America's Sweetheart

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America's Sweetheart
Name:Becca Jo Braverman
Aliases:Sweetie, Sweets, Becca, JoJo,
Ethnicity:Spanish Portuguese
Marital: Confidential
Relatives:The Braverman Foundation
Occupation:MCU Sophomore, Circus Preformer, New Superhero
Physical Traits:
Gender: Confidential
Weight:157 lbs
Physique:tone muscular and curvy
Hair:Strawberry Blonde
Skin:Fair with a Lt Tan
Other:Pretty with a Midwestern, southern draw when she speaks
Powers & Abilities:
Powers:Normal Human Maximum Strength, Dexterity and Constitution
Abilities:Has studies 17 different Martial arts styles from various tutors
Equipment:Utility gadget belt
Group:Patriot Act
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An Excerpt of the Interview with America's Sweetheart...

With a demure sparkl'in smile and a sexy southern draw... "I am the girl next door, you know the one you never ask out. The good girl, the one every boy wants to take home to meet mom. Yep thats me, Becca Jo Braverman. Teen Beat girl to watch, Miss Teen Virginia, and Miss Teen USA ...
"Yes that was my answer to the question: If you could only do one thing in your lifetime to change the world what would it be?"

"Kill Doctor Destroyer." A sly smile passes over her face.

"That was a hoot and a half, I'm John Braverman's daughter. You know him as Bravo world famous strongman and daredevil. What did they expect me to say World Peace. The only way to get world peace would be to kill Doctor Destroyer."

"Yes, having a famous circus family background has helped my carrer. I learned dance, singing physical fittness, and I got to study with unique tutors. Yes I did study under Ma Hun Le, my entire life, so in a way I have been traing for just these events. I do still attend MCU and I am looking foward to graduation someday... "

"That was Becca Jo Braverman, the girl next door and America's SweetHeart."

Turning to face the camera.

"And this was Breakfast Of Champions with your Host Jimmy Duggan! Next Up..."