The Painkiller

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Silver medal T.png
The Painkiller
If it can bleed, I can heal it.
(If I want.)
Player: @escarid
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Elodie juin
The Painkiller
November 14, 1984
Bordeaux, France
Millennium City
Legal Status
Marital Status
Not looking
· Known Relatives ·
None left.
Physical Traits
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Apparent Age
5'0 (1m52)
112 (50kilos)
Body Type
Small And Slim
Light Grey
· Distinguishing Features ·
Pierced Lips
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Ability to heal and fly
· Equipment ·
Nothing noticeable
· Other Abilities ·

Painkiller title.png


Note from an investigator.

Dear Sir "Smith".

Firstly, we would like to thank you for using Remora's Institute's services to make an inquiry about the so-called "Painkiller". As you already know it, our institute has a policy of "Satisfied or Refunded", and we always do everything possible to fulfill our duties. We will also respect your desire to remain anonymous, so we will be referring at you as "Mr Smith".

However, we would like to point out the fact that this investigation was particularly difficult, and despite all our efforts, the results are disappointing. After all, we were investigating events that occurred 22 years ago, and furthermore in another country.
We tried to find witnesses, but apparently, only 2 girls know exactly what happened in this field. The first one is the victim, and the second one is the subject of this inquiry.

Can we really believe all what she says ? Was it really an accident ? Was she really crying ? We managed to find who we believe are her parents, but they don't want to (or can't ?) speak about her anymore, it's exactly as she never existed for them. And for the parents of the victim, it has been impossible to find any clue on their whereabouts...

So here we are. We haven't been able yet to confirm or infirm if she's telling the truth, but we will continue our investigation and we will keep you updated with all the new facts that will appears. Waiting for more, you still can find in this case all the datas we already managed to collect on Miss Elodie Juin.

Best regards

Jean-Marc Allain.


That's what she said.

I was a normal child, long ago. A happy family, a home, a roof over the head. Everything that we all consider as normal. But then it started...
What is it ? Power, magic, curse, it's none of that, and it's all that.

I was around 6 years old I reckon, I was playing with a friend, and suddenly, some sort of solid light came out of my hands, hitting her in the chest. She looked at me, dumbfounded, and then she fell, a painful expression carved on the face. I was scared, I was young, I didn't know what it was, so I ran to my parents' home, crying, and I tried to explain what happened. Eventually, between two sobs, they understood, called my friend's family, and all went where we were playing.

She was still there, of course, but she was dead.

That was the last time my parents looked at me, and it was not the kind of look you want to remember. After that, they acted like if I was a stranger, a plague, a monster, and I probably was all that.

I left my parents' place when I was 10, using it to survive, threatening people to have what I needed, food, clothes, maybe some attention. I grew up like that, haunting the streets, a living sword of Damocles. But when I reached maturity, the police tried to stop me, so I fled again. I came to MC, where nobody knows me, where i can try to start everything again.

I'm not proud of what I did all these years, but I did what it takes to survive, and I will always do.

I still don't know what it is, but I manage to control it now. I can use it to heal wounds, but I can also use it to cause them. I can kill the pain, I can painfully kill. Either way, I am the Painkiller.

Known facts of her past

Old painkiller.png

- November 14, 1984 : Birth of Miss Elodie Juin in the "CHU de Bordeaux"
- June 9, 1990 : Suspicious death of Julie Peschot.
- July 12, 1990 : Police investigation on the case.
- September 16, 1990 : Psychological study of Elodie Juin.
- September 23, 1990 : The patient is not cooperative.
- January 3, 1992 : Police investigation closed due to the lack of new elements.
- March 30, 1994 : Disappearance of Miss Elodie Juin.
- October 25, 1999 : Reappearance of Miss Elodie Juin in the town of Poitiers (See attached picture)
- November and December, 1999 : Large number of complaints against Elodie Juin.
- April, 2001 : Elodie Juin appears to be in Paris.
- December 12, 2004 : The policemen attempt to apprehend Elodie Juin, without succes.
- End of January, 2005 : New disappearance of Miss Elodie Juin.
- Around 2010 : Reapperance of Miss Elodie Juin. Appears to be in Millenium City and helps the fight against the Qularrs.

Life in Millenium City

Since her arrival in Millenium City, Elodie Juin has been pretty discret. She performed several deeds, like helping "Ironclad" during the Qularrs invasion, or helping "Defender" to stop the Cult of Red Banner (leaded by someone named "Hi-Pan"). Some citizens pretend she is also the one to thanks for defeating Kevin Poe, leader of the new purple gang, and for stopping a riot in a local Prison. But we believe that these facts are only rumors, as usual with her, nobody were here to witness the events.

But there is one thing we are certain of, she defeated a fool named "Foxbat", another weirdo in spandex pretending to be a Super Hero. We can be positive because she did it live at the WCOG building. How convenient... We are pretty sure that all of that was just a big setup to appear better than she really is.

That's all what we have on her for the moment. Rumors, small talk. Nothing to be certain of. These past days, she appears to be in Canada to help "Justicar" for a strange crisis. We will check this up and we will keep you updated.


Clothing habits.

Miss Juin in one of her stupid outfit.

Elodie Juin seems to be most of the time dressed in a completly casual way. In this strange city, where everybody appears to love wearing spandex, she is the one who seems disguised. She says that she loves to be normal, that her identity is public, and that she doesn't have anything to hide (or at least it's what she wants us to believe).

From time to time, specially when she is with her "Super Group", she will be dressed in colored tights.

She also appears to love something they call "Costumes Contests", so she owns several different disguises. I reckon she is using this as a lame excuse, and that, in truth, she is using these disguises to perform bad deeds incognito. We will continue to spy on her about this, hoping to surprise her in flagrante delicto.


This must be shoped, we can say by the pixel.

Apparently, Miss Elodie Juin is not completly aware of all her capacities yet. All what we know for the moment is that she is able to fly, and to use her "Magic" (we can't find a more appropriate term) to destroy her ennemies from a distance. (She also pretends to be able to cure wounds, but we still didn't find a opportunity to check this fact, and we suspect her to pretend this to attract the sympathy of her fellows.).

She has a strange permanent aura around her hands, making them glowing all the time. It's apparently not dangerous, she is still able to shake hands without harming, or taking items, but it's really not discreet. She manages to control that, making them completely normal, but she claims that it's really difficult so she prefers avoid doing that. Our guess is that she just loves to attract attention...

Here is all what we know on her powers for the moment, but it seems that she is training hard, so we will probably be able to provide you more information within a few days.

Physical characteristics

Elodie Juin is a relatively small and thin woman. She is black haired, has light grey eyes and pierced lips. Even if she is French, she is of the Asian ethnicity. According to what she claims, she is 28 years old, but she seems more to be 19 or 20 years old. Maybe her so-called "power" slows down her aging process ?

We tried to find more datas on her, like her blood type, by visiting all the local hospitals, but apparently, she never suffers from any illness, and she is totally unknown in all of them. She gave us a really hard job to collect more information, and the result is a complete failure. So we went to the CHU de Bordeaux, in France, her official birthplace, but they don't have any file on her. Was it lost ? Did it ever exist ? We are unable to give any answer to this question. However, all the police's procedures of this area confirm that she truly was here at this time, and that she really was a little girl. At least, we know that this part of her story is legit.


Super Group.

Miss Juin in her SG outfit

Some time after her arrival in Millenium City, she has been contacted by a "Super Group" of "Super Heroes" (AN : *Sigh*) and she is now one of their member. They call themselves "Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes", however, after more observation, they seem to be everything but serious... They are leaded by a for the less eccentric billionaire, Eugene Barry. We will do more investigation on the different members of this group and we will give you more information on them.

What we can say on them for the moment, is that their Colors are Blue and Gold, and that you can most of the time find them hanging around in the powerhouse theater. And they pretend to be vigilantes... Except for this lack of serious, they don't appear to be in any way related to a criminal organisation, but we will keep our eyes wide-open, and if there is anything hided into the closet, you will know it for sure.

Rugby The Gun-Toting Rhino
- CC Harlot
- Insomnium
- The 2nd Amendment
- WildHeart



Physical characteristics