Trixi Danger

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Trixi Danger
Player: @Trinitite
Character Build
Class Focus: Chaos
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: N/A
Biographical Data
Real Name: Trixi Danger
Known Aliases:
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: White
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Michigan
Relatives: Triss Danger?
Age: A lady never tells
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Light
Physical Build: Curvy
Physical Features: Eccentric dress
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Chaotic Evil

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Identity: Public
Years Active: 2
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Leader of the Burlesque de Bataille, Stage Magician, Black Market Big-shot, Self-Proclaimed Queen of Crime
Education: Unknown
Marital Status: SWF Looking 4 STR
Known Powers and Abilities
Feminine Wiles
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Tricks, traps, always something up her sleeves
ReldinBox Template

Redoing Eeeeeeeeverything and making the PDB more serious.

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Psychological Profile

TrixiDanger-cols-cropped.jpg blahblahblahblah blah (writing)

M.O - Blah blah blah blah

Criminal History


Trixi Danger has been involved in numerous high-risk crimes, though there has never been enough evidence to suggest direct involvement; she has only ever been involved as a third party or organizer, directing other criminals and sometimes even heroes to do their bidding. She has become notorious for putting heroes in difficult situations that force them to make difficult choices and ensure that they stick by their codes or face public resentment, shame, or even possible incarceration. It is highly believed that Trixi is some kind of promoter to the criminal underground, and a means through which up-and-coming villains can gain noteriety and recognition among crime-bosses and big-time players. Her own personal motives and those of the Burlesque de Bataille which she claims to lead, are enigmatic at best.

There are two major crimes as of late that Trixi is believed to be responsible for. The first, was a heist at executive Robert Perkins of Millennium Motors penthouse in downtown Millennium City. During this heist numerous objects were stolen and heroes and villains were trapped in a clash organized by this woman, seemingly for the entertainment of television viewers who were watching the pirate broadcast. She is also believed to have somehow set up events during this event that led to one Mr Jacob Jenkins attempting to commit suicide, though this attempt was thwarted by Westside Warden. The event was most notorious for the broadcast itself, and the ensuing attack on the high-rise by an unidentified aircraft believing to belong to Trixi's gang; the attack resulted in significant property damage to the surrounding area but luckily no casualties.

Trixi Danger went quiet for some time after this, but would be sighted doing promotional work in underground fighting arenas, from which she appears to be recruiting skilled metas and humans for enlistment in her own private army. In addition to this, she is believed to be responsible for causing a surge in the number of illegal gambling dens in and around Millennium City as well.

The second crime of note is tied to a plane that went down over Greece in early 2012. This crime has reached incredibly high levels of popularity due to a viral youtube video of a large portion of the incident. Miss Danger's Burlesque has claimed responsibility for organizing the act as what they termed a 'promotional stunt', but it has been impossible to confirm this claim.

Abilities & Equipment

    • Trixi has exhibited talent with stage-magic in numerous situations and has used this as a tool to further her deception in confrontations, as well as add 'flair' to various antics. She's been known to use various forms of weaponized playing cards.
    • After a heist pulled at the ChemCo facility in West Side, its believed Trixi has somehow begun production of some form of chemical toxin, its use is not yet known.
    • On numerous occasions Trixi has utilized hallucinogenics versus her opponents.
    • Trixi has gained access to a wide variety of dangerous weapons, from VIPER Brickbuster technology, to military grade aircraft. How she has acquired this is presently unknown. She is completely and utterly unpredictable.


  • Viceroy: The two have worked together on establishing an exceptionally elaborate crime(s).
  • Bloodsport: Employed by Trixi during the SKY CRIME 2012 incident
  • Mr. Luck: Believed to be a repeat agent of Trixi, he appeared during her first broadcast and once again in the 2012 incident.
  • Killer B: SKY CRIME incident. Killer B's amazing flair and style may be the direct result of getting too close to the stunning Miss Danger.
  • Doc Rock: Employed during SKY CRIME, his M.O seems to fit well with Trixi's brand of style, expect future arrangements between the two.
  • Interface: Is exceptionally skilled and roguishly handsome, he is also not responsible for hacking Miss Danger's PDB file. <3
  • The Bad Company: Formed after the SKY CRIME incident, the Burlesque du Battaille is reportedly exceptionally interested in this group.
  • Westside Warden: Trixi has taken an extreme interest in the Warden after his first performance, avoid warning the subject, it may present a unique opportunity to capture Miss Danger.
  • The Saint: Working relationship established during downtown high-rise heist.
  • Burlesque de Bataille: A burlesque show styled group of criminals, the highly themed gang of Trixi's has somehow acquired exceptionally dangerous military hardware. They are involved in numerous world-wide arms deals and smuggling operations. The Burlesque's motivation is unknown, but concerns are that the group's only real goal may be the destabilization of world governments and the ushering in of absolute anarchy. This however is a rumor, Miss Danger's motives seem impossible to discern.



  • Trixi is inspired by the Joker and Mad Moxxi

Theme Music

Melleefresh v deadmau5 - Attention Whore