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Player: @drgmstr
"Who knows what miracles you can achieve when you believe."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Sarah Johnson
Known Aliases: Zahra
Gender: Female
Species: Human (Altered)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Bridgeport, CT
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Egypt
Relatives: Unknown
Age: 32
Height: 7'
Weight: 160
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black
Complexion: Fur
Physical Build: Average
Physical Features: Multiple Earrings on both ears
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Identity: Public
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Museum Director, Archaeologist
Education: PH. D in Archaeology
Marital Status: Married
Known Powers and Abilities
Spiritual, Summons
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


Zahra's appearance is easily identified as an Anubian jackal. Having tall jackal ears both pierced with earrings, her left ear having three piercings as her right has five. Her eyes of that of a golden hue. Looking like a solid gold, yellow, white coloration to give it a natural beauty to them. Her hair on her head remains grown out long enough to be at shoulder length, with it mostly swept to the right side of her head, as the rest of her body is covered in a thin layer of fur for her animal traits. Standing at seven feet tall (7 feet 2 inches counting ears) she has an average athletic figure for her hobbies of being in track and field events. Her figure is that of a human except for her jackal head and black oil fur color. She would have a tattoo of a ankh oh her right leg over her ankle, and one on her chest, just under her neck of the hieroglyphs of a ankh and a jackal, representing the mark of her powers she was blessed with when the necklace fused with her. These markings are covered by her fur so none may see them unless one would brush at her fur to see the tattoo and markings on her skin.



The Johnson Family

The Johnson's wouldn't be well known until the discovery of the famous tomb of King Tutankhamun by Howard Carter and George Herbert in November of 1922. Mark Johnson, an amateur Egyptologist and Archaeologist, was part of Carter and Herbert's team when the discovery of the hidden tomb was found. Mark being the curious adventurer among the desert sands, would partake in an exhibition to explore more of the hidden tomb. During the exploring, Mark would be cut off from the rest of the archaeologist when a cave in occurs. Unable to find a way back in the endless labyrinth of the ancient tomb, Mark finds himself in a ceremonial chamber and among the dead. Frightened and lost, Mark takes refuge in this chamber until help arrives. Being an amateur at his profession he takes the time to study the hieroglyphs and artifacts that litter the walls and floor. One artifact catches Marks eye. A necklace with a jackal emblem with the casual Egyptian gems, beads, and metals. Strange as it looks, it was odd and out of place to be in a chamber that is used for burying the dead. Mark would take this necklace when moments later, Marks rescue would arrive. He would keep this necklace in secrecy to further examine it to what meanings it possesses and any powers it could hold from Egypt's past.

Several years later in his home of Bridgeport, Connecticut, Mark becomes ill with a life threatening disease. He wonders that him removing the necklace held some sort of curse to have him on his death bed. In his final hours, Mark passes the necklace down to his daughter, Emma, who also had a passion for archaeology. Emma now the wielder of the necklace would continue her fathers research in unlocking its secrets. Many years would go by in continuing the research her father started many years ago. All she has learned is the necklace's true power would unlock to those who has a pure heart. Emma sadly did not possess the qualifications to unlock the necklace powers thus when she grew old and her own daughter, Samantha, was old enough, she passes the necklace down to her.

Samantha now the wielder of the necklace, she was not as gifted in the knowledge of Egyptology and archaeology like her mother and grandfather before her. She only viewed the necklace as a silly ornament and would keep it in her jewelry box. Samantha would then marry and give birth to Sarah.

Unlocking the Necklace

Sarah was the happy child for her youth. Growing up to a bright individual who hears the stories from her grandmother, Emma, about the beauty and history of Egypt. When Sarah was graduating from high school, her mother would decide to give her a parting gift as she was going to college. Samantha would give Sarah the very necklace that has been passed down for 70 years now since it's discovery. Sarah takes the necklace as a family heirloom and keeps it safe by always wearing it. When Sarah graduates from college with a PH.D in Egyptology and Archaeology, she would have her first encounter of the wonders of Egypt when sent to her first exhibition to The Valley of Kings in Egypt.

Sarah first taste of archaeology would take place in the very tombs her great grandfather, Mark Johnson, explored back in 1922. Excited to see the tales her grandmother has told her were true to its beauty and rich history. Sarah with a small group of student archaeologist would begin to descend into King Tuts tomb. As she was, a mysterious feeling inside her kept her from her work. Separating from the group she follows a separate pathway, as if being called somewhere. This path was the very same Mark took many years ago where Sarah ends up in the same ceremonial chambers Mark found the necklace Sarah wears. Standing in the center of the room she can hear the voices of the dead, chanting around her. The voices would soon stop as fast as they are heard. Sarah frightened by this phenomenon, she kept to her work and begins to study the hieroglyphs in this chamber. Ove her course of examinations, she finds a phrase written into the walls, referring to the necklace she wears. As she speaks it of it's native tongue the necklace begins to glow, a blinding light of gentle warmth flows around her, yet the same time the screams of the afterlife. The necklace begins to fuse with Sarah, causing her body to change. Sarah would wake up from being unconscious for several hours, in a tent outside the tombs being looked over by field medics and the group of students she was with. To her amazement, Sarah was now changed into an Anubian jackal.






