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Player: @darkness1234587
Seven Dash 115
Class Focus: Unknown
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Armas
Personal Data
Real Name: -Classified-
Known Aliases: Number 115
Species: Drekiheemian/Black Dragon
Ethnicity: Primus Assets
Age: Unknown
Height: 10'5
Weight: 5 Tons
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Drekiheemian
Occupation: Unknown
Place of Birth: Drekiheem, Fall Grove, 90 Yeurions
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Supreme Strength, Super Speed.
Known Abilities
Master Fist Fighter, Rage User
"Do not encounter. 115."

Primus Interview #115 Day 1

Primus Officer: "October 5 1998. Subject Tag #115. First Question. What are you exactly?"

115: "Why do you governmental dogs need me again."

Primus Officer: "You violated the rights of being a registered outsider and your strength is quite the dangerous asset..."

115: "I'll tell you one thing. Where I'm from is a land born of violence.."

Primus Officer: "We are trying to keep you from being thrown behind bars..."

115: "We'll listen, you may have me in shackles but you know very well these won't hold..."

Primus Officer: "You may sit there and act all big and strong but listen you met me and I'm a officer of Primus. We could easily throw into stronghold and lock those doors.. Show me how powerful you are then.."

115: Dark Chuckle! "Your A fool... In body and soul..." Gave a sly smirk showing his sharp teeth "Do you wanna be the first go?"

Primus Officer: "Sense we don't know your name and we call you a number.. We nicknamed Osiris for so many deaths you caused in downtown.. That bookstore Is ruined, The trees burn and the cars and rubble cover the door... I'm done here you gray brute.." The officer slams down the files as he walks out turning off the camera recording

Primus Interview #115 Day 2

Primus Director: "Seems none of our officers wish to speak to because your so mysterious..."

115: "So they send a woman to do a mans job? Never knew you had more balls than them to meet me.."

Primus Director: "What's your name tell me. I won't judge you or use it against you.."

115: "People I respect get to know my name.. Alright?.... You don't understand.. You humans... Your flesh is weak.. We are immortal.."

Primus Director: "I respect you 115.. Now tell me why are you on earth?"

115: "Well I crash landed here, Like I was thrown, Do you think I'm here because I want to be? I'm not gonna tell you why I'm here either. I know exactly what your gonna try and do.."

Primus Director: "115, Shall you please tell us what you are? And your true name?" The director said looking at the pictures in the files, Seeming quite confused at the photos

115: "....I'm not human, I'm not from here... Just call me a alien will yay?...." He said snorting, 115 seemed quite pissed.

Primus Director: "We wan't to help you, Your anger is clearly caused by huge amounts of stress and depression..." The director said with a calm tone, As she looked over the table at the dark figure, A hood and urban clothes covering his body....

115: "...WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO HELP ME!" The figure stood up as the two handcuffs kept him at bay, As he growled losing his temper....

Primus Director: "Calm down.." She stood up gently walking backward as she stared at the large figure, Who's head almost touch the roof of the room...

115: "Leave me be!" He roared as the director walked out ending the recording.

== Primus Interview #115 Day ==