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Player: @Bluhman
"Xenophon unit: ONLINE; Battle directive: PRIMED; CMD: ATK;" HONK.png
Character Build
Class Focus: All-AOE/Non-targetting tank (CON/Guardian/Avenger)
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: SOCRATES subroutine XENOPHON
Known Aliases: N/A
Gender: N/A
Species: Robot
Ethnicity: None
Place of Birth: Millennium City, Michigan
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Michigan
Relatives: N/A
Age: 5
Height: 6'4
Weight: 324 lbs
Eyes: White
Hair: N/A
Complexion: Silver
Physical Build: Slim, Curved, Sleek
Physical Features: Yellow 'Service' Plating, Control Addons: Harmon Overlay and Bracer
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Identity: N/A
Years Active: 4
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen (?)
Occupation: Tele-transportations manager/Teleporter
Education: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Intense voltage discharge, Heavy armor, Magnetic-Charge field, Teleportation, Flight
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Battery pack, Harmon Overlay, Shock Probes.
ReldinBox Template

Xenophon is a special AI droid that was manufactured initially to look over and manage teleportations to and from the Powerhouse. With the increasing threat that has been posed against Powerhouse locations, Xenophon has been repeatedly upgraded to the point that it is now a veritable battle platform on its own.



Pre-Crisis Xenophon standing ready next to SOCRATES
Early on in Millennium City's creation, the crime computer known as SOCRATES was installed and set up, mainly to help the heroes that remained after the Battle of Detroit and help keep a handle on the hectic situation around town directly following the crisis. Project SOCRATES, launched in 1996, ensured that the system would prove valuable in procedurally updating its own databases and keeping heroes and citizens around the city informed about troublesome events. The project was going well until people began to notice that heroes were losing their edge; the power of some villains continued to grow as they learned from the defeats of others, and soon the heroes were finding themselves outmatched.

In 2004, Project SOCRATES took action to help remedy this problem, and set up Project Powerhouse; a project to create a special training ground where legal heroes could go to hone their abilities to their best, in order to regain the edge against the most powerful of villains. Fitted initially with holographic training rooms, and equipped with test dummies and plenty of exercise equipment, the powerhouse was a set of facilities hidden in warehouses stowed away in the far outskirts of Millennium City. The locations were kept constantly under close guard, and could only be entered and exited through specialized teleporters set up in other locations around the world. Only heroes who had been properly registered as such could gain access into the powerhouses.

Initially, the only Powerhouse teleporter available was in the Renaissance Center in city limits, which would teleport heroes to Powerhouse locations cyclically in order to ensure an even distribution of training heroes in each location. Issues began to arise, however, when heroes with sidekicks began to get separated due to the simplistic automation of the system. In addition, officials at Force Station Steelhead and Project Greenskin caught wind of Project Powerhouse, and requested that they have their own Teleporters set up in their appropriate locales. To accomodate all this, the project would need a much more advanced system for watching over teleportation processes.

The solution was quite simple when it came down to it; Project SOCRATES had already set up a supercomputer that could coherently communicate with superheroes and was well aware of the geography of the city. Project SOCRATES took the AI of their computer and created a specialized, robotic drone that could query users for their desired location and reliably teleport them to the proper powerhouse location. SOCRATES Subroutine XENOPHON had been made. Though the drone was initially meant to be created to manage each Powerhouse location individually, Xenophon was efficient enough to have simply one model overlook the teleportations of all three locations remotely. Eschewing much of the advanced communication style used by SOCRATES proper, Xenophon began to receive upgrades; it gained extra access to data about Millennium City's traffic lines and became a system for managing public transportation in city limits as well.

Powerhouse Crisis

Xenophon proved its worth time and time again in its ability to manage Powerhouse teleportations with ease. Soon, villains in Millennium City and Canada were being routed by heroes that were now properly trained and exercised. There were a few odd flaws with Xenophon's implementation, however. Since the system remotely handled teleportations on its own, there really wasn't much reason for the design to be isolated to its own robotic system. In addition, if the drone was in any way damaged or tampered with, it could potentially spell doom for heroes around the world.

Soon, somebody realized these shortcomings. Bad news, though, was that the person who realized this was Cybercide, a megalomaniacal computer genius and villain. Using his systems, he was able to plant a virus on the Xenophon drone remotely and temporarliy forced it to shut down. Cybercide then used the downtime to personally confiscate the drone and hack through it in order to find the locations of the powerhouses and sell the information for money, as well as set back the heroes who had been hindering his schemes.

What followed could be best described as chaos. On multiple fronts, things were going horribly wrong; since the Xenophon drone had been removed, the Powerhouse teleporters had been rendered entirely inoperable, and heroes were unable to train their abilities. In addition, those heroes who had been in the powerhouse during Xenophon's abduction were stuck inside - at least, they were stuck until supervillains in Millennium City burst through the walls and began tearing up the facility. The crisis caught the eye of the Champions themselves, who made a call-to-arms to all heroes to help defend the Powerhouse locations on the outskirts of the city.

Soon, the Champions themselves mobilized, at which point, Cybercide decided to deal the Coup-De-Grace against the superheroes. Using the leftovers of the Xenophon drone, he reprogrammed the drone to be nothing more than a suicide bomber, designed to go off in minutes with a gigantic explosion capable of wiping out half the city. Cybercide used this tactical bomb-drone to make a deal with the champions; if he was paid $120,000,000 and was hailed as a hero for returning and repairing the drone, he would disable the bomb on Xenophon, return the drone, and request that his fellow villains cease fire on the Powerhouses (as best as a lone villain can). What ensued was a rather lengthy argument between the Champions on what course of action to take; some not willing to comprimise to the villain's demands, and others not wanting to see the city of Detroit levelled again.

There was but one thing that Cybercide had looked over when reprogramming Xenophon, however; SOCRATES had a degree of control over the drone's operation. In fact, she always had; Cybercide's lab had simply been out of range of her signal during his hacking. Using this to her advantage, SOCRATES used Xenophon's drone to clandestinely plant the bomb on Cybercide's hoverdisc. SOCRATES then gave the Champions a signal to accept the deal and wait for Cybercide to fly far enough from the city, at which point SOCRATES would contact Cybercide and tell him what had actually happened. Needless to say, after hearing this, Cybercide was forced to parachute off of his vehicle (and drop his multi-million dollar check) and was arrested by the MCPD on touchdown.

Following the crisis, the Powerhouse project was able to recover, but not before completely shutting down their old locations. Moving to even more remote locations around the world (which they have still not disclosed to heroes), the actual powerhouses are now guaranteed inaccessible from the outside, while still just as easily reachable through a teleporter as ever. In addition, after realizing the shortcomings of having a singular drone to look over the operations of teleportation, SOCRATES promised to take up managing powerhouse teleportations directly, effectively abandoning Xenophon's original purpose.

The leftover Xenophon drone was hardly forgotten, however. Harmon Industries, taking the leftover design, upgraded it, fitting it with sizable weaponry, and re-enacted it as the personal defender of Powerhouse locations. Fitted with a bit of the Powerhouses' own teleporter technology and still directly connected to SOCRATES' crime computer, Xenophon is highly-adept at showing up to crime scenes, and is always up-to-date on information on alerts and villainous activity.

Detailed Information


It would probably be fair to say that Xenophon doesn't have a personality. To give an idea of that, it normally doesn't identify itself as either gender, does not move without teleporting outside of combat, and does not communicate outside of combat. In combat, it simply will spout semi-incomprehensible syntax about its battle plan, and, in some stray instances, will use human terminology to give combat advice to its allies or otherwise warn them of incoming threats.

Xenophon does come with adjustments for a 'tourism mode' and 'public-relations mode'; its tourism mode causes Xenophon to adopt a friendly female voice, and gives her directives to answer questions about Millennium City and provide instructions to passer-bys. Its public-relations mode gives Xenophon a male personality capable of giving a rough recount of what had happened to it during its kidnapping by Cybercide, and how it had managed to avert a city-wide crisis. To top that all off, Xenophon can even be remote-controlled by either SOCRATES or from a specialized station inside Harmon Laboratories.

Combat Specifications

Though it lacks precision, Xenophon's pure prowess can turn the tide of battle easily.
Xenophon's base skeleton has been repeatedly toned and upgraded over time. The current Xenophon is capable of lifting a load as heavy as 1326 lbs, is very heavily armored and can safely stop high-caliber bullets, and can keep running at maximum potential for 2 weeks straight. It is capable of fully-articulated bipedal movement and maintaining its own balance, but doesn't run particularly fast. To offset that, Xenophon's teleporter, though it can only be used once every 20 seconds, allows it to teleport up to 200 miles away instantaneously. Xenophon can also fly at speeds nearing 80 miles per hour.

The biggest upgrades Xenophon has received are its Harmon Overlay, Battery Pack, and Shock Drones. The Harmon Overlay is responsible for giving Xenophon basic targetting capabilities. Appearing on its chassis as green, glowing machinery, the Harmon Overlay also increases its energy generation capabilities greatly and allows it to receive commands from external sources (aside from SOCRATES). The Battery Pack allows Xenophon to store an immense amount of energy, which can be used to fuel the drone for several days straight and be rapidly emptied in order to fuel Xenophon's intense voltage discharges, which can hit targets up to 25 feet away with powerful force. The Shock Drones further extend that range, and can each individually shock nearby foes. Finally, Xenophon can refill its energy reserves by using a Magnetic-Charge field, allowing incoming attacks to have their force absorbed and transformed into pure electrical energy.


Xenophon's old design. Incidentally, it also matches the old powerhouse!
  • The design deliberately is made to look sort of like the Powerhouse's aesthetic; lots of white metal.
  • I keep trying to resist the temptation to refer to Xenophon as a her. Even though the character's genderless, it uses a female skeleton.
  • Currently the dumbest character in this lineup, on account of the fact that this is also the first non-sentient character in the lineup.
  • Its build is designed to be playable in such a way that the player does not need to target anything or even use an energy builder. Because it stacks so many AoE effects, it actually does a frighteningly good job of doing damage in general and holding aggro without CC.