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The Insectile
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The Winged Avenger
"I'm Bug-Tastic" - Bugg when he first fights Morbane
Player: SRKlogo.png
Super Group
The Winged Avenger
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Jimmy "James" Matthew Tyler
Jimmy James, Jimster, Jimmy, James, JJ, Insect-Man, Buggy, B, Bugboy, Bugman, Pest, Kid, Antennae Head, Wall-Climber
November 16, 1998
Millennium City, Michigan
Grandma's House
Abandoned Basement
High School Student, School Journalist
Legal Status
Registered Hero
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Alicia James (Grandma), Jack James (Father, Status: Unknown), Martha James (Mother, Deceased), Wolfe Tyler (Clone, brother), Jackson Tyler (Clone, Half-Genetic Template, brother), Ken Richardson (Clone, brother), Jamie Tylerson (Female Clone, Half-Genetic Template, sister)
Physical Traits
Human/Qularr Hybrid
Apparent Age
140 lbs (64 kg)
Body Type
Slender, Slim
· Distinguishing Features ·
Qularr Physiology
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Durability, Exoskeleton, Claws, Fire Control, Super-Hearing, Wall-Crawling, Flight, Retractable Wings, Danger-Sense, Understanding Qularr Knowledge and Language,
· Equipment ·
Cell Phone, Camera, Two Qularr Energy Pistols (rarely used), Bugbots, Holo-Hex "Honeycomb" Shield
· Other Abilities ·

Jimmy "James" Tyler is one of the the few heroes with insect powers and abilities alongside The Flea. Jimmy lives with his 45-year old widowed grandmother and does his best to make sure shes safe and sound he would literally pummel anyone who dared talk down about her or hurt her. Jimmy gained his powers threw a run-in with a Qularr Firebug during the Qularr Invasion it would be months after Jimmy would show signs of death but he would soon recover to find out that he was left with the powers to crawl on walls, fly, control fire, and have retractable claws. His first act of heroism would be when a member of DEMON would attack his school for unknown circumstances Jimmy would soon save himself and every student on that day, when his actions were soon printed in the local paper the very next day Jimmy then saw he could make difference; he saw could protect the citizens who were preyed upon by the forces of evil. Thats when he finally became the vigilante known as, Bugg.


Jimmy "James" Tyler was born in Detroit, Michigan as an anti-social outcast who was often treated like a bug always getting stepped on. In high school he had troubles with getting dates, making friends, and being extremely gullible. After school Jimmy would always go home in City Center where he lives with his 45-year old grandma, Alicia James. She was getting up in age and Jimmy always made sure he was there to look out for her; he thought him and his grandmas as both "widows" since Alicia's husband died of lung cancer and Jimmy's dad never seen him a day he was born. So the only woman he had in his life was his grandma.


As James Tyler: James stands a height of 5 feet 5 inches. He wears his hair in a sloppy, unkempt design and he can often be spotted wearing his favorite short-sleeve green dress shirt with a white long-sleeve thermal underneath.

As Bugg: When James is spotted as Bugg he is an inch higher standing at 5 feet 6 inches and is wearing his notable brown and tan costume with long 3 inch antennas spouting from the top of his mask with green two-way mirror eye lenses.

Jimmy before he got his powers.
A much more cleaned up and stylish Jimmy

Millennium City: Invasion

The media is always talking about seeing aliens, crop circles, and "little green men" everywhere, but this alien was NO joke! One day the nice sunny afternoon went from light to dark and it started raining fire. Alien spaceships then started popping up all over the city and landing in the surrounding neighborhoods, The Champions reported it was the alien race, The Qularr and they were looking for something having "scavengers" search nearby buildings and streets. Jimmy happened to be walking home from school when this was all going down, a force field went up trapping the Qularr in one place but sadly civilians were trapped inside the field with the Qularr. Jimmy didn't know what to do but hide so he ducked into a nearby alley.

Growing Pains

Jimmy ducked inside they alley and hid behind a dumpster hoping that he would be safe from the invading aliens. Jimmy was so scared that apparently he didn't feel a "Firebug" land on the back of his neck its giant needle-like horn and jabbed it inside Jimmy's neck injecting him with a poison that caused him to pass out. Jimmy's unconscious body was retrieved by the Logistical Emergency Assistance Foundation (LEAF) and was taken to one of their makeshift clinics where he quickly recovered and got well again. Jimmy was transported back home to his Aunt Alicia and they were told to stay indoors until this invasion is over. After a whole 24 hours The Champions made a public service announcement saying that the Qularr are retreating and Earth is safe. Everyone cheered so loud it could be heard from outside everyone except Jimmy whose neck started to feel like it was set on fire.


Week after week Jimmy has experienced 8 blackouts, horrific neck pains, achy bones, and massive sweating. Jimmy doesn't know whats wrong with him it feels like right after being bit by that Firebug caused Jimmy to feel like he was hit by a bus. He thinks he should see The Champions or some voodoo doctor because he surely knows this isn't normal, but finally after three months Jimmy recovers and starts to feel a lot better so much better that he decides to go for a run something Jimmy never does. He notices that he possessed the speed and agility of an Olympic athlete and was able to run and jump like a parkour runner when Jimmy was almost hit by a Narcola truck his quickly jumped out of the way where he noticed he was sticking to a wall like an insect. He took one hand off the wall and looked down at it where he saw spike-like claws that acted like suction cups, Jimmy losted focus and fell off the wall this was where he generated retractable wings and begun to fly. Flying through the city like a human helicopter Jimmy put the facts together and realized by being bitten by the Firebug gave him the powers of a Qularr alien.
Bugg's ID for PRIMUS

Big Time Hero

After weeks of power preparation Jimmy went to Carl's Gym where he learned basic hand-to-hand combat he started going there everyday after school and told his grandma that he was at the library. Jimmy also putting together a bug-themed suit as well just as a way to sign up for luchador wrestling, this was quickly scraped when a demon calling himself, Morbane was attacking his school in Westside. Jimmy noticed he finally had a chance to use his new powers in action throwing on his costume Jimmy attacked Morbane trying to get him away from the students, grabbing his leg Morbane throws Jimmy out one of the windows in his school and Jimmy ends up in a warehouse where hes nearly beaten to a pulp but later defeats Morbane by using a live electrical cord to weaken him. Morbane escapes and the police later show up at Westside and the warehouse he was at. Jimmy gets back to the school in time to change clothes and get back in his civilian identity.
Jimmy squares off against Morbane in a warehouse


Jimmy quickly recovered from his wounds and picked up a newspaper Saturday morning only to find that HE was in the paper saying that "an unknown vigilante with a bug-like appearance saved the students of Westside High' Jimmy later thought that maybe he was destined to be a hero, maybe there was a reason why that firebug bit him.. So Jimmy knew he was destined for greatness and he knew that maybe he can make a change in the world as this new "bug" hero so he later goes in his room and digs out his mask from his bookbag glaring into the lenses saying "a bug hero, eh?" Jimmy then puts on his costume and flies out his bedroom window screaming "I AM BUGG!!"
Jimmy officially debuting as Bugg

Becoming a School Journalist

James Tyler A.K.A Bugg, has been through a lot in his new career as a costumed crime-fighter and has been coming up with a lot of poor excuses for why he seems to disappear when a fight between Bugg and another super-powered foe unfolds. James has decided to become a journalist for his school, James knew that even though a school journalist usually prints articles about school-related topics like sports, clubs, etc. but recently James' school at Westside High has promoted that the kids may print articles relating to superhuman activity as long as they remain monitored by law-enforcement of any kind, that was James thought that being a journalist can make a perfect cover-up for his strange disappearances.

James and the rest of students have thought of the winged avenger known as, Bugg as the school's hero and protector and luck James he seemed to be a perfect fit for reporting any of his actions with superhumans due to him being always being a "Bugboy". James immediately accepted the position being that it would easy for him to report Bugg's latest activities in Millennium City (being that James is actually the masked insect, Bugg). That was when James became a school journalist, reporting super-powered activities in Millennium City especially those caused/or prevented by Bugg.

Powers and Abilities

  • Superhuman Strength: Jimmy's insect physiology allows him to lift up to 10 tons and throw things that are quite bigger then him with ease.
  • Superhuman Speed: Not at fast as a speedster but Jimmy can run at a the pace of that of an Olympic track runner.
  • Superhuman Agility: Quite rare in Qularr history, Jimmy has the agility of a cat making him quite untouchable.
  • Superhuman Durability: Probably because of his exoskeleton. Jimmy can take loads of damage and still get back up and walk it off as if it were nothing.
  • Superhuman Equilibrium: Bugg possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He seems able to adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow. He has developed a unique fighting style that made full use of his agility, strength, and equilibrium.
  • Form of the Insect: Bugg has developed a unique fighting by combining his superhuman strength, agility, equilibrium to best his opponents in hand-to-hand combat. He has bested Shinryoku, Master of the Burning Chi technique by using his unique fighting style thus thanks to the intelligent mind of Shinryoku he named it, Form of the Insect.
  • Fire Manipulation: After being stung by the Firebug in the alley that day gave Jimmy the ability to control fire. Bend it, Project it, and Control it
  • Flight: With the help of his retractable wings, Jimmy can fly at supersonic speeds.
  • Wall-Crawling: Jimmy has little prick-like spikes on the palms of his hands which allow him to crawl on walls. But this requires complete concentration or he could fall.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Jimmy's new powers allow him to heal at a super fast rate, but not at the same rate as Grond.
  • Super-Hearing: Jimmy has expert hearing since the Qularr lack the perfect eyesight to see everything but using their advanced hearing as substitutes.
  • Symbiotic Exoskeleton: Jimmy also has a retractable exoskeleton which enables him to be invulnerable against bullets and lasers, but not completely invulnerable.
  • Retractable Claws: Much like a cat Jimmy has retractable claws which he uses as an offense weapon.
  • Hyper-Vision: For when his danger-sense is on the fritz. Bugg possesses a "Hyper-Vision" that allows him to slow down time (through his eyes) and quickly evade attacks. The only limitation is someone, or the attacker has to be in front of Bugg in order for this power to work, but due to Bugg's enhanced hearing he is capable of turning around quick if an attack came from behind.
  • Bugg-Sense: Bugg possesses a danger-sense that allows him to evade danger in a matter of seconds. Tiny hairs cover his body and when they sense a threat they send an impulse to Bugg's brain telling him to dodge that surprise attack.
  • Genius-level Intellect: James is very smart for being only 15 years old. As Bugg, James has created the "Bugbots" accidentally by just playing around with some components he found in his grandma's basement and he has also enhanced the effects of the Hex-Shield by also making it extremely resilient against missiles and energy blasts.
  • Qularr Metabolism: Bugg being that he is a hybrid between human and Qularr he possesses a Qularr Metabolism that makes him immune to strange pheromones, toxins, and poisons.
  • Understanding Qularr Knowledge and Language: Seeing how Bugg is half Qularr now he can understand all Qularr knowledge such as their weaponry and understand and speak their fellow language.

Powers / Damage
Liath KnotLarge.png


  • Insecticides: Ironically possessing the physiology of an insect has its disadvantages. One is that Jimmy is vulnerable to pesticides like RAID! this can severely weaken him and possibly kill him. Since most people wouldn't expect this as a weakness its unknown to most and never worries about a villain armed with a can of bug spray on them
  • Qularr-Cide: Thanks to Bugg's half-Qularr DNA he is vulnerable to this special chemical that is hazardous to the Qularr.
  • Secret Identity: One of Bugg's TRUE weaknesses. Bugg wears a full mask for reason as much as he love to wear a cowl for when a lovely lady were to lay a smooch across his lips, he can't. If his identity were to be revealed he would be devastated. His friends and family would know who he was and he was blamed responsible for the death of a friend's parents.
  • Lack in Self-Confidence: Bugg maybe willing to help and protect others but secretly his true weakness is lack in self-confidence believing that he doesn't have a place in the hero world considering that most adults would say the same.
    Bugg. Ready for Duty


  • Set of Qularr Energy Pistols: Jimmy has a pair of Qularr Energy Pistols his keeps in a desk in his Grandma's basement. He rarely uses them due to vowing never carry or use a gun of any kind. Unless COMPLETELY necessary.
  • Cell Phone: Mainly used to keep in touch at home or with allies of any kind.
  • Camera: Just in case an investigation comes up Jimmy carries a miniature camera in his utility belt.
  • Utility Belt: Bugg keeps a thin and unnoticeable utility belt under his costume shirt.
  • Bugbots: The Bugbots are a recent addition to Bugg's arsenal. These miniture heroes may be small but carry alot of firepower.
  • Holo-Hex "Honeycomb" Shield: Bugg recently acquired an energy shield from a crate of VIPER weaponry in Westside. The shield is labeled and branded as "Holo-Hex" Energy Shield, which Bugg often calls the "Honeycomb" shield, due to it being composed of 12 or more holographic hexagons.
What can I say? I'm a genius - Bugg with his newly created Bugbots, Thorax (left) and Antennae (right)

The Sky Buggy

OOC NOTE: Currently raising enough zen to buy a vehicle so field is to be left blank once the vehicle is finally purchased.


Swarm Queen: The Sward Queen was commonly known as, Rachel Carpenter, an expert spy in espionage, covert operations, and undercover operations. She was contracted by Dynamic Labs to kill Bugg and get a sample of his DNA. Clearly underestimating the Winged Avenger, Rachel was defeated and was ordered to analyze his powers, abilities, skills, and equipment to see what makes him so strong. She later fought Bugg again this time to get a sample of his DNA allowing Bugg to "defeat" her. Going back to Dynamic Labs she learned Bugg's true identity and also finding out that he is the first "successful" breed of human and animal, Bugg's DNA was considered unique due to most humans turning into "Manimals" when injected with animal DNA. She later used Bugg's and other Qularr DNA samples to turn herself into hybrid of insect and human, thus naming herself, Swarm Queen, possessing powers that consisted of:

  • Telepathy over all Insects
  • Flight
  • Biological "Stingers" that emit Venom
  • Bio-Electric "Wasp" Blasts
  • Enhanced Strength, Speed, and Durability
  • Hardened Carapace
  • Wall-Crawling
  • Enhanced Hearing
  • Pheromone Emission
  • Queen Bee Transformation

The Reptile: Burt O'Conner was a brilliant scientist and college student until his body was horribly altered from a genetic experiment using Lemurian DNA. He soon became classified as a Exhuman by UNTIL and became a super-villain named, The Reptile, he is said to have a hideout deep in the oceanic depths of Lemuria.

  • Superhuman Strength
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Regenerative Healing Factor
  • Razor-Sharp Claws
  • Underwater Adaption

Bloodleech: Bloodleech is a creature of unknown origin he is often tied to magic-related events. He is background is unknown but all that is known is he is capable of draining heroes and villains of their powers and abilities WITHOUT gaining their weaknesses as well. He met Bugg during his escape from Westside Penitentiary.

  • Power Absorption
  • Life Drainage
  • Immortality

Dr. Slug: It has been said that there is an ancient DNA in humans that was placed eons ago and when activated can transform said humans into slugs. Unfortunately for Dr. Henry Thomas he was kidnapped by the Elder Worms and had that "hidden DNA" activated and transformed into a slug with strong levels of psionics he then set out to use his new powers on the new hero, Bugg.

  • Genius-Level Intellect
  • Slim Generation and Manipulation
  • Slug Manipulation

Halloween: John Dothan was a billionaire who had it all, he owed his own corporation named, DothCorp and he had a loving wife and son. There was always one thing John hid from his family and employees and that was he suffered from Bipolar Disorder. John showed that instead of shifting from happy to sad or from crying to angry, John in fact would shift mainly between insane and crazy to serious and intimidating. John stressed himself out day and night creating a "Performance-Enhancer" super serum that would make an ordinary man a super-soldier with peak human conditioning and abilities he later used the well known VIPER drug, Draysha which enhanced his peak conditioning and gave him superhuman strength, speed, durability, and a regenerative healing factor. John later found out the Draysha and the Performance-Enhancer caused his Bipolar Disorder to go "haywire" and he later became completely insane "Mad as a Jack-O-Lantern" John once stated and thus decided to use his new power to become the villain known as, Halloween. John had a "Bag of Tricks" that mainly contained Toilet Paper Grenades, or TP Bombs for short. These bombs would have the guise of toilet paper but the "tissue flap" would be lit and cause an explosion of fireworks or confetti. Halloween debuted sometime near the end of the Blood Moon event in 2013 when Bugg soon found out Halloween's true identity, he tried to save him only to get probably the "sanest" thing John Dothan ever said and that was: "You Can't Save a Man Thats already Dead". That was John's last words before jumping off the roof of DothCorp, but rumors are speculating that Halloween is still alive and hiding out in Vibora Bay.

  • Superhuman Strength
  • Superhuman Speed
  • Superhuman Stamina
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Regenerative Healing Factor

The Buzzard: The Buzzard stays true to his name, being that he is an aging man around the age of 50+ this man was once an ordinary citizen named, Anderson Seigel. He is responsible for creating a street drug called, Buzz, this drug was actually a super-soldier serum that was never used or patented after finding out that it granted limited levels of superhuman abilities. After the military decided to take away the formula Anderson used to create Buzz, he finally decided to take the time and finish working on a cybernetic exoskeleton that would provide the ability to fly at supersonic speeds touching himself up with the last remaining sample of Buzz, Anderson adopted the name The Buzzard and set out to kill the military scientist ordered to destroy his leftover super-soldier serum only to have his plans thwarted by none other then the insect himself, Bugg.

  • Genius-Level Intellect
  • Flight
  • Holographic Wing Blades
  • Enhanced Senses

Bugg Family

Bugg's DNA has caught the eye of many and thanks to the geneticist, Teleios. Bugg has a no-nonsense clone named, Wolfe, a half-Britain clone named, Jackson, a goody-two-shoes named, Ken and a female version of himself named, Jamie. Thus creating the Bugg Family. Teleios created these clones as the next step in super-soldier programs, most of the clones have met their fellow "brother" and many of them are operating out of a different city or are in exile.

  • Hornet (Wolfe Tyler): Speciman 8613, or Wolfe Tyler is a hard-as-nails clone of Bugg. Wolfe Tyler was created to be a better yet more serious Bugg, Wolfe was brainwashed and was ordered to not kill but put Bugg out of commission the two later met on a rooftop and fought where Bugg was defeated and had his wings torn from his back and his left ankle broken. Wolfe then took the opportunity to become the new Bugg and perform acts the REAL Bugg wouldn't do, only a week into his reign of terror Wolfe showed signs of cell degeneration and managed to be freed from his mind control after being clonked in the head with a metal pipe. Wolfe soon returned back to Bugg, now in his James Tyler identity and Wolfe needed his assistance in curing his degeneration. James eventually reverse engineered some of Wolfe's blood and cured of his disease this also left Wolfe with new powers. He soon moved to New Jersey and became a superhero named the Hornet.
    Wolfe Tyler, clone of Bugg
  • Bugger (Jackson Tyler): Jackson Tyler turns out to be an "incomplete" clone of Bugg and his was deteriorating and his condition was soon stabilized and cured when a Britain scientist used some of his blood to cure Jackson's condition. He soon adopted the Britain swear, Bugger and he later operated in Millennium City for a short time before vanishing completing, rumors say Bugger has moved to Britain, but no evidence proves this so.
    Jackson Tyler as Bugger
  • Assassin Bugg (Unknown, deceased): Assassin Bugg has no real name or specimen name. All that is known is that Assassin was in the same room as the other clones and was the most deadliest out of all of them. He has recently been killed due to mysterious circumstances.
    Subject Unknown, currently deceased
  • Brown Bugg (Kenneth Richards): Kenneth Richards is one of the few clones to not suffer from degeneration of any kind. Ken briefly became Bugg while James stay home waiting for his ankle and back to heal from an encounter with Wolfe Tyler a.k.a Hornet. Once James' wings grew back and ankle healed he returned back to the Bugg mantle while Ken adopted his own under the name, Brown Bugg. Ken is still alive and operates out of Hudson City.
    Brown Bugg, one of the "successful" clones of James Tyler aka Bugg
  • Insect Girl (Jamie Tylerson): Jamie Tylerson is the female clone of Bugg and retains a positive attitude. She attains Bugg's classic level of intellect and joke-cracking. Wanting to different herself from the rest of the clones she instead of naming herself some weird version of "Bugg" she adopted the alias of Insect Girl and she currently lives in Millennium City working out of Westside.
    Jamie Tylerson, the only female version of Bugg

The Insidious 7

The Insidious 7 is composed of lesser known villains in Millennium City. These villains have all crossed paths with Bugg and decided to form a group that would combine their natural skills and powers to take out the bug. (no pun intended)


  • Swarm Queen: Swarm Queen is the team leader of the Insidious 7

  • Vengeance: Background is unknown but has a great range of Telekinesis. Being capable of projecting a force field the size of a door.

  • Green Dragon: Villainous kung fu master who's an anti-Western bigot. Nemesis of Redsnake and Bugg

  • Herculan: Originally from the faraway planet of the Fassai species, he gained fame as a gladiator on the decadent planet of Malva. However, much like Ironclad before him, he was disgusted with what he saw as the further moral decline of the gladiatoral arena. So he, too fled and found his way to Earth. Once there, however, his extraordinary strict ethical code did not mesh with the natives. He will punish anyone he considers a criminal and will take (or steal, as the Earthlings say) anything he thinks he deserves.

  • Torment: Torment is the most reluctant of the PSI operatives. She doesn't actually want to hurt people or take over the world. What she does want, however, is to avoid the excruciating pain that torments her (and is the source of her name). She was born with a disorder that caused her intense pain that would fire at random in different parts of her body, and that didn't respond to any known medical treatments. Dr. Sebastian Poe figured out it was a result of psionic abilities and developed a drug to treat it. Now Psimon and Medusa use that drug to force Torment to serve them.

  • Scalpel: An on-again-off-again member of the team who has two hates and two loves: Hates: Magic Girl and Bugg. Loves: To kill Magic Girl and Bugg.

  • Electric Eel: Genetically-Engineered supervillain created by VIPER with a humanoid appearance and powers of an electric eel.

Comic Covers

Comments and or Opinions

Bugg needs your help. Only by leaving a comment may free him from the Gadroon's gravitonic force fields.

((Place IC or OOC comments here))


  • Bugg is voiced by Geoffrey Laff, voice of The Ant in Freedom Force.

  • When Jimmy created his outfit he was originally going to name himself Insect-Man, but it sounded too comic book-like

  • The name "Bugg" was actually a mistype when it was printed in the paper, so this inspired Jimmy to adopt this as his hero name.

  • The Spider-Man concept of Bugg comes from how hes bitten by an animal of some kind to gain his powers, The Blue Beetle part comes from his powers being from alien origin, and The Ant concept comes from Bugg being an insect-themed hero and his lack in self-confidence.

  • The Qularr are an alien race with the appearance of a person-sized bug-like creature; much like a combination between an insect and a lobster being that Jimmy was bitten by a firebug and not an actual Qularr he gained only bug powers.

  • Enjoys watching Epic Rap Battles of History on Youtube

  • Jimmy possesses pretty accurate hearing beings that the Qularr lack perfect eyesight but have excellent hearing.

  • Bugg's email for PRIMUS is TheBugg0601@PRIMUS.gov

  • Bugg has somehow tapped into police radios and modified it so that not only they receive reports of superhuman activities but the Bugbots as well.

  • Bugg CANNOT be defeated with ice or cryogenics of any kind due his physiology not being completely fire-based.

  • Favorite song is "I Won't Back Down" by Tom Petty. First hearing it on the DVD, Barnyard, The Original Party Animals this song became stuck in James' head and later his heart after it soon stuck as the best motivation song to him.

  • Bugg is immune to psionics and any other mental based attacks due to the antennae on his mask being outfitted with psychic blockers leaving mind-readers with a painful headache.

  • Absolutely HATES "Punch Buggy" Jokes, If you catch my drift.

  • Sometimes known for his corny rhythm, "My name is Bugg, I live under a rug with my best friend Doug".

  • Despite his real name being "James Tyler". Most of James' friends call him "Jimmy James" since he doesn't have a specific preference to which name he rather be called by.

  • Fears Spiders and Spider-themed heroes/vigilantes/and villains being that spiders "eat" Insects.

  • Is considered the first successful cross between human and alien.

  • Believes he can never get a girlfriend since girls fear bugs and "creepy-crawly's"

  • James Tyler was once a vegetarian before switching back to regular delicious foods like ham and cheeseburgers