
From PRIMUS Database
Revision as of 20:57, 8 March 2014 by Liath (Talk | contribs)

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Liath Music.png Artist/Band Name
Song/Track Name


Paolo Nutini
New Shoes
Paolo Nutini
New Shoes
Paolo Nutini
New Shoes

artist = The name of the artist or band.
track = The name of the track or song
tracklink = link address to the track or song e.g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmbUNF1Q4R8
trackimage = name of the image file associated with your song. if you do not have a specific image comment out this section <!--trackimage = --> to use the default icon*
imagesize = height/width to display the image at. Default is 50 x 50 if you wish to have a larger image e.g imagesize = 100.
artistcolor = color of artist text. Use #nnnnnn notation of recognised HTML color codes. Default: bordercolor = #800000
trackcolor = color of track title text. Use #nnnnnn notation of recognised HTML color codes. Default: bordercolor = #000080
bordercolor = color of border. Use #nnnnnn notation of recognised HTML color codes. Default: bordercolor = #000000
borderwidth = width of border. Set to 0 for no border (no px required). Default: border = 3
backcolor = color of background. Use #nnnnnn notation of recognised HTML color codes. Default: backcolor = transparent
shadowx / shadowy = shadow offset from text, default 0. positive to offset down/right, negative to offset up/left
shadowblur = shadow blur width on text, default 0 - no blur
shadowcolor = color of shadow. Use #nnnnnn notation of recognised HTML color codes. Default: backcolor = black

* Alternate Icons which may better suit your page theme:

Copy the following onto your page and fill out the appropriate information (comment out or delete the sections you wish to leave on default).

| artist = 
| track = 
| tracklink = 
| trackimage = 
| imagesize = 
| artistcolor = 
| trackcolor = 
| bordercolor = 
| borderwidth = 
| backcolor =
| shadowx = 
| shadowy =
| shadowblur = 
| shadowcolor = 