family, Adrian Riano opened his arms wide to the world. His family owned a small home in Tucson, Arizona. He wouldn't be alone, however. Just a two minutes after his birth, his twin sister Marisol followed. He found it hard being a brother to someone like his sister. He was never old enough to boss her around or be an authority figure. However, everyone referred to him as being the older brother. When he and his sister were both two, his mysterious biological father abandoned the young family, leaving a jobless Mother to look after the two. Marisol was soon discovered as being deaf, which made raising the two even more difficult. She would often act out of frustration, yet always seemed calm when Adrian was around her, no matter their age.
Growing up with a single mother is not uncommon nowadays, but it was still rough on them. Adrian had to provide for his sister more often than not, whether it was something as simple as making their school lunches, or driving her around in their later years. From a young age, Adrian showed psychological problems. he always liked to be the center of attention; hoping about on one leg, dancing around, or exaggerating stories to get get people to stop and pay attention. It was stressful on the mother, who was constantly trying to bring up her deaf daughter, something the mother was still not prepared for. Adrian didn't realize the frustration he caused on his sister and mother, and it led to sibling rivalry from a young age.
By the time Adrian and Marisol entered Kindergarten, Adrian had gotten slightly worse. He had become a very irrational, reckless young boy. He'd often get into "fights" or get harmed during recess because of it. However, he was still the center of attention, so he felt comfortable. He was often sent to the principal's office for acting out and behaving quite badly. He and his mother tended to argue throughout most of his educational career.

However, this was not the worst of his problems. Up until sixth grade, he had been getting low grades and missing homework assignments all together. He missed out on crucial learning periods, and entering middle school was rough on the family. Marisol had been going to the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind (ASDB) and had been excelling at nearly every subject, especially mathematics.