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Player: @Rachel Covaks
Arisu -Kira- Arashikage Delta.png
"I'm a shadow who walks in the light."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Arisu Arashikage
Known Aliases: Kira, Jennifer Carol
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant Experiment
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: VIPER Mamba Base, Monster Island
Base of Operations: Roosevelt Building
Relatives: Dr. Dendroaspis (Creator), Daimon Arashikage (Adopted Father), Other Subjects of Project Diamondback (Siblings? Deceased?), Rebelle (sister?), Blackbird (Sister)
Age: 18
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown with some white
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Slight
Physical Features: None
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Private
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: United States
Occupation: Department of Emergency: Limit Trained Agent, Ninja
Education: High school Equivalent, Ninja Training
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Drains people when she makes skin contact with them. Also can fly and has enhanced strength and has super speed. Eidetic memory.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Katana with Questionite blade, HUD sunglasses, shuriken, smoke grenades, Beta AI
ReldinBoxMini Template

Early Life

Kira was created as part of VIPER's project Diamondback, a supersoldier project started by the VIPER scientist Doctor Dendroaspis in order to create superhumans capable of infiltrating a city and passing unnoticed. Kira was created to be an assassin as well as an information gatherer using her powers. However, when she was 5 years old the base was raided by troops from a special branch of PRIMUS that focused on taking out VIPER, and they found her in the base, taking her back to a secret base in the Southwest Desert hidden near Project Greenskin. Because of no biological family, the commander in charge of the unit made an arrangement with the Arashikage Ninja clan that they where allied with to take her in, and she began training in Ninjitsu.

For 10 years she continued her training with the Ninjas and with the PRIMUS troops in order to hone her abilities, becoming one of the most accomplished young apprentices in the clan.

Birth of a Shadow

While her powers where a result of genetic manipulation, they did not actually appear until she was 15, she had blocked out her memories of what VIPER had done to her while at Mamba base. However VIPER launched an attack on Project Greenskin and on the secret base that Arisu called home, targeting her specifically. One VIPER soldier managed to grab her, but at the same time her powers where triggered, nearly killing the soldier, breaking down many of the mental barriers and the memories came flooding back. After realizing her origins, she left the base in a fit of rage, and spent two years off the grid.

During this time, several events would shape her life, the first was an encounter with another being calling himself Rhodes, he was also a superhuman capable of flight and had super strength, Arisu allowed herself to get close to him, but when she accidentally touched him she found out he was working for VIPER, and in a fit of rage held on long enough for his powers to become hers permanently. She later attacked a VIPER base where they where performing experiments, when she found that the experiments had killed the subjects, many of whom where children, something snapped in her mind, and she killed the VIPER troops in the base.

She chose to take the name Kira, seeing herself more as a shadow than a human being.

Millennium City and DE:LTA

After two years, PRIMUS finally caught up to Kira in Vibora Bay, Kira had grown tired of running by this point, and after some coaxing agreed to return home. But seeing how things where beginning to progress, she made a request to be allowed to move to Millennium City in order to help as new threats began to emerge. They agreed, on the condition that she returned to the base every so often to continue her Ninja training.

After a few months in Millennium City, Kira met up with the DE:LTA member Sarge, while nervous at first, she agreed to be trained by DE:LTA, and join when her training is complete. Since then she has been seen around Millennium City, Canada, the Desert, and Monster Island helping people. At one point she absorbed the memories of Rakshaska, learning he was on orders from Doctor Destroyer.

However, life would never seem to be easy for her, she was called on a mission where she encountered Dr. Dendroaspis, her creator, who had been targeting her for some reason unknown to her. Kira believes it is possible that VIPER is attempting to bring her back into the fold.

She recently became an official member of DE:LTA, and was provided a device by Mentiac allowing her to make skin contact when she's wearing it.

Oregon and Beta

She recently took part in a mission to attack a VIPER base, where she discovered an AI from a secret government called the Hunter project, the AI identified itself as Beta. When she later returned to Millennium City, she met with Sarge, and one of the Hunters named Oregon tried to shoot at her, but instead shot Sarge, though Kira took the bullet in the arm, leaving her unharmed because of her invulnerable skin.

Since then, Beta has become her companion, and he helps her in combat.

Dendroaspis' Journal

Dr. Dendroaspis had been put in jail for a short time before breaking out, but she left behind a journal in her cell. Kira took the journal in order to learn more about her creator and why she has done what she does. Through this she learned not only about her past, but also about her own origins that the DNA that created her had been provided by a Shape shifting Mutant.

Through the help of Sarge, she has learned the identity of the other mutant, and only her code name, Rebelle.


Kira holds VIPER and its leader the Supreme Serpent responsible for what she is, while she has very little regrets, she holds a deep anger towards VIPER for allowing Dendroaspis to experiment using human DNA. As such, she tends to exact this anger on VIPER agents when she meets them, usually sparing the foot soldiers and focusing on the leadership, but at times even they are not spared her blade.


Kira is sometimes seen as being a little quirky, she tends to tell strange jokes and make movie references, much to the bewilderment of Sarge, which amuses her to no end. However she tends to be insecure about her powers, not wanting to get too close to anyone because she doesn't want to hurt them, Kira tries her best to keep them away, letting only a select few in. She also has a strong dislike for geneticists who abuse their creations, primarily Teleios and Doctor Moreau.

Snake Hunter Unit

A top secret branch of PRIMUS that raised Kira from childhood, the Snake Hunter Unit drew from the most elite members of every branch of military and the civilian corps to counter the growing threat from VIPER. They also are allied with the Arashikage Ninja clan that took Kira in.

Mentioned members:

Daimon Arashikage: Not named IC, but is a master in the Arashikage clan, Damien adopted Kira when she was a child and raised her along with being her sensei. He also was the one who gave Kira her katana with the Questionite blade.

Trinity: A set of genius triplets that live on the same base as Kira, Trinity has been described as being young, but intelligent and clever, making them formidable. Kira fondly remembers a time that VIPER tried to send Ripper to take down the base, and Trinity scared him so much he ran off screaming like a little girl. They where responsible for creating both Kira's sunglasses and her bodysuit.

Special Equipment

Katana with Questionite Blade: A well crafted blade in order to be nearly indestructible, the weapon was a gift from Damien Arashikage to Kira when she left to go to Millennium City.

HUD Sunglasses: A set of sunglasses designed for Kira by Trinity, they double as a fully functional HUD giving her operational data and enemy information, as well as providing her with a constantly updated list of missions. It can also change to a transparent eye plate when needed underwater.

Bodysuit: Another invention of Trinity's for Kira, built out of the necessity of Kira's powers making it difficult for her to be in hot climates, it keeps her from getting too hot, or in contrast it keeps her from getting too cold.

Breathing Apparatus: Used for underwater missions, Kira's breathing apparatus draws oxygen from the water to allow her to breathe underwater without the need for a bulky oxygen tank.


Untouchable: A downside of Kira's powers is that the absorption is involuntary, keeping her from making skin contact with anyone when she is not using the device provided by Mentiac.

Blind Rage: A side effect of the process that created Kira will occasionally drive her into fits of rage, usually resulting in her killing the object of that rage, so far this has only been directed at VIPER, but people should be cautious regardless.


Dr. Dendroaspis: The alias of the geneticist Delia Alicius, Doctor Dendroaspis was recruited by VIPER to head up Project Diamondback, a project in order to create an army of super soldiers. Kira was the first successful result of this project, and possibly the only, but that has never been confirmed. She recently re-emerged in order to attack Kira specifically, and has attacked Kira twice in Millennium City, and her minions have been plaguing Kira. She has since been captured and imprisoned in Stronghold, however she left behind journals about other creations from Project Diamondback.

Blackbird (Nemesis): Another creation of Dr. Dendroaspis, Blackbird was created as a Toxic Telepath, a dangerous variety of psychic power that causes the other person to die if she reads their mind too long. She was recently imprisoned at Millennium City, and broke out after Kira attempted to question her.


"Never thought I would be glad I was made by VIPER and not Teleios."

"She was my first and greatest creation, the perfect agent for infiltration, the loss of her is one that will send repercussions throughout VIPER."-Dr. Dendroaspis in a letter to the Supreme Serpent.


Kira at home